Initial Notification Form for Child Death
All Child Death notifications must be sent to the Single Point of Contact:
Tel: 020 8496 3691, Fax: 020 8496 6909
The security of any system used for transferring the information on these forms must be clarified and agreed with the Caldicott Guardian. All sections must be completed on the initial notification form. If written by hand, please complete in block capitals. Thank you.
Date of referralName of referrer
Name of consultant Paediatrician/ Other Consultant
Email of referrer
Child Details
Full name of child / DOB / SexAlternative names / NHS No
Address of child
(Including postcode)
Name of persons with parental responsibility i.e. mother, father, or other (state relationship)
Ethnic group / c White British / c Black Caribbean / c Asian/ Indian
c Mixed White & Black African / c White Irish / c Black African / c Asian/ Pakistani
c Mixed White & Black Caribbean / c White Other / c Black Other / c Asian/ Bangladeshi
c Mixed White & Asian / c Chinese / c Mixed Other / c Not Known
Date of death / Time of Death
Place of death (*see note below)*
Follow-up appt to be arranged (Yes or No) / With whom?
Death certificate issued (Yes or No)
Any known cause(s) of death, as specified on the death certificate / Ia
* Place where the child is believed to have died, or where the event directly leading to death occurred.
Notification Details:
Please outline circumstances leading to the child’s death. Also, include if any other review is being undertaken and if any action is being taken as a result of this death. Please use the box below to give as much information as possible.
Other significant family and household members
Contact details of agencies
Agency / Name, Address & Telephone NumberGP
Midwife/Health Visitor/School Nurse
Child’s social care
School/Nursery etc
Others (list all agencies known to be involved e.g obstetrician, community paediatrics)
Recording Details
Was this death expected or unexpected? I.e. not expected in previous 24hrs (Must be completed) / Expected c / Unexpected cReported to coroner (Yes or No) / If Yes please state name of coroner and number if known.
Post mortem examination (Yes or No)
Jan 2010