“Become A Disciple for Christ”
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
Philadelphia, PA
July 17, 2011
Dr. Tony Campolo
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
Philadelphia, PA
July 17, 2011
10:00 AM
- In Haiti, the official language used to be French; it was a means of control. Now the Bible has been translated into Creole.
- In Haiti, they have slaves, which they call Restaveks.
- In Haiti we had a program to teach kids to read that would meet every day at 5. The Earthquake struck 5 minutes after 5, and hundreds lost their lives.
- Joke about how at Penn they never let you forget if you got your PhD at Temple.
- Up until Freud all counseling was done by ministers. After Freud professionals did the work, and they didn’t care about reconciliation. They cared about individualization.
- Back on a TV show Tony used to host, a woman on the show had written a book “Creative Divorce.” Wanted to divorce because husband was “stifling creativity.”
- In secular counseling, all the problems are about the past. Never focused on the future.
- When I grew up my father didn’t care if I as happy. He wanted me to be good. Sometimes what is good may not make you happy.
- Story about Robertson McQuilkin, the former President of Columbia Bible College who resigned to take care of wife at the peak of his career. There is something more important than a calling from God, and that’s a promise.
- The tendency of modern psychology is “It’s all about me”. It’s not. It’s about the other person.
- Story about the man who committed adultery. “Well did you kill her husband?”
- Used to belong to another church, but it shut down. Mount Carmel was the closest thing they could find.
- At my old church, they would have an Evangelist come in once a year “On judgment day they’re going to play a movie of every sin you ever committed, and your mother will be there.” I was more scared of Heaven than hell.
- Remember how the Nixon tape was erased? Jesus has erased your tape!
- Jesus’ righteousness is imputed to us.
- Jude: On that day he shall present you to the father.
- Yes we need to confess our sins. He wants to forgive us and to cleanse us.
- The Holy Spirit wants to cleanse you.
- Philippians 2:13-14.
- While secular psychology says we are controlled by our past, Christian psychologists say that the past is not as important as the future.
- If a child is the result of his environment, and that’s it, “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.
- By the grace of God all things are possible.
- I was able to organize an all-star game between the kids in the hood and the Philadelphia Eagles. I told them to imagine themselves as college students, the coach told them not to, that nothing would change.
- We define ourselves by our future. Go to school, get a job, get money, and buy stuff.
- We just bought what we didn’t need, a flat screen TV.
- Something sinful about buying all these things we don’t need.
- When I call young people to serve God, I tell them that the world will hold up a set of values and goals, and they know these don’t really have any fulfillment.
- To win people to Christ we have a problem. The African American community has had their teeth kicked in over the years. They needed a Christ who could empower them. But sometimes you get so committed to social justice that you forget to win individuals to Christ.
- Story about students at Penn watching the movie Marjoe.
- Drugs are a temporary feeling of heaven. But it’s only temporary and will destroy them in the end.
- Story about being in an elevator with a kid, banging on the wrong door thinking that they didn’t open. The kid didn’t laugh at all.
- Be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
- Story about Billy Graham and John Perkins.
- The only thing that matters in politics is what happens to the least of these.
- We are called to become healthy, joyful people. Comes by being committed to the work of the Kingdom.
- Story about college kids and TS Eliot. We win.
- Altar call.
Tags: Haiti, slaves, restaveks, earthquake, Penn, Temple, School, counseling, Freud, divorce, father, happy, good, stuff, future, money, Baptist, erased tape, Nixon, Philippians, holy spirit, Jude, basketball, Eastern, college, TV, justice, salvation, Marjoe, drugs, Billy Graham, John Perkins, evelator, TS Eliot,