MayNewsletter 2017

Ladies and Senior Class

We regret to inform you that the ladies and senior class due to take place on Sunday 14th with Master Brophy and Surrey CKD in Farnborough has been cancelled. We apologise to anyone who was planning to attend these classes. The next ladies and senior classes are currently scheduled for November 12th.

School Group Photo

Berkshire CKD just had its 3rd anniversary and we'd like to update our school photo from last year. We'll be taking the new picture in between the first and second classes on Saturday 6th May. If you'd like to be in the picture make sure you attend at least one of Saturday's classes. It would be great if as many people as possible could try to come down, even if you don't normally attend class on Saturdays.

Early Grading!

Please be aware that due to the bank holiday at the end of May, this month’s colour belt grading will fall on an earlier Sunday than normal. As a result there’s only 3 weeks for those on the potential grading list to make sure they hit the minimum of 10 classes to be able to grade. If you’re on the potential list please make sure you check with an instructor to find out how many more classes you need to do to be able to grade.

Terminology Changes

Beginning in this month’s grading, Master Brophy is reinstating terminology testing at the colour belt gradings and has asked for Berkshire CKD students to also be tested. This means that going forward, either before or immediately after your grading all Berkshire CKD students will need to complete the terminology testing. This will be 10 oral questions, mainly based on your belt rank using the Korean terminology sheet but may include a couple of questions from previous belt ranks.

Do not stress too much over the idea of being tested, we will not be expecting students to achieve 10 out of 10 on these questions (but if you do – great!) and the terminology testing will have no bearing on your actual grading result, we only ask that you try your best. We will continue to run the monthly terminology challenge for Little Ninja stamps (details for this month are below) but as an added bonus any of our younger students who achieve at least 5 out of 10 on the terminology test will receive an extra stamp in their books. Sorry, despite many requests, there are still no stamp books for adult.

If you have any questions or concerns over the terminology testing please speak to Sabumnim O’Brien or Sabumnim Taylor. If you require a new terminology sheet you can find them in the student area of the website.

Korean Terminology Challenge – May

The words for this months’ Korean terminology challenge can be found below. Students will have until the next newsletter is released to learn these words in Korean and repeat them correctly to a Chief Instructor. Students can take as many attempts as necessary during the month and once all words have been recited successfully they will receive a terminology stamp in their books (only one stamp per month). If you do not have a terminology sheet one can be found in the student area of the website. This month’s words are:

  1. Turn Around
  2. Low Block

Passport Photos

We require 2 passport style photographs from the below students as soon as possible, these are essential for gradings as you will not be marked by instructors from our school:

Doreen Thompson / Eva Simpson / Luke Mansfield
Sean Fitzpatrick / Chris Olet

Licence/Insurance Renewals

Please note that the licence and insurance for the below students are due to expire next month. If any details have changed in the last year please return a completed insurance form and payment (£25) to an instructor, or pay via the website, to ensure that your insurance does not lapse, if all details remain the same only payment is required. Insurance forms can be found in the student area of the website or by asking an instructor. Any student with expired insurance will be unable to train until it is reinstated.

Eva Simpson / Aidan Tbahriti / Nathan Greenhow

Colour Belt Grading

This month’s colour belt grading will be taking place on Sunday 21stMaywith fellow instructors and students from Surrey CKD at Barnsbury Primary School, Almond Avenue, Woking, GU22 0BB.

The day is scheduled to run to the below timetable but please make sure you arrive with plenty of time to spare before you’re due to grade in case the events run ahead of schedule and to give yourself time for a good stretch beforehand.

12.10pm - Line up, pledge & principles
12.15pm - Brown, Red & purple belts
12.55pm - Blue, Green & Orange belts
01.25pm - Gold & Yellow belts
01.55pm - White belts

If you are on the grading list below please ensure that you have paid your grading fee (£25) prior to attending the grading to ensure you will be able to grade.

Confirmed List:

CaidenMercieca / Marcel Kowalczyk / Nicole Kowalczyk
Claire Clynshaw / GemmaMercieca / Doreen Thompson
JakubKowalczyk / Chris Olet

Potential List:Please note students on the potential list may be eligible to grade but must continue with good attendance prior to the grading and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of their curriculum in class. Please talk to Sabumnim O’Brien closer to the grading date to confirm eligibility to grade.

Lois Payne / Jack Mitchell / Nathan Bullingham
Joshua Taylor / Robert Taylor / Theodore Rose
Maxim Herbert / Henri Regnes / Dominic Regnes

If you think you should be on the grading list and are not, please let Sabumnim O’Brienknow ASAP.
NB. Sabumnim O’Brien makes all final decisions regarding grading.

We hope you have a great month, PilSeung!