Biographical Data: John T. Ford, c.s.c., Professor of Theology and Religious Studies
The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 20064 (O) 202 3196501, (E) , Website:
Degrees: A.B. University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
M.A. Holy Cross College (Washington, DC)
S.T.L., S.T.D. Gregorian University (Rome, Italy)
Teaching Experience:
University of Notre Dame (1962); Holy Cross College, Washington, DC (19621968);
The Catholic University of America (1968present): Coordinator of Ministerial Studies (19731977); Chair, Department of Theology (19771983); Faculty Development Officer (19891996); Associate Dean, School of Religious Studies (19911996); Coordinator of Hispanic /Latino Programs (1997present); Area Director, Historical/Systematic Theology (2007-2011)
Academic Interests:
Nineteenth Century Roman Catholic theology, especially Vatican I, John Henry Newman; American ecumenism; Revelation and Faith; Ecclesiology; Hispanic/Latino ministry/theology. Director: 61 doctoral projects, including 15 dissertations related to John Henry Newman,
10 dissertations on ecumenical topics, and 23 Doctor of Ministry projects.
Languages: Spanish (speaking); French, German, Italian, Latin (reading).
Ecumenical Activities: Member: United Methodist/Roman Catholic Bilateral Dialogue, (197175); Faith and Order Commission, National Council of Churches (19812011); Roman Catholic observerconsultant: Consultation on Church Union (197488) and its Theology Commission (198285); Reformed/Roman Catholic International Consultation (198788).
Ecumenical Awards:
Paul Wattson Christian Unity Award (2014) by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement; Ecumenism Award (2015), by The Washington Theological Consortium.
Memberships: Catholic Historical Association; Catholic Theological Society of America; North American Academy of Ecumenists: (VicePresident, 197476; President, 197678; Executive Committee, 197883); Newman Association of America (Program Chair: 1998-2001; Association Chair: 2002-2003).
Editor: Newman Studies Journal, Editor-in-Chief, (2004-2013); Editorial Consultant (2015- )
Religious Studies Review, Area Editor for Liberation Theology,
Author: Saint Mary’s Press Glossary of Theological Terms (Saint Mary’s Press, 2006).
Editor: John Henry Newman: Spiritual Writings (Orbis Books, 2012).
Religious Liberty: Paul VI and DIGNITATIS HUMANAE (Brescia: Istituto Paolo VI, 1995). Coeditor with Darlis Swan, Twelve Tales Untold: A Study Guide for Ecumenical Reception
(Eerdmans, 1993).
Author of over 100 essays and book chapters in the following publications: The American Ecclesiastical Review, Call to Unity, The Catholic Historical Review, The Catholic World, Christian Century, Christian Higher Education, Commonweal, Ecumenical Trends, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, The Jurist, Josephinum Journal of Theology, Living Light, Marian Studies, MidStream, Newman Studies Journal, The Priest, Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Religious Studies Review, Review for Religious, Theological Studies, The Thomist, Thought, Unitas, Worship, etc.
Author of over 50 articles in encyclopedias and collections: New Catholic Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Americana, The New Dictionary of Theology, The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia, etc.
Author of over 680 book reviews and some 50 prefaces, introductions and miscellaneous items.
Presentations (2015):
“Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism at Age Fifty: Exhausted Inheritance or Living Legacy?” Figel Lecture, Washington Theological Consortium, Dominican House of Studies, February 10.
“Continuity, Change, Controversy: The Deanships of Walter J. Schmitz, S.S. (1907-1994),” Religion and Culture Lecture, School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America, March 25.
“The Assent of Faith: Disconnections and Derailments,” at Sursum Actio: A Symposium in Honor of Peter Damian Fehlner, FI,” University of Notre Dame (Indiana), June 8.
“Newman Trivia: the Roman Catholic Years,” a power-point presentation, annual conference of the Newman Association of America, Seton Hall University, July 30.
“Junípero Serra: Apostle of California,” Religion and Culture Lecture, School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America, September 17.
“Newman in the English-speaking World,” Coloquio Internacional: John Henry Newman y los desafíos contemporáneos, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara campus, México, October 9.
“Junípero Serra: ¿un santo para nuestro tiempo?” Día Catequético, Archdiocese of Washington, Elizabeth Seton High School, Bladensburg, Maryland, November 8.
Up-dated: 15 November 2015