Natick Together for Youth

Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2013

In attendance: Jane Biagi, Astrid Dretler(Coordinator), Jim White, Fran Green, Tim Kelly, Deb Budd, Marie Caradonna, Erica Dinerman (Director), Karen Rufo ( Chair), Beth Heffler, Diane Packer, Barbara Naser, Frank Lombardo, Dan Keefe, Tim Luff, Chuck Young, Karen Fossett, Vicky Guest, Neal Rosenthal, Pat Conaway, Andrea St George, Peter Sanchioni, Christine Guthery, Ian Wong, Nina Taylor, Kathie Vermouth, Margaret Boudreau, Amy Steinmetz, Jim White, Rick Halloran, Ian Mevorach, Michelle Cromwell

“molly” A Presentation by John Stossi, US Postal Service Inspection Agent

Mr Stossi was invited by NTY member Frank Lombardo to talk about the drug “molly.”

·  Kids think “molly” is pure ecstacy but it is actually one molecule off which helps dealers stay one step ahead of state laws-so technically legal. As of 7/1/13 it is methalone, a substance which has no medical indications.

·  Most comes from China to US via the mail in kilo quantities and crystal form. Production is sanctioned by the Chinese government .

·  $2,000 kilo sells for upwards of $20, 000; now being produced in pill form; sells for $50-$150 a pill

·  Can be purchased on “Silk Road” a rogue website accessed through Thor, that allows purchases using virtual currency using “green dot cards” from Walgreens

·  Overdoses are caused by extreme overheating of the body (106 degrees) and dehydration

·  Test show the drug is pure methalone; no impurities have been detected. Produces an all night high

·  High school and college age kids use this; Electronic music is a draw for this audience; clubs pass out water or gouge on water prices. Similar to ecstacy use ten years ago.

·  Working on laws to analogue the drug

·  Not used to drug people unexpectently like ruffinal

Update on Marijuana presented by Jane Biagi

·  The Justice department is not going to challenge the state laws.

·  Most significant threats are distribution to minors, gangs, inter-state traffic, driving, growing on public land, possession on federal property.

·  There are questions about the effects of marijuana on mental health and IQ. There is new research being done.

·  Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is an organization headed by Patrick Kennedy and Kevin Sabat.

·  Jim White, Natick Health Department has had no requests for a dispensary

·  Diane Packer, Town Clerk reports zoning issues still will be addressed at Town Meeting

Parent Survey results-Erica Dinerman and Astrid Dretler

·  Survey results are used to help guide NTY’s work and the work of all other groups who provide programming for parents

·  The power point is posted on the NTY website

·  Create committees to review questions on both parent and coalition surveys

Andrea St George from Natick Labs introduced herself. She will be co-leading the retreat with Jessica Goldberg of Cambridge Regional Center


Christine Guthery talked about the Resilient Parent, Resilient Child series. Posted on her website as well as NTY’s.

Jim White shared that a group of Metro West communities have applied for a Tobacco Control grant. It would fund cessation.

A sign up sheet was sent around for volunteer help request at an NTY table for Natick Days.

The NTY breakfast will be held on Tues Oct 29. NTY members will be encouraged to invite up to five people who may be interested in learning more about NTY.

Natick Trails Day Oct 19, Natick Town Forest 9-3. Help keep trails clean, clear and remove any trash including alcohol bottles left by youth.

Submitted by Marie Caradonna