Domestic Violence and Abuse

Service and Resource Directory

January 2017
Updated January 2017
1. / Introduction / 3
2. / Services for Victims and Survivors of DVA / 5
3. / Services for Families & Children Experiencing DVA / 17
4. / Services for Perpetrators / 22
5. / Criminal Justice and Civil Court Measures and Services for Victims and Perpetrators of DVA / 24
6. / Resources to Improve Awareness and Understanding of DVA and to Help Professionals Know How to Respond to DVA. / 29
7. / General inc. substance misuse / 33
8. / Legal Remedies / 39

1.  Introduction

This service directory has been complied to help professionals find appropriate services to assist those individuals, couples and families affected by domestic violence and abuse.

The directory is arranged according to the following service users:

·  Victims

·  Children from families experiencing DVA

·  Perpetrators

and according to the following:

·  Criminal Justice and Civil Court measures and services

·  Resources to Improve Awareness and Understanding of DVA and to Help Professionals Know How to Respond to DVA.

There is a general section and the final section of the directory provides information about the various types of injunctions available to protect victims of DVA.

In line with the borough’s strategy this directory includes services that deal with all forms of aggressive behaviour in intimate and family relationships, including physical violence, coercive control, psychological intimidation and financial control. For this reason the terms 'domestic violence' (DV), 'domestic abuse' and ‘domestic violence and abuse’ (DVA) are used interchangeably in this directory.

This directory will be updated every six months. If you want to amend, remove or add information to the directory please contact GDVA on 020 8317 8273

2. Services for Victims and Survivors of DVA

Service / Description / Contact Details
MARAC / There has been a Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) in place in Royal Greenwich since April 2009. It reviews high risk victims of DV and agrees risk management plans through interagency information sharing to reduce repeat victimisation. Additional resources will be made available during 2013-15 to improve the administrative support to the MARAC. Referrals come from all professional agency’s and must go through each agencies MARAC representative. / Annette Hines
T: 020 8921 8617
A: The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6HQ.
Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy -Her Centre / Royal Greenwich has commissioned the Her Centre to provide an Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy (IDVA) service for those referred by the MARAC and other high risk cases. / T: 0203 260 7772
A: Clock House, Defiance Walk, Woolwich Dockyard Estate,, Woolwich, SE18 5QL
Refuge –
Greenwich DVA Service. Housing for Women / RG Housing has commissioned Housing4Women to provide refuge accommodation (Greenwich DVA Services) consisting of 30 units in 5 refuges for all communities of women their children (4 units are reserved for Asian women, 4 units reserved for women who have substance misuse issues & are Greenwich residents[1]). / Greenwich DVA Services Referral and information telephone line.
Open Monday-Friday 10am-4pm
T: 020 8317 8273
A: Greenwich DVA Services, PO Box 71108, London, SE18 9LD
Refuge and Women’s Aid / National Domestic Violence Helpline.
24-hour free phone helpline / T: 0808 2000 247
Sanctuary Scheme / Royal Greenwich Housing has established a Sanctuary Scheme for victims who want to stay in their own home and thereby maintain their established emotional and social networks and avoid homelessness. The scheme provides security upgrades to properties including the installation of new doors, and a safe room if deemed appropriate. / For referrals and information on this scheme contact Greenwich DVA Services.
Open Monday-Friday 10am-4pm.
T: 020 8317 8273
A: Greenwich DVA Services, PO Box 71108, London, SE18 9LD
Floating Support / Royal Greenwich Housing has also commissioned a floating support service from Housing for Women (Greenwich DVA Services). This service provides advice, information & support for up to 60 women resident in their own home in Royal Greenwich who are experiencing DVA. / Greenwich DVA Services.
T: 020 8317 8273
A: Greenwich DVA Services, PO Box 71108, London, SE18 9LD
Hope / HOPE aims to help all women who are suffering or have suffered domestic abuse that need help and support. We advocate, peer mentor, attend meetings with the women and will signpost to other organisations as and where necessary. / T: 07464 702694
Young Women 13-19 years old / New Leaf is an innovative domestic abuse service tailored specifically for young people in Greenwich. Recognising that young women experience more domestic and sexual abuse than any other age group. New Leaf combines the expertise of Little Fish Theatre Company, Her Centre and TRYangle Project 2011 in a holistic model to engage and empower young people, promote positive relationships, prevent abuse and support those experiencing abuse. / IDVA Support
T: 0203 260 7772
A: Clock House, Defiance Walk, Woolwich Dockyard Estate,, Woolwich, SE18 5QL
To book a performance or to refer a young person to Little Fish’s residency program, please contact: T: 020 8269 1123
Housing / Operational managers in Royal Greenwich Housing Service are authorised to approve urgent re-housing for victims of DV (and their families) who are Council tenants. Non-Council tenants are considered a priority group under Homeless legislation, so have a route to seek rehousing through the local authority. / Housing Options.
T: 020 8921 2863
Out of office hours: 020 8854 8888
A: The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, Woolwich, SE18 6HQ
One Stop Shop / A One Stop Shop exists for female victims of DVA seeking advice and information on various issues and specific legal advice for child contact or other family law matters. It is provided by the Her Centre, Hudgell & Partners Solicitors, Housing 4 Women (Greenwich DVA Services), Tryangle Project, Accent and Sure Start Childrens Centres, / Every Friday between 10am-12pm at YMCA Thames Gateway Antelope Road SE185PQ
Her Centre: 020 3260 7715
Hudgell & Partners: 020 8854 1331 Greenwich DVA Services: 020 8317 8273
Information & Advice phone line and website / An existing phone line to provide advice and support to victims is run by Housing 4 Women (Greenwich DVA Services) during 2013-15 it will be extended under an initiative funded by the health service. Under the same initiative Housing 4 Women have a web site that provides information about available advice and support.
Information for victims of DVA is also available on the Royal Greenwich Website. / Greenwich DVA Services
Open Monday-Friday 10am-8pm.
T: 020 8317 8273
Forced Marriage / Forced marriage is illegal in England and Wales. This includes: * taking someone overseas to force them to marry (whether or not the forced marriage takes place)
*marrying someone who lacks the mental capacity to consent to the marriage (whether they are pressured to or not) / Forced Marriage Unit
T: 020 7008 0151 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Out of hours: 020 7008 1500 (ask for the Global Response Centre)
Forced Marriage and Honour Crimes / Karma Nirvana: Supporting male and female victims of forced marriage and honour crimes / Helpline: 0800 5999 247
FGM / Female Genital Mutilation: Safeguarding the health and rights of African women / T: 020 8960 4000
South Asian, Turkish and Iranian 16-30 year old women / Ashiana Network provides housing and support to BMER women and girls experiencing domestic violence and sexual violence presenting with a multiplicity of problems and complex needs. Ashiana runs three refuges with a total of 20 bed-spaces; two specifically for women aged 16-25 fleeing forced marriage.
Women who do not come from South Asian, Turkish or Iranian communities will be considered if Ashiana can identify substantial similarities in their culture, religion or language, which will enable staff to offer a culturally appropriate service. / T: 0208 539 0427
BME Women / Southall Black Sisters offer support for Asian, African-Caribbean and other minority women and children experiencing domestic and sexual violence (including forced marriage, dowry abuse and 'honour' crimes) in various languages. / T: 020 8571 0800
Victims without recourse to public funds / Victims who do not have recourse to public funds who have entered the UK on a spousal visa and whose relationships have broken down as a result of DVA can apply to Royal Greenwich’s emergency assistance scheme for a crisis loan if they intend to apply for permanent residence in the UK.
DDV concession, (Destitution Domestic Violence) if your relationship has broken down as a result of DVA, you can apply to the Home office for public funds, initially for three months, as above you must be here on a spousal visa. / Cath Scholefield, Adult Safeguarding
T: 020 8854 8888
A: The Woolwich Centre,
35 Wellington Street, London SE18 6HQ
Greenwich Migrant Hub / A new advice and social community space for vulnerable migrants. We Provide immigration advice, family law, housing advice, women’s D.V support. / Every Tuesday Drop in service. 10:30am -13:30. Woolwich common community Centre, Leslie smith square SE184DW
T:07429 031 389 Monday and Tuesday only.
Deaf Hope / Provide advocacy to deaf survivors of domestic abuse and their children / For help text 07970 350 366
Greenwich Association of Disabled GAD / Advocacy service for victims of hate crime and domestic violence who are disabled. / T: 0208 305 2221
A: The Forum @ Greenwich, Trafalgar Road, Greenwich, S10 9EQ
Legal Advice / Agencies offering legal advice and representation on housing, welfare, benefits, employment and immigration. / Plumstead Community Law Centre. Providing free legal advice and representation to the people of Greenwich on welfare, benefits, employment and immigration. Check website for opening times
T: 020 8855 9817 (Monday 10-1)
A: 105 Plumstead High Street, London SE18 1SB
Local Solicitor Firms
Hudgell & Partners:
35-36 Market St, London SE18 6QP
020 8854 1331
Powell & Co Solicitors:
Verbruggens House, Number One Street, Royal Woolwich Arsenal, London SE18 6GH
020 8854 9131
HE Thomas Solicitors:
16 Beresford Sq, London SE18 6AY
020 8854 3036
Legal Advice / Rights of Women telephone advice lines provide vital free and confidential legal advice to women.
Please check website for telephone advice line opening times /
Family law T: 020 7251 6577
Criminal law T: 020 7251 8887
For women in London T: 020 7608 1137
Immigration and asylum law T: 020 7490 7689
Counselling and Therapeutic Interventions / The following organisations provide counselling and therapeutic interventions relevant to victims of DV:
1.  Her Centre - one to one counselling by appointment, weekly therapy group and weekly drop in motivational group; / T: 0203 260 7772
A: Clock House, Defiance Walk, Woolwich Dockyard Estate,, Woolwich, SE18 5QL
2.  Woman’s Trust.
A counselling service is open to all women who are, or have been affected by domestic violence. They offer counselling, support groups and personal development workshops. / T: 020 7034 0303
A: 111-117 Lancaster Rd, London W11 1QT
3.  Greenwich Mind.
A counselling service for Royal Greenwich residents who are over 18 years. A crisis counselling line (Mindline) and several therapeutic and support groups e.g. self-esteem group, men’s group, women’s group, supportive therapy group.
And an advocacy department for people with mental health issues. / T:020 8853 1735
Admin T: 020 8853 2395
A:54-56 Ormiston Rd, London SE10 0LN
4.  Solace Womens Aid in conjunction with Ascent.
·  Talking therapy based on weekly one-to-one counselling sessions
·  6 week short courses/groups on topics such as : Confidence building, managing stress and anxiety, positive relationships. / For counselling contact SWA direct
T: 020 7619 1360 or 07722 003352
Referral needed in order to book a place, contact Kim on 020 7619 1360 or
5.  Freedom Programme
A popular and effective 11 week 2 hour programme for women who have experienced domestic abuse.
This course is run at children’s centres in the borough of Greenwich. / Referrals/more information via H4W, GDVA referral line.
T: 020 8317 8273
A: Greenwich DVA Services, PO Box 71108, London, SE18 9LD
6.  Time to Talk providescounseling services forpeople aged 18 and above living in the borough of Greenwich with common concerns such as anxiety or depression. / T: 020 3260 1100
A: Floors 1 and 2, 135-143 Eltham High Street, Eltham, SE9 1TJ
7.  The METRO Centre has a bi-weekly therapeutic support group for survivors of same gender DV. / T: 020 8305 5000
A: 141 Greenwich High Rd, SE10 8JA
8.  Family Matters. Provide time limited (12 sessions) for adult and child victims of sexual assault. / T: 01474 536661 (Office Hours)
T: Helpline 01474 537392
Male Victims / Victim Support provide support to men who are low to medium risk victims of DVA / T: 020 7 277 1433
A: 6th Floor Hannibal House, Elephant and Castle shopping centre SE1 6TE
Mankind Initiative
National service providing support for male victims of domestic violence and abuse / T: 01823 334244 Mon-Fri 10am-1pm, 1.30pm-4pm
E: ** For reasons of personal safety, Mankind do not respond to email requests from victims seeking help.
A: Flook House, Belvedere Road , Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1BT
Mens Advice Line
National service providing telephone support for male victims of domestic violence and abuse. If English is not your first language, call and ask for an interpreter. / Open: Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
T: 0808 801 0327 (free from landlines and most mobiles)
RNID typetalk – textphone users dial 18001 0808 801 0327
LGBTQ+ / Metro Centre
This is a Greenwich based service that runs a support group for survivors of same sex domestic violence / T: 020 8305 5000 x130
A: 141 Greenwich High Rd,SE10 8JA
Confidential national helpline for victims of LGBTQ+ identifiers experiencing domestic violence ands abuse. / T: 020 7702 040
Children’s Centres / Children’s Centres host some of the specific services listed above as well as contributing to the early identification of needs through Early Help Groups. / Children’s Centres in the borough:

3.Services for Families & Children Experiencing DVA