Summary performances of Gender Department according to Action plan in 1395 year

Implementation of public awareness program:

Adoption and implementation of public awareness program: Through the Procurement and distribution of leaflets, arrange and publish treatises, published information about Gender in the MOE website, social networking, media (audio, video and writing)

  1. Proliferation of 1500 volumes leaflets to Education Kabul School andKabul Education.
  2. Give a share Gender Unite in the MOE website with cooperationof PublicationsDepartment and Information Technology
  3. Print 1000 brochures and 100 posters seedsfor Advertising.

Holding workshops and seminars on public awareness:

Holding Workshops and Seminarson Gender issues as the basis ofGender and Leadership.“The law elimination of violence against women, basic of the Internet and computer programs, proposal writing, the national action plan for women (NAPWA) ,The success, professional behavior and Gender , women rights and human rights” for 1548 employees from different departments of MOE.

Introduction of staff to inside and outside of country for Training program:

In order to study and gain expertise in the field of Gender equality

  1. Introduction of three employees of Gender department in the National Institute of Education
  2. Two female employs of MOE successful passed the tests form total of the females who are participated in the examination of American University in Afghanistan

Revisioncurriculum of education based on Gender equality:

1-Review and revise the 24 books on various topics from first grade to 12 from the viewpoint of Gender equality and presentedthe technical research to curriculum Department.

2-Gender Department director’sexchange of view about books research from Gender view with chairman of development curriculum atZhwandun TV with technical help of AWEC office.

3-Held workshop for 30 deputy employees of Development and Teacher trainingunder Gender categories and including it in the curriculum.

4. Director of Gender Unite participation in press conference that held by AWEC office and answers the question aboutresearch ofEducation curriculum.

Good working environment for MOE women

Gender Department survey of all employees needs, solve their problems and providedgood working environmentfor 450 employees.

2-Collectingsuggestions and report of Genderrepresentatives in deputy offices and General Directorates for getting information on how isthe status and progress of female staffin MOE.

Hiring Employees promoting Gender equality:

The report prepared by Gender representative to show that 1019 employees are shortlisted in positions of 3,4,5,6,7,8 in year of 1395, 888 were men and 131 of them were women and finally 151 men and 25 women succeeded in examination process.

Coordination with internal and external agencies to develop and implement awareness programs

Gender Department has Membership of

  1. Recruitment officialsCommittee.
  2. Prohibition of Harassment Committee
  3. The Elimination of Violence Committee on (Curriculum Development Department).
  4. Distribution Residential blocks Committee.

5. Anti-Corruption Commission (Finance and Administration Department).

6. Reform CurriculumCommittee (curriculum development, teacher education department).

7. Office management meeting

8. The weekly, monthly and quarterlymeetings of financial and administrative department.

9.Support Center of the Ministry of Women's Affairs Committee.

10 - Ministry of Women's Affairs Committee on the Elimination of Violence against Women

Administrative division.

  1. Participate of Gender representativeat meetings of the General Directorate of Planning and reporting.
  2. JoinGender representativeat meetings of finance and accounting departments …

3 –Filling andsending the questionnaire from of stakeholders (Ministry of Women Affairs, the National Action Plan indicators(NAPWA) in the form of quantitative and qualitative, research gender responsive budget forms the status of the Ministry of Finance, General Directorate of Teacher Education Questionnaire, Filling evaluationQuestionnairestatus of independent women offices Ministry of Women Affairs. Fillingquestionnaire form ofwomen figure(General Directorate of human resources) write letters to the relevant authorities.

4. Amendments procedures support centers, safe houses.

5. The amended suggestion proposalof violence against womenin MOE.