Version 3.1

FEB 2014

Development of aCommunication ProcessBetween

US Department of Health and Human Services


USAPI Health Departments

The US-affiliated Pacific islands (USAPI) health officers,through the Pacific Island Health Officers Association, the entity that represents the health interests of the USAPI, have asked the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to partner in the development of a process that will help to facilitate consistent and effective communication between USAPI health departments and the Department, and align priorities and resources to enhance HHS’ aid effectiveness in the Pacific jurisdictions. Such aprocess, and the principles that engender it, could conceivably be applied to other Federal departments and agencies as well.

We propose that a formal channel of communication be established via periodic face-to-face meetings, VTC or teleconference between HHS representativesand the USAPI health officers. Such meetings, conducted two or three times per year, would: 1) facilitate exchange of information on USAPI health priorities and strategies;2) provide information on USAPI health program needs and their utilization of HHS resources; and 3) help to align and harmonize HHS and USAPI health priorities and resource allocations. This proposal is not intended to limit or replace existing communications channels between HHS programs and their USAPI counterparts.

The Department would benefit from these communications and will strive to provide the participation of high-level HHS policy and program representatives who are already knowledgeable regarding USAPI health issues.

Regular meetings via phone and/or VTC will be planned by a leadership group of PIHOA and Region IX HHS Regional Director and Regional Health Administrator staff.

Overarching objectives of the proposed processare to provide a forum in which:

-USAPI health departments can express their demand-driven priorities and resource needs.

-USAPI health departments and HHS can identify and discuss overarching challenges/issues with HHS grant programs including harmonizing grant application procedures and performance measures.

-HHS can speak to upcoming developments/trends in HHS grant program requirements and resource allocations.

-USAPI health departments can provide feedback to HHS on grant programs, technical assistance, performance measures and health outcomes resulting from or related to HHS assistance.

-Benchmarks and action steps for agreed upon achievements and outcomes can be established and progress can be jointly tracked.

-Strategies can be developed to, where possible, coordinate, align and leverage HHS funding assistance to the USAPI with that of other donors such as DOI, EPA, WHO, SPC, AUS, NZ and other regionally involved entities.

-Harmonization of priorities and resources will be encouraged, resulting in a coordinated approach to the delivery of assistance and increased aid effectiveness.

Next Steps and Timeline

- HHS shares draft proposal with and obtainsinitial feedback from PIHOA board members in mid-MAR.

- HHS receives official PIHOA input and revises draft proposal;HHS submits to high level Departmental policy makers for review and concurrence in mid-MAY.

- HHS submits revised proposal to PIHOA in early Summer.

- PIHOA and HHS make final adjustments in early Autumn.

- HHS coordinates with PIHOA to arrange for initial conference call/VTC to engage communication mechanism.