Candidate Statements for
MHFHA Board of Director Positions
Rd 35A, Lot 34
Being new-ish cabin owners (since July, 2013), being able to have a getaway on Mt Hood fulfills a long held dream for my wife and I (and our 5 year old who loves being here). I want to do all I can to make sure our pristine forest and cabin land stays as it is; an escape form our regular world. I will make every effort to learn the intricacies of the MHFHA and to all I can for all cabin owners to make ensure we all have a safe, happy, and secure places to be. Also to see if something can’t be done to get piles of gravel from the Forest Service to fill the many potholes on our roads! It shouldn’t be that difficult, right? Thank you!
Rd 31, Lot 97
I purchase my cabin on August 29, 2013. I am interested in the Forest Service Special Uses Permit Program. I would be honored to participate in the stewardship of this resource.
I am a family law attorney. I volunteer as a Clackamas County Pro Tem Judge. I represent children pro bono by Court appointment. I belong to various County bar associations, the Oregon Academy of Family Law Practitioners, and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. I attended U of O Law School and SUNY Buffalo School of Architecture and Environmental Design.
Years ago I served on the Oregon Humane Society Board and the Salvation Army Metro Advisory Board. More recently I coached youth sports, primarily baseball. I now help officiate high school ski races. My son is a junior with Grant in the Mount Hood League.
I run, ski, fish, play baseball, and otherwise enjoy the outdoors.
Thank you.
Rd 28A, Lot 22
Over the last 20 years, I have owned cabins within the National Forest Service cabin program. I have also been actively involved as a Board member with the MHFHA for many years. I wish to continue volunteering on the Board, as I have an active interest and concern regarding the interface with the National Forest Service and their dictates regarding usage and fees. As a real estate attorney, with over 44 years of experience, I provide my legal expertise for the benefit of the Board and the Association.
Rd 35, Lot 153
I have served on the Board for the past five years and wish to continue. I have attended nearly every meeting, volunteered to assist the Board and Paula on a number of issues, spent countless hours donating my time working on those issues, and have been the treasurer for approximately the past year. The Board has made substantial and significant progress over the past five years on a number of issues important to all of us as cabin owners. Those issues include the Forest Watch Program, looking for areas to improve security of our cabin and within the confines permitted by the Forest Service, improved coordination and communication with the Clackamas County Sheriff’s office concerning security and crime, improved communications with cabin owners such as using our website for the winter road reports, and working with both the Oregon and National Cabin Owner associations on the Cabin Fee Act. Just as importantly, I view both the MHFHA Board and all of us as cabin owners as front line stewards of our portion of the Mt Hood Forest. I enjoy working with the other dedicated volunteers on the Board who are all equally committed to the association. Your Board is blessed with proven leadership, talented and generous board members who volunteer their time without hesitation. I wish to continue on the Board, to represent the best interests of all cabin owners, and to continue to strive to find more ways and means to enhance the cabin and forest experience for all cabin owners.
Rd 12, Lot 77
Our cabin has been in the family since 1996. Growing up with the cabin on Still Creek has brought us great memories.
I feel it is time to give back to the association by serving on the board to continue the good work the past boards have done. We want to protect the cabins so future generations can enjoy as we have.
Rd 35A, Lot 72
I have been on the Board since 2006. I enjoy being involved for the betterment of the cabin program here on Mt Hood and I want to continue to do so. I am involved in organizing the annual highway clean up, the annual meeting and various other projects.
I look forward to continuing the good work of the Mt Hood Forest Homeowners Association.
Rd 35A, Lot 72
Our cabin has been in my family for close to 50 years and it is my favorite place. I am passionate about the cabin program and have served on the Mt Hood Forest Homeowners Association board since 2005. During that time we started the first ever MHFHA website, increased the content and frequency of our newsletters, successfully made it through the 2009 appraisals, introduced a Forest Watch program, highway clean up and worked with the National association in successfully passing the CFA (Cabin Fee Act). There is exciting work ahead as we begin transitioning to a new brand new secure website as well as working on ways to increase security. We also will continue forming collaborative relationships between Mt Hood cabin owners and the Forest Service. I would like to continue serving on the board of the MHFHA.
Rd 20, Lot 28
Five Reasons to be on the MHFHA Board:
1)Protecting my family’s cabin ownership and those of the Mt Hood tracts.
2)Having a “voice” representing cabin owners with the US Forest Service.
3)Taking the creative initiative to solving problems within the MHFHA community.
4)I want to be “in the know” of all the latest governmental decisions effecting my cabin ownership.
5)I have the time, business, organizational knowledge to make meaningful contributions.
Rd 28A, Lot 8
My wife and I share great enthusiasm and passion for our cabin. My interest in board membership is to support all cabin owners with a voice as well as to promote the same interests and energy to others so that the recreational residence program continues with strong usage, maintenance and enjoyment.
Rd 34, Lot 36
I have served on the Board for the past ten years and wish to continue. I firmly support the direction the association is/has going/gone with the work done regarding the appraisals, establishment of a website, regular newsletters, important blast notices to the cabin owners, Forest Watch program, highway clean-up and communication with the Forest Service. More needs to be done and I wish to be a part of it such as refining the bylaws, supporting the Forest Service inspection program, and promoting the association for increased membership and participation.
Rd 15, Lot 2
My family has been part of the National Forest Service cabin program since its inception, which makes my daughter the fifth generation of our family to enjoy the home we fondly refer to as our wooden tent. I have been on the MHFHA board for 1.5 years, and serve as the Secretary to the OFHA board, as well. I volunteer my time in this way because I believe in stewardship of the mountain and of the program that provides us all with such a unique connection with the natural world. I concern myself with the same things all cabin owners face, and enjoy working with a group of like-minded people who love their forest homes.
In my city life, I am a professor of psychology at Lewis and Clark College. My husband Jim Mol and I have a 17-year old daughter who is a senior in high school, and the three of us enjoy the antics of our two small Humane Society terriers, Julip and Willow.