Withernsea Primary School’s Vision Statement

Aspire to be the best that they can be


Learning and live life to the full

At Withernsea Primary School we believe PE and Games plays an important role within each child’s education.

We have again welcomed the Government’s announcement to double the funding for this coming academic year to continue to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. We are committed to using this resource to continue to develop high quality PE lessons, provide training and support to all staff and to provide greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people.

At Withernsea Primary School we have been allocated £16,000 plus £10 per pupil Sports Premium Funding which will be spent on the following to achieve our vision for PE/Games and Sport.

Withernsea Primary School’s Action Plan of the School Sports Funding 2017/2018

PE and Sport Action / Description / Cost / Expected, measurable outcome / Evidence
Part Time Sports Co-ordinator / Children benefit from a wide range of sports and activities.
Upskill staff and arrange specific CPD training
Links with external providers / £14446 / To continue to deliver high quality PE lessons
Increase staff confidence and knowledge
External providers come into school / Pupil questionnaire
Staff questionnaire to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities
PE/Games and school sport resources / Replace old equipment with new. Add additional equipment. Purchase inclusive games such as Boccia. / £2000 / To be totally inclusive and allow all children to take part in PE/Games in school / Increase participation
Affiliations / Association for PE (afPE)
Youth Sports Trust (YST)
Hornsea Sports Partnership / £115
£250 / Maintain high standards in Safe Practice in PE
Raise standards of achievement across the school to improve the quality of teaching and learning in PE
School to participate in competitions and events against other schools / Membership Certificates
Introduce Y5/6 Sports “Crew”Leaders / To train up a number of children to become Sports Crew. Providing opportunities to develop leadership skills. / £600 / Set up a programme where the
Sports Crew can run intra competitions for all children and lead activities in the playground. / Programme of events
Rota – deliver activities
Supply teachers to cover staff CPD training. / Allows staff to be released to attend CPD training that is relevant to the development of PE / £1000 / To build confidence across all staff to lead and to improve understanding of sports that may seem more difficult to deliver. / Certificate of attendance
Transport to and from fixtures
and competitions / Rural area, therefore all games, competitions require transport. / £1000 / Children are able to take part in sport competitions against other schools without having the issue of not being able to have their own travel arrangements. / More children taking part in Inter School competition
Specialist Dance Teacher / To deliver high quality dance and introducing new styles of dance that staff would not be able to deliver. / £800 / Give children a broader range of dance styles.
Upskill staff / Increase participation in dance throughout the school.
After School Activities / To pay for hall hire to allow clubs to run in the winter months. / £400 / Maintain participation rates all year round / Registers
Medals and Trophies / £150