E Clampus Vitus

John A. Sutter #1841

Monthly Board meeting Agenda for Apr 18 2016

Meeting called to order by______at______PM

Pledge to the flag led by ______

Roll call of Board members:

NGH Farrell______VNGH Hupp ______GNR Laue _____ GDR Klinke______

DFDK Jorge _____GIH Jenkins______BMAL Lewis______BMAL Kinne_____ BMAL Martin____ Greybeards Young____ Stevenson_____ Karl_____ Holder____

Humbug’s report Introduce distinguished guest

  1. Our Spring Doins was a success. GDR will report
  2. Larry Johnson of Hayward won the Gun and Knife Drawing
  3. Attended Rowell Ranch JM 13 Doins with Mr. Clean and Cory Lewis. $50 day of entry fee one meal and beer, 500 + in attendance
  4. Cargo Trailer has been licensed.
  5. Fair Oaks VFW Hall has been secured for the Widders Ball (Dec 3rd) and Family day (June 25th)
  6. Attended the JWM 49 general meeting on Tuesday the 12th of April.
  7. Will cover the joint Doins under Future Doins Date will be Aug 20th

VNGH report


GNR Report No further additions or corrections, the minutes will be accepted as read


GDR Report


Hangman’s Report


Monthly Board meeting Agenda for Apr 18 2016, continued

Plaque Committee Report

I went to the W. Sac VFW general meeting on Wed the 13th, but could not address the members as they were having an audit and not conducting any business. I was told to make the next meeting on the 10th of May to make the pitch again.

As for the Elk Horn Saloon Plaque, I’m still working on the wording.

Cook Crew Report :


Website Report


Future Doins & Committee Reports ( Site, Raffle, Parade, Etc.)

  1. Joint Doins with JWM 49. Kennedy Mine Gentlemans Doins Aug 20th 2016. Things to consider
  2. Proclamations (JWM 49 has procs from last years Gentlemans Doins that they can modify to fit this years Doins. Need to be done by the first part of June so we can get them mailed out to our respective chapters (49 and 1841 will mail to their own members) How much should we charge? Pre-pays and Day of. One mailing address for the pre-pays? What about pay pal? What time should we tell the brothers to arrive?
  3. Release of Liability . Paul is working on a multi signature page.
  4. Location: Kennedy Mine Site Jackson CA. Linda Gonzales is the go to person for the site.
  5. Initiation, BJ Cook Hangman for 49 and our hangman for 1841 will work together on the initiation. It will be a clean initiation with history and maybe a gold panning station.
  6. We will need an insurance cert for the day in the name of Kennedy Mine.
  7. Sign-in table manned by 49 and 1841 (Probably the GDR and NGR) what wrist bands to use
  8. Sheepskins will be from both Chapters
  9. Cook Crews ---- what should be on the menu? Tri-tip, steak? Dollar dogs for lunch. What time should we figure for dinner (after the HOCO) 5 PM? We will need volunteers to run the cook shack. Check on supplies (plates, utensils, cups, etc Cook equipment? Do we need to bring our trailer? What about cookers (smokers, bbq grills, etc)
  10. Little Slippery ---- BYOB, have canned beer, buy one keg??
  11. Hawkers booth?? JWM 49 has a hawker and booth, we don’t have a hawker, but should we sell what shirts we have? And any other stuff? What about a shirt of the day, pin of the day? For a pin should we make buttons as we have in the past?
  12. Raffle Prizes --- both chapters need to contribute to the raffle prizes and one booth should handle the raffle and drawing.
  13. Should 1841 think about purchasing another gun and knife set to start our yearly drawing.

Monthly Board meeting Agenda for Apr 18 2016, continued

  1. Set up division of duties, who does what. Expenses will be split evenly between the two chapters. Profits will be split the same.
  2. Signage
  3. Garbage and sanitary Dumpsters? Porta Potties? Do we need anything?
  4. Are there utilities on site (electricity, lighting --- )
  5. Clean-up DFDK in charge? What about head checks? Are there hoses available for cleaning heads?
  6. EZ ups Should we bring three or four? What about tables? Again should we bring the trailer?
  7. What have I missed? Got to be a few things ----

Old / Unfinished Business

  1. We have a De-Bugging party on the 4th of June at Mr. Cleans residence (good luck Mr. Clean)
  2. We have secured the VFW Pavilion area for a Family Day on the 25th of June. We can BBQ Hamburgers and hot dogs, beer is available at the bar, we need to set up a few games and stuff. Need ideas
  3. 4th of July Parade ----

New Business

We need a Parade Master. Need to set up a 4th of July parade location. We have been invited to Galt, Does old town Sac have a parade we could get involved in? Elk Grove, Folsom, Rancho Cordova, Elk Grove, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, ideas?

Members Sick or in distress

Chuck Hupp passed on to the Golden Hills. Chuck was initiated in 2015. He will be missed.

Good of the Order

The selection committee will be meeting soon, anyone interested in a spot on the board needs to contact the Humbug or Vice Humbug.

Atta Boys


With no further business before this board, the meeting adjourned ______pm

