Peer Reviewed Publications / Journal Articles:

· Camacho ID, Burdick AE, Benjamin L, Casiano R: “Chronic rhinitis: a manifestation of leprosy.” Ear, Nose and Throat Journal. 2011. In press

· Vitelo M, Shelling M, Camacho ID, Milikowski C, Kerdel FA: “Fatal Cutaneous Strongyloidiasis as a side effect of pemphigus foliaceus treatment with mycophenolate mofetil”. J Drugs Dermatol. 2011;10(4):418-21.

· Miteva M, Camacho ID, Romanelli P, Tosti A: “Acute hair loss on the limbs in Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia: A clinico-pathological study of two cases.” Br J Dermatol. 2010;163(2):426-8.

· Camacho ID, Tzu J, Kirsner RS: “Regulation of vitamin D production is independent of skin color.” J Invest Dermatol. 2010;130(2):330

· Camacho ID, Tzu J, Kirsner RS: “The skin as an endocrine target.” J Invest Dermatol. 2010;130(1):6

· Camacho ID, Valencia I, Rivas MP, Burdick AE: “Type 1 leprosy reaction manifesting after discontinuation of adalimumab.” Arch Dermatol. 2009;145(3):349-51

· Camacho ID, Burdick AE: “Miami Teledermatology: Beyond Borders.” E-Journal of the Indian Society of Teledermatology. 2008;2(1).

· Krupinski E, Burdick AE, Pak HS, Bocachica J, Edison K, Goldyne M, Hirota T, Kvedar J, McCoy K, Oh D, Siegel D, Camacho ID, Simmons S. “American Telemedicine Association’s Practice Guidelines for Teledermatology.” Telemedicine and e-Health Journal. 2008;14(3):289-302

· Camacho ID, Fernandez AP, Burdick AE: An Indian man with scaly plaques and worsening arthritis in his hands and feet. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007; 57(5): 914-917.

· Camacho ID, Burdick AE: Delayed diagnosis in leprosy. Abstract. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2007;127(S1):131.

· Camacho ID, Nouri K: Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids: What Can Lasers Do?. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2007;20(3): 156-160.

Chapters and/or Textbooks:

· Camacho ID, Berman B, Vaccines for viral diseases, Chapter 18, In: Preventive Dermatology, R Norman ed., Springer-Verlag, Guildford, United Kingdom, 2010

· Burdick AE, Camacho ID, Pompholyx, in: Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies, Third Edition, MG Lebwohl, WR Heymann, J Berth-Jones and I Coulson, eds., Elsevier. London, 2009.

· Burdick AE, Camacho ID, Leprosy and reactions, in: Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies, Third Edition, MG Lebwohl, WR Heymann, J Berth-Jones and I Coulson, eds., Elsevier. London, 2009.

· Camacho ID, Nouri K, Surgical Excision, Chapter 39, In: Skin Cancer, K Nouri ed., McGraw-Hill Medical, New York, NY, 2008

· Burdick AE, Camacho ID, Impetigo, in: e-Medicine Dermatology, JJ Nordlund, MJ Wells, P Krusinski, C Quirk, and DM Elston, eds., eMedicine Dermatology. St Petersburg: eMedicine Corporation, 2007.

· Burdick AE, Camacho ID, Dishydrotic Eczema, in: e-Medicine Dermatology, JD Wilkinson, RP Vinson, P Krusinski, JM Gelfand and DM Elston, eds., eMedicine Dermatology. St Petersburg: eMedicine Corporation, 2007.