Recommendation V-128 – Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Equipment
June 2004- Revised Xxxxxxxxx 201X
Document Revisions
Revisions to the IALA Document are to be noted in the table prior to the issue of a revised document.
Date / Page / Section Revised / Requirement for RevisionEdition 1.1
June 2005 / Addition of Annex 6 – Hydrological and Meteorological equipment / Annexes added as they are completed to ensure all aspects of VTS equipment are covered.
Edition 2.0
December 2005 / Restructured to include operational performance requirements.
Annex 2 amended to reflect new annex on operational performance requirements.
Annex 6 renamed to Annex 5
Annex 1,3,4,6 added / Annexes added as they are completed to ensure all aspects of VTS operations and equipment are covered.
Edition 3.0
June 2007 / Editorial changes to correct errors in paragraph numbering, cross references etc.
Structure of annexes harmonised, part of Annex 2 moved to new IALA Guideline (Establishment of Radar Services)
Clarification of text, few sentences in annex 1 and 2. / Inconsistence in cross references, table of contents etc. in edition 2.0
Varying structure of individual annexes
Users of the document provided ideas to clarification of text on some subjects.
Edition 4.0
Xxxxxxxxx 201X / Complete document rewritten and updated.
Sections 6,7,9-13 added
Also reformatted according to latest IALA template (now only one single annex). / Include additional, new and emerging technology.
Make the document more user friendly, apply Plain English, improve consistency, remove duplications and include additional considerations for ports and inland waterways.
IALA Recommendation on Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Equipment
(Recommendation V-128)
RECALLING the function of IALA with respect to Safety of Navigation, the efficiency of maritime transport and the protection of the environment;
NOTING that Chapter V (12) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS 74 as amended) requires Contracting Governments planning or implementing VTS wherever possible to follow the guidelines adopted by the Organization by Resolution A. 857(20);
NOTING ALSO that that IMO Resolution A.857(20), Annex section 2.2.2 recommends that in planning and establishing a VTS, the Contracting Government or Governments or the competent authority should inter-alia establish appropriate standards for shore and offshore-based equipment;
NOTING FURTHER that that National Members provide shore infrastructure to support the aim of IMO to improve the safety of navigation and the protection of the environment;
RECOGNISING that IALA fosters the safe, economic and efficient movement of vessels through improvement and harmonisation of aids to navigation, including vessel traffic services, worldwide;
RECOGNISING ALSO that harmonisation of vessel traffic services would be enhanced by the introduction of international technical performance requirements for VTS;
ADOPTS the Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS as set out in the annex of this recommendation; and,
RECOMMENDS that Competent Authorities providing Vessel Traffic Services take into consideration the appropriate Operational and Technical Performance Requirements contained in this recommendation when establishing appropriate standards for shore and offshore-based VTS equipment.
RECOMMENDS ALSO that the VTS authorities consider this recommendation in conjunction with the standards set by the Competent Authority when implementing or operating VTS equipment.
RECOMMENDS FURTHER that VTS training organisations consider this recommendation when planning personnel training.
Table of Contents
1.2Definitions, Clarifications and References
1.3Establishing the Requirements for a VTS System
1.3.1Operational Requirements
1.3.2Deriving the System level Technical Requirements
1.4Technical Implementation considerations
1.4.1Availability and Reliability
1.4.2Recording, Archiving and Replay
1.4.3Design, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
2.2Definitions, Clarifications and References
2.2.2IALA Target Types for Range Coverage Modelling
2.2.4Software tools
2.3Radar System Solutions
2.3.2Radar Types
2.4Characteristics of Radar Targets
2.4.1Radar Cross Section
2.4.3Complex Target Models
2.4.4Target Speed and Manoeuvrability
2.4.5Target RCS Fluctuations
2.5Specification of Operational Requirements
2.5.1Radar Coverage
2.5.2Location of radar sensors
2.5.3Targets to be Detected
2.5.4Determination of Environmental Capabilities and Constraints
2.5.5Other Influencing Factors, Obstructions and Interference
2.5.7Target Detection Requirements
2.5.8Calculation of Radar Detection Performance
2.5.9Influence from Propagation
2.5.10Target Separation and Target Accuracy
2.5.11Update rate
2.5.12Radar Dynamic Capabilities and Constraints
2.6Functional Requirements
2.6.1Operational Outputs
2.6.2Operator Functions
2.6.3Clutter and Noise Reduction / Management
2.6.4Elimination of False Echoes
2.7Radar Design, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
2.7.1Service Access
2.7.2Antenna Accessibility
2.7.3Antenna Robustness
2.7.4Choice of Upmast versus Downmast Transceivers
2.7.5Built-in Test Features
2.7.6Protection against Extreme Events
2.8Verification of Function and Performance Requirements
2.8.1Radar Detection Performance
3.3Objective of AIS
3.4Physical Implementation of VTS AIS
3.5Operational Requirements
3.6Functional Requirements
3.6.1Support to the VTS Traffic Image
3.6.2Voyage-Related Data
3.6.3AIS Overload Conditions.
3.6.4Information Exchange between VTS and Mariner
3.6.5Assigned Mode
3.7Specific Design, Configuration, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
3.7.2Coverage Aspects
3.7.3Installation and Maintenance
4.2Definitions and References
4.3Characteristics of Environmental Sensors in VTS
4.4Functional Requirements
4.5Operational Requirements
4.5.1Information Presentation
4.5.2Malfunctions and Indicators
4.5.4Technical Requirements
4.6Design, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
4.6.1Suitability to Meet Range, Accuracy and Update Rate Requirements
4.6.2Location within the VTS Area and its Approaches
4.6.3Durability and Resistance to Environmental Conditions
4.6.5Power Supply Requirements / Options
4.6.9Backup Arrangements
4.6.10Safety Precautions
5.1.1EOS Components
5.2Definitions and References
5.4.1Sensor Site Selection
5.4.2Sensor Selection
5.4.3Detection, Recognition and Identification
5.4.4Functional Requirements
5.5Design, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
5.5.1Durability and Resistance to Environmental Conditions
5.5.2Data Communications
5.5.4Laser Safety Precautions
6.2Operational Requirements
6.2.1RDF Coverage Area
6.2.2Bearing Accuracy
6.2.3Frequency Range
6.2.4Number of Simultaneously Monitored VHF Channels
6.3Functional Requirements
6.3.1VHF Channel Management
6.3.2SAR Functionality
6.3.3Man Overboard EPIRB Detection Capabilities
6.3.4COSPAS/SARSAT Detection and Decoding
6.3.5Built-In Test and Diagnostics
6.4Design, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
6.4.1Antenna Installation
6.4.2Lightning Protection
7.2Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT)
7.2.1Specific Design, Configuration, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
7.3Satellite AIS
7.3.1Specific Design, Configuration, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
7.4HF Radar
7.5Synthetic Aperture Radar (SARSAT)
7.5.1Specific Design, Configuration, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
8.3Characteristics of Radio Communication Equipment
8.3.2VTS Radio Communication
8.4.1Radio Communications Coverage
8.4.2Digital Selective Calling
8.4.3Development and Innovations
8.4.4Recording and Playback of Data
8.4.5Malfunctions, Warnings, Alarms and Indications
8.5Specific Design, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
8.5.1Durability and Resistance to Environmental Conditions
8.5.3Power Supply
8.5.4Site Selection and Installation
8.7Back-Up and Fall-Back Arrangements
9.2Definitions and References
9.3Tracking and Data Fusion
9.3.1Plot Extraction
9.3.3Track Data Output
9.3.4Track Database Management
9.3.5Environment Assessment
9.3.6Tracking Performance Parameters
9.4Management of VTS Data
Types of information may include:
10.2Definitions, Clarifications and References
10.2.2Supporting documents
10.3User Interface
10.3.2Traffic Image and Information Display
10.3.3Environmental Information
10.3.4Electro-Optical Sensor Data Display and Control
10.3.5Decision Support Display
10.4Physical Layout
10.4.1Screen Layout
10.5System Status and Control
11.2Definitions, clarifications and references
11.4.1Collision Avoidance
11.4.2Anchor Watch
11.4.3Grounding Avoidance
11.4.4Air Draught Clearance
11.4.5Sailing Plan Compliance
11.4.6Area related
11.4.7Speed Limitations
11.4.8Incident or Accident Management
12.3Characteristics of Data Exchange in VTS
12.4Data Management Considerations
12.4.1Suitability for Purpose
12.4.2Access to Data
12.4.3Data Security and Confidentiality
12.4.4Legal Limitations
12.4.5Data Integrity
12.4.6Data Models
12.4.7Architecture of Sharing
12.4.9Communication Links
13.2Planning and Management of Activities
13.2.1Renewal, Update or Extension of Existing VTS
13.3Acceptance Testing
13.3.1The Acceptance Test Plan (ATP)
13.3.2Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
13.3.3Installation and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
Index of Tables
Table 1The Beaufort scale
Table 2Classification of Tropical Cyclones
Table 3Air Density versus Air Temperature
Table 4International standards applicable for in- and outdoor equipment
Table 5International standards and specification levels for indoor equipment
Table 6International standards and specification levels for outdoor equipment
Table 7IALA Target Types
Table 8Typical Target Characteristics
Table 9Targets to be Detected
Table 10Precipitation (rainfall rate) Specification for VTS radar
Table 11Douglas (GIT) Sea State Table
Table 12Sea State Specification Levels (Douglas Scale)
Table 13Typical Range Performance Predictions for X-band Radar
Table 14Typical Range Performance Predictions for S-Band Radar
Table 15Range Separation Recommendations
Table 16Azimuth Separation Recommendations
Table 17Plot Accuracies
Table 18Maximum Side Lobe Level Relative to Non-saturating Target Signals
Table 19Environmental Sensor Requirements
Table 20Recommended Standard Deviation of the RDF Bearing Accuracy
Table 21Suggested Radar Plot Detection Probabilities for Track Initiation
Table 22Suggested Radar Plot Detection Probabilities for Track Update
Table 23Typical System Tracking Performance Parameters
Table 24Single Radar Sensor - Tracking Performance Parameters (specific)
Table 25Single Radar Sensor - Tracking Performance Criteria
Table 26Data Exchange between VTS and Vessel
Table 27Data Exchange between VTS and Shore-based Entities
Index of Figures
Figure 1Average wind speed profiles over terrain with three different roughness characteristics for 45 m/s in higher altitude
Figure 2Simplified illustration of the Venturi effect on a slope
Figure 3Simplified illustration of the Venturi effect around a building
Figure 4Turbulence around a building
Figure 5Lee side mountain winds
Figure 6Target range and visibility
Figure 7Coverage diagram, in normal atmosphere (left) and including an evaporation duct (right).
Figure 8Example of simulated radar coverage in surface based + evaporation ducting conditions.
Figure 9Coverage diagram, elevated duct
Figure 10Coverage diagram based on a measured condition at a coastlines adjacent to hot flat deserts.
Figure 11One hour of recordings with trials (snail tracks) shown in red.
Figure 12Dynamic characteristics of signal received versus target RCS and target range (in NM) for point targets in free space
Figure 13Side lobe effects
Figure 14Estimated Position Accuracy of a RDF Configuration
Figure 15Tracking Flow Chart
Figure 16Assumed Terminology and Hierarchy of Tracking Functions and Processes
º / Degree / Plus or minus
Greater than
≤ / Less than or equal to
≥ / Greater than or equal to
µs / microsecond
A R and M / availability, reliability and maintainability
AIS / Automatic Identification System
AREPS / Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System
ASL / Above Sea Level
AtoN / Aid to Navigation
BoM / Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)
C / Celsius
CARPET / Computer Aided Radar Performance Evaluation Tool
CAT / Customer Acceptance Test
CE / Conformité Européenne
CHC / Canadian Hurricane Centre
CCTV / Closed-Circuit Television
COG / Course over Ground
COSPAS/SARSAT / Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking
CPA / Closest Point of Approach
CPHC / Central Pacific Hurricane Centre
CW / Continuous Wave
dB / deciBel
dBi / deciBel isotropic
dBm / deciBel milliWatt
DST / Direction Finder
Decision Support Function
Decision Support Tool
D-GNSS / Differential GNSS
ECC / Electronic Communications Committee
ECDIS / Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECS / Electronic Chart System
EIA / Electronics Industry Association
ELT / Emergency Location Transmitter
EMC / Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI / Electromagnetic Interference
EO / Electro-Optical
EOS / Electro-Optical Sensor
EPIRB / Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
ERC / European Research Council
ETA / Estimated Time of Arrival
EU / European Union
F / Fahrenheit
FAT / Factory Acceptance Test
FATDMA / Fixed-Access Time-Division Multiple Access
FMCW / Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave
FMS / Fiji Meteorological Service
FoV / Field of View
GHz / GigaHertz
GIT / Georgia Institute of Technology
GLOSS / Global Sea Level Observing System
GMDSS / Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GNSS / Global Navigation Satellite System
GOOS / Global Ocean Observing System
GPS / Global Positioning System
HDF / Hierarchical Data Format
HMI / Human / Machine Interface
hPa / hectoPascal
IALA / International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
ICAO / International Civil Aviation Organization
ID / Identification
IDC / International Data Centre (for LRIT)
IEC / International Electro-Technical Commission
IEEE / The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IETF / Internet Engineering Task Force
IMD / Indian Meteorological Department
IMO / International Maritime Organization
INS / Information Service
IOC / Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IP / Ingress Protection
IP / Internet Protocol
IT / Information Technology
ITU / International Telecommunication Union
ITU-R / International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication
JMS / Japan Meteorological Service
JTWC / Joint Typhoon Warning Center
Ka-band / 26.4 – 40 GHz
kg / kilogram
kHz / kiloHertz
km/h / kilometre/hour
Ku-band / 12.0 – 18.0 GHz
kW / kiloWatt
LAN / Local Area Network
LNFE / Low Noise Front End
LPS / Local Port Services
LRIT / Long Range Identification and Tracking
LVD / Low Voltage Directive
m / metre
m/s / metre/second
m2 / square metre
m3 / cubic metre
MDS / Minimum Detectable Signal
MFR / Météo France
MHz / MegaHertz
MKD / Minimum Keyboard and Display
mm/hr / millimetre per hour
MMSI / Maritime Mobile Service Identity
MPA / Man over board
Marine Protected Area
MPEG / Moving Pictures Expert Group
mph / miles per hour
MRCC / Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre
MSC / Maritime Safety Committee (of IMO)
MTBF / Mean Time Between Failure
MTI / Moving Target Indication
MTTR / Mean Time to Repair
NAS / Navigational Assistance Service
N/A / Not applicable
NHC / National Hurricane Centre
NIMA / National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NM / Nautical Mile
NMEA / National Marine Electronics Association
NTIA / National Telecommunications and Information Administration
OFTA / Office of the Telecommunications Authority
PC / Personal Computer
PD / Probability of Detection
PFA / Probability of False Alarm
POB / Persons on-board
PRF / Pulse Repetition Frequency
PSLR / Peak Side Lobe Ratio
PSS / Practical Salinity Scale
PTZ / Pan, Tilt, Zoom
PW / Pulse Width
R / Range (also ρ)
RADAR / Radio Detection and Ranging
RAID / Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RATDMA / Random Access Time-Division Multiple Access
RCS / Radar Cross Section
REACH / Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances
RF / Radio Frequency
RDF / Radio Direction Finder
RH / Relative Humidity
RMP / Recognized Maritime Picture
RMS / Root Mean Squared
RoHS / Reduction of Hazardous Substances
R&TTE / Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
SAIS / Satellite AIS
SAR / Search and Rescue
SART / Search and Rescue Transponder
SAT / Site Acceptance Test
S-band / 2.0 – 4.0 GHz (Note: military designation is F-band)
SLA / Service-Level Agreement
SOG / Speed over Ground
SOLAS / Safety of Life at Sea
SS / Self-Organising Time-Division Multiple Access
Special Protected Area
Sea State
STC / Sensitivity-Time Control
TBA / To Be Advised
TCPA / Time to Closest Point of Approach
TDMA / Time-Division Multiple Access
TOS / Traffic Organization Service
UCAR / University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
UPS / Uninterruptable Power Supply
US / United States (of America)
UTC / Universal Time Co-ordinated
UTM / Universal Transverse Mercator
VDL / VHF Data Link
VHF / Very High Frequency
VoIP / Voice over Internet Protocol
VTMIS / Vessel Traffic Management and Information System
VTS / Vessel Traffic Services
VTSO / Vessel Traffic Services Operator
W / Watt
WMO / World Meteorological Organization
X-band / 8.0 – 12.0 GHz (Note: military designation is I-band)
XML / Extensible Mark-up Language
Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Equipment
1 Core Operational AND TECHNICAL Requirements
1.1 Introduction
The main purpose of this Recommendation is to assist the VTS Authority in the definition, specification, establishment, operation and upgrades of a VTS system. The document addresses the relationship between the Operational Requirements and VTS system performance (Technical) requirements and how these reflect into system design and sub system requirements.
The document presents system design, sensors, communications, processing and acceptance, without inferring priority:
- Core Operational and Technical requirements;
- Radar;
- Automatic Identification System (AIS);
- Environmental Monitoring;
- Electro-Optical equipment;
- Radio Direction Finders;
- Long Range sensors;
- Radio Communications;
- Data Processing;
- Human / Machine Interface (HMI);
- Decision Support;
- External Information Exchange;
- Verification and Validation.
1.2 Definitions, Clarifications and References
1.2.1 Definitions
VTS Equipment – within this document, VTS Equipment refers to the individual items of hardware and software which make up the VTS System.
VTS System – within this document, the VTS System is considered to be the hardware, software and their behaviour as a coherent entity. This excludes personnel and procedures.
1.2.2 Clarifications
This document shall not be used as a specification. It presents a common source of information to assist in the establishment of specifications.
1.2.3 References
[1] UN Convention on Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS 1974) (as amended).
[2] IMO Resolution A.857(20) - Guidelines for Vessel Traffic Services (1997).
[3] IALA Vessel Traffic Services Manual.
[4] IALA Recommendation V-103 - On Standards for Training and Certification of VTS Personnel.
[5] IALA Recommendation V-119 – The Implementation of Vessel Traffic Services
[6] MIL-STD-810G - Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests.
1.3 Establishing the Requirements for a VTS System
The Operational requirements should form the basis for the entire system lifecycle, its definition and its verification and validation following implementation.
The Operational requirements are defined in accordance with V119 [5] (Implementation of Vessel Traffic Services) and these are used to derive the technical requirements.
1.3.1 Operational Requirements
The operational requirements needed to derive the system concept and technical requirements should consider:
- Delineating the VTS area and, if appropriate, VTS sub-areas or sectors;
- Type of services to be provided (INS, TOS, NAS);
- Types and sizes of vessels which are required or expected to participate in the VTS;
- Navigational Hazards and traffic patterns;
- Human factors including health and safety issues;
- Tasks to be performed by System users;
- Operational procedures, staffing level and operating hours of the VTS;
- Co-operation with external stakeholders;
- Physical security of the VTS Centre and remote sites;
- Business continuity, availability, reliability and disaster recovery;
- Legal framework.
1.3.2 Deriving the System level Technical Requirements
The technical requirements should be derived from the operational requirements. This may be an iterative process, which can be aligned with the phases of V119 as illustrated by
Figure 1.
In order to define technical requirements the operational requirements may be grouped into:
- Communications;
- Situational awareness;
- Recording and playback;
- Reliability and Availability;
Figure 1 Deriving implementation from operational requirements
The grouping of operational requirements facilitates the creation of technical requirements, for example divided into:
- Voice and data communication;
- The VTS centre, sites, sensors and processing;
- Recording and replay incl. Post Situational Analysis;
- Redundancy and Resilience;
The provisional system concept and the associated technical requirements are input to the provisional risk assessment and cost assessment. Depending on the outcome the system concept and requirements may need to be reassessed prior to the Formal Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis phases.
Deriving system concepts may involve various mathematical, functional and simulation models to visualise different characteristics of the system. Models to consider might include:
- Radio communications coverage;
- Sensor coverage;
- Communications network infrastructure;
- Data architecture and interfaces;
- Reliability and Availability including any redundancy options;
- Lifecycle costs;
The models could assist in establishing the relationship between the system concepts, associated technical requirements and the operational requirements. Feasibility studies (site surveys, equipment trials etc.) may also be appropriate to reduce technical risks which may otherwise not be apparent until implementation.