Does My Child Need a Speech Therapy Evaluation?

Please use this checklist as a guide to determine if your child may need a speech therapy evaluation. Remember: early detection and intervention is essential. If you have concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting Adults to Pediatrics Therapy, LLC at (954) 536-1806 or to schedule a full evaluation.

Scoring: 1-2 No’s: Child may have a delay in speech and language development

3 or more No’s: Take Action—Have your child evaluated by a Speech/Language Pathologist

Does Your Child:

Birth to 6 Months

Look away then look again when you play Yes No

Make pleasure sounds Yes No

Cry differently for different needs Yes No

Repeat the same sounds a lot (e.g., cooing, gooing)Yes No

Tell you (by sound or gesture) when he/she wants to do somethingYes No

Babbling sound more speech-like with lots of different sounds, such as: p, b, mYes No

7 Months to 1 Year

Use speech or non-crying sounds to get and keep attentionYes No

Imitate different speech soundsYes No

Babbling have both long and short groups of sounds (e.g., tata upup)Yes No

Have one or two words (e.g., bye-bye, dada, mama) although they may not be clear Yes No

1 to 2 Years

Use many different consonant sounds to get and keep your attentionYes No

Put two words together (e.g., more cookies, no juice)Yes No

Use some 1- to 2-word sentences (e.g., What’s that?)Yes No

Say more and more words every monthYes No

2 to 3 Years

Often ask for or direct your attention to objects by naming themYes No

Often understand your child’s speech most of the timeYes No

Use some 1- to 2-word sentences to talk about and ask for thingsYes No

Have a word for almost everythingYes No

3 to 4 Years

Use a lot of sentences that have four or more wordsYes No

Do people outside your family usually understand your child’s speech?Yes No

Say most sounds correctly except a few like r, l, th, and sYes No

Talk about what he/she does at school or at a friend’s houseYes No

4 to 4 ½ Years

Tell you a story and stick pretty much to the topicYes No

Use sentences that give lots of details (e.g., “I have two red balls at home”)Yes No

Voice sounds clear like other childrenYes No

4 ½ to 5 Years

Use the same grammar as the rest of the familyYes No

Say all sounds correctly except maybe one or twoYes No

Communicate easily with other children and adultsYes No