Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days 2017

Organiser Feedback Form

Please return your completed form to Heritage Lincolnshire by Friday 22ndSeptember 2017together with any completed Visitor Feedback questionnaire forms left by people who attended your event/s.

Event Details

1.Name and location of event:


Visitor Response

2. Approximately how many people attended your event/s in total?…………………..


2a.of the total, approximately how many were adults?…………………..

2b.of the total, approximately how many were children?…………………..

3.What was the average age group of your visitors?…………………..

4. Did you receive any positive feedback from your visitors? If so, please give examples.

5.Did you experience any criticism from your visitors? If so, please give examples.

6.What aspect/s of your event/s did you feel worked well, or not so well? Please give examples.

  1. Is there anything you would change for a future event? If so, please give examples.

……… P.T.O.


  1. How many volunteers/paid staff took part in planning and running your event/s?

No. of volunteers………………No. of paid staff………………


9.Approximately how much money did you spend on organising your event/s?

£ ……………

10.Did you use any of the following methods to raise money for your organisation?

RefreshmentsSouvenirsGuide books

MembershipDonationsOther, please specify ……………….

11.To what extent were you able to recover money spent on organising your event/s?

Not applicableFull recoveryOver 50% Less than 50%

Our Performance

12.Please let us know what you liked or disliked about Heritage Lincolnshire’s support for your event. Could it be improved? If so, please give examples?

The Future

  1. The theme for 2018will be‘Picturing the Past’and the dates are Thursday 13thSeptember – Sunday 16thSeptember. We try and have around 60% of events in the theme, which could include art exhibitions, painting, photography, sculpture, costume and theatre.We are also keen to broaden the audience for Heritage Open Days by having events which will appeal to people who might not otherwise engage with heritage or visit historic sites.Please let us know if you are interested in taking part next year. We’d also love to hear your suggestions of any other sites or organisations you that you think we should also ask to take part in 2018.

Would like to take part again in 2018?

Yes No

When completed, please return this form to:

Heritage Lincolnshire, FreepostRTEE-EAXT-TJAH, The Old School, Cameron Street, Heckington, Lincolnshire NG34 9RW

Thank you again for all your hard work and your contribution to
Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days