Chapter 14 / Pay Attention to the Ripple Effect
The decisions you make and the actions you take affect those around you. Rehoboam learned that lesson the hard way. Rehoboam followed his father Solomon to the throne of Israel. Solomon had exacted harsh labor on the people. A delegation, led by Jeroboam, went to the new king and asked him to take away the harshness.
In private, Rehoboam asked his elder council what he should do. They advised that he become a servant to the people, lighten their load, and the people would always be faithful servants to the king. His circle of younger friends gave him just the opposite advice. They told him to work the people harder. He liked that idea, told the delegation his plans, and wound up with a divided kingdom.
At one time or another all of us are impacted by someone else’s decisions or actions. When we suffer the negative consequences of another’s wrongheaded decision, God can redeem the situation. Although Rehoboam wound up ruling only two tribes—Judah and Benjamin (as opposed to Jeroboam’s rule over ten tribes)—it was through Judah that Jesus came to us. God can work, and often does what seems to us as his best work, in situations that seem the most difficult.
We should always consider how our decisions and actions affect those around us. In “systems thinking” it is said that “you are the highest leverage point in any system you are in.” More simply stated, you can make a difference. You are more “powerful” than you think you are––no matter your station in life.
Clint Eastwood’s film Invictus tells the story of Nelson Mandela’s use of the South African rugby team to help heal a nation divided by apartheid. In one scene of the movie he explains to a team member, “Reconciliation starts here. Forgiveness starts here.” He knew his actions would have a ripple effect on those around him. Eventually the blessing of that “ripple” washed across the nation.
Rehoboam made a bad decision, but it was really his father Solomon’s actions that divided the kingdom. He forsook the one true God and chased after other “gods,” he neglected to serve the people and instead forced them to work harder, and he was focused on himself, as reflected in his accumulation of wives, gold, and horses in direct disobedience to God’s counsel. His son Rehoboam was merely living out consequence of those decisions and actions.
Learn from Solomon’s mistake. Love God first. Love others second. And serve those that do not yet know God. You will be surprised to see how far your ripple will travel.
Written by Pastor Rick Brown of Christbridge Fellowship in Tomball, Texas. Used with permission.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
NURSERY:Mandy Bonnema, Treyton BonnemaSusan Ten Napel, Levi Sieck
Angela Dekkers, Erin MiedemaNicki Weida, Sydney Miedema
USHERS: Jacob Z, Josh Hooyer, John JongmaCody D., Marlin Schoonhoven, Jeremy Koopmans
Kameron & Carolyn Gradert(4 doz cookies)John & Alice Jongma
Josh & Mary Hooyer(4 doz cookies)Scott & Jennifer Miedema
ORGANIST / PIANIST: A.M.Celia Ten NapelDonna Koopmans
P.M. Cherie Van BeekTammy Sieck
PRAISE TEAM: Pastor, Cinda, Marlene, NathanCherie, Pam, Jill VW, Doug TN
LIBRARIAN: AM Jan FeddersPatsy Bootsma
OFFERING:AMChristian EducationATLAS / Benevolent
PMChristian EducationATLAS
- Pricilla Lockhorst is at Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls.
- Fann Westra was able to return home Monday and continues rehab.
- Willard Koopmans is recovering from knee replacement surgery at home.
- Sympathy to Nelma Byker in the passing of her brother-in-law, Joe Dragstra from Edgerton MN and for his wife who is in poor health.
- Betty Juffer, Sadie DeVries and Gert Mulder who are under Hospice Care—and their families.
- Please pray for Gilbert and Mildred DeWeerd, Jason, Earl, Tim and Sylvia, Dick, Kory, Megan, Joanne, Deb and all the elderly and those having to deal with the cold.
- Betty Juffer was moved to Hillcrest.
--SUNDAY SCHOOL / CATECHISM 3 yr old thru 8th grade will resume TODAY.
--THE STORY STUDY will resume TODAY with Chapter 14 A Kingdom Torn in Two.
--2015 CALENDARS - Team Ten Napel still has some calendars left, so if you are still in need of one please contact Susan.
--IRETON CRCDIRECTORY 2015 - Directory updates are being made. If you have additions or corrections for the directory, please let Pam De Wit know soon. Please note any landlines being disconnected or any new cell #’s added. Email: …..Thank You.
--IRETON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL will be hosting their Soup Supper and Bake Sale on Monday, January 5. We are serving soups: chili, potato, & chicken. Taverns, hotdogs. Pie and Ice Cream. Located at the school from 5-7pm.
--THE NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) SUPPORT GROUP will meet in the Fireside Room of Central Reformed Church in Sioux Center from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6. Individuals and family members coping with mental illness are invited to join us. For information call Shirley Matheis 722-4462.
--BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:Please put any bulletin announcements in Pam De Wit’s Church mailbox or via email () by NOON on Thursday, January 8.Thank You.
--THE CALVINIST CADET CORPSis thankful for the dedicated service Dick Broene has provided for over 30 years as our executive director. Now, as he is retiring in 2015, we are having a celebration for Dick on January 9, beginning at 7 PM. It will be held at Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. If you want to join us for this celebration, please let us know you're coming with an RSVP to or by calling 616-241-5616, ext 3027. If you can't attend, notes may also be sent to the email address listed here.
--UNITY CHRISTIAN SOPHOMORE CLASSwill hold their annual soup/sandwich/dessert supper on Friday, January 9, in the cafeteria, serving from 4:45-7:00 p.m. Free-will donation at the door.
--UNITY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL IS SEEKING CANDIDATES to interview for the Director of Advancement position. This full-time position will begin August 1, 2015. This key individual will join the leadership of Unity Christian High School in raising financial support for the school’s annual budget, Foundation, debt, and capital campaign needs. The Director of Advancement will also lead initiatives that will address enrollment management of Unity Christian High School. For a complete job description and further hiring process information, contact Wayne Dykstra by email or call 712-737-4114.
--SUNDAY MORNING DRIVERS WANTED - Check the back table –If you signup—please call Chris on Saturday night. THANKS! To everyone who has helped already!!
Installation of Officers will be held January 11 at the AM service followed by communion.
For Elder-- Kelly Noteboom & Brad Dekkers.
For Deacon--Bryan Bonnema & Doug Broek
- Please thank those who were nominees and those completing their terms of office:
Elders Doug Ten Napel, Daryl Byker and Deacons Randy Sieck and Mike Vander Windt.
NOTE- Between now and January 11, Council members will be contacting people to fill various positions and lead certain activities. If there is a specific place in which you would like to serve please talk to one of the council members. Also, if you are asked to serve - please prayerfully consider stepping in to fill that need. It is greatly appreciated!!
--UNITY CHRISTIAN IS HOSTING A MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, January 22from 6:00-8:00 p.m. This event is geared to share information and answer questions specifically through a breakout
session format. Parents will have the opportunity to attend 15-minute sessions of their choice. Session topics include:
finances, transportation, school strategic vision, 1:1 technology, after school opportunities, our Learning Center and
our academic plan. Light refreshments will be served and tours will be given before and after the breakout sessions.
Parents are welcome to bring their middle school age students. We also have home basketball games that night.
--CHURCH SERVICE CANCELLATION POLICY - Anytime we are under a STORM WARNING of any kind—church is canceled. When there is a question- the Vicar and VP and President will make the judgment by 8:00 am for the morning service and 4:00pm by the evening service and two hours before any other activity. Notification is done by call-em-all and radio stations KDCR and KSOU. You can also check the webpage.
Jan 11- Installation, Feb 22- Lent 1, April 3 Good Friday, May 17 or 24 Pentecost, (Memorial Day)
July 12, Sept 13, Oct 25 Reformation Day PM, Nov 1 Advent
--COUNCIL MEETING will be Monday,January 12 at 7:00 pm. Art Hamming - Lunch and Devotions.
Jan 119:30 AMInstallation and Communion
Jan 18 (Tentative)6:00 PM Combined Service at Hawarden CRC
Feb 8 6:00 PM Unity’s Bel Canto will join us.
Feb 15 9:30 AM Rev Bob Pollema
Feb 15 6:00 PM Combined Service at Lebanon CRC
Mar 8 6:00 PM Ireton CRC hosting the Community Prayer Service
Mar 15 6:00 PM Combined Service at Ireton CRC
Jan 4PastorCinda, Marlene, Nathan
Jan 11Cherie Pam DW, Jill VW, Doug TN
Jan 18None
Jan 25VerlaDon VS, Don M, Sharla
Feb 1Patsy Gerald, Rhonda, Kaitlyn, Carmen
Sunday, Jan 49:30 AMWorship Service
10:45 AM – 11:30 AM Sunday School/Catechism all ages 3yr to Highschool
10:45 AM – 11:45 AMAdult Sunday School – “The Story “ - Chapter 14
6:00 PMWorship Service
Monday, Jan 55 – 7 PMICS Soup Supper
Wednesday, Jan 76:30 – 8:00 PMGEMS
7:00 – 8:15 PMAdult Study “The Story” Bible Study - Chapter 14