Blidworth and Ravenshead Patient Participation Group
Minutes of the meeting 28th November 2012
- Welcome & Introduction – Chair. Gilly welcomed everyone and introduced two new members – Ann Wharmby and Jayne Llewelyn.
Apologies – Linda Ricketts; Jill Johnson; Paul Bascombe
Absent – Geoff Merry
Present – Gilly Hagen (Chair); Andrea Davis; Ann Wharmby; Charlotte Mellors; Jayne Llewelyn; Brian Hagen; John Barnes; Keith Young; Ian Crowe; Shelia Stacey; Hilda Keane; Doctor Dalton; Judy Bragg
Note: Please can we note that we agreed that if no apologies for the meeting were sent we would count group members as absent.
Minutes of the last meeting were accepted.
- Matters arising & Action Points – E-Man Group - meetings on an informal basis for men only to discuss various ailments. Locally we have a “Men in Sheds” group who are friends of 55 years old + who meet up to make small wooden objects. They have asked an E-Man representative to meet them. A GP needs to be involved. The money for these projects comes from the Central Health Fund. Gilly is to contact Brian Longmate who is a co-ordinator.
Gilly had a meeting with Sally & 2 Practice Managers from Rainworth Surgeries to bring these Practices up to date with PRISM (Profiling Risk Integrated Care Self Management) & DNA poster distribution.In addition they discussed how to get their PPGs more involved in the Stakeholders Reference Group(SRG) & local developments in our area being led by the Clinical Commissioning Group(CCG),Council for Voluntary Services(CVS)etc. Gilly currently represents all 3 patches in our area on the SRG as no-one from the other groups is available in the evenings & this is when the group meets.
- Group Business
3.1.Survey Outcome - any analysis is not yet available. Should a group be formed to analyse responses? Gilly & Andrea will meet with Sally at Blidworth Surgery on a date to be arranged.
Suggestion – we should tell people what the Commisioning Group does.Gilly will ask Zoe Butler to the next meeting to explain exactly what the purpose of the Clinical Commisioning Group is all about. There is an Open Meeting on 18th December at 10.00am at the SherwoodCommunityChurch in Blidworth to which anyone is welcome
3.2.PPG Action Plan 2012/2013 Review-we are on par for our plans up to now - Gilly & Sally met with Secretaries from Farnsfield & 2 Rainworth Surgeries to help to set up PPG’s.
- Virtual Patient Group
4.1.Promotion & Publicity – Andrea has put up posters re: cancellation of appointments in both surgeries and in strategic places around both villages. There is a problem accessing the notice board in Ravensheadshopping precinct. Judy is to check with the Parish Council Secretary Yvonne as to the whereabouts of a key.
Did not attend project – posters were passed round the group for information. These will need laminating for future use. They are now A3 size which makes them quite impressive.
4.2.Carers Events - Ollerton has a meeting with Council Voluntary Services on 5th December. We should have a meeting in our area(West Cluster) possibly in February at Sherwood Community Church Blidworth.
4.3.Stakeholders Reference Group feedback - We now have a confidential list of 900 members signed up to the virtual group when last year’s names are included with those collected this year. Gilly thanked all PPG members for their support in this task. 243 patients who asked for more information about the Expert Patient Programme and this has now been sent out to all of them.
There is an increase in respiratory infections this winter which is higher than average.
Lisa Green – There is to be a review of prescribing funding by the CCG as so much is lost each year on repeat prescriptions etc that are not necessary. The lead Pharmacist for the CCG will undertake this work in the New Year. Stakeholders ReferenceGroup will work with Lisa to get local information together relating to Dementia.At present there is a lot of information but it is not in one place or in an easy to read format.
Up-coming -community neurology treatment rather than sending people to hospital, but from next year there will only be half theMoney available for Community Care.
There will be a trial for regular pain injections.
For men only - Triple ‘A’ Screening will be coming to our surgery (Abdominal/Aortic/Aneurism).
A steering group of patients is to design a model on how to support carers & patients. Financial support is available.
A ‘Good Practice Guide’ for patients - a leaflet of information is to be produced. The draft was circulated to the PPG and all thought it was a good idea.
4.4.PRISM – Gilly gave us an update, a pilot scheme has just begun in Clipstone, Edwinstowe & Ollerton. The aim of this scheme is to keep patients with problems in their own homes with support from all relevant services.
PRISM will be the key piece of work supportedby the CCG and McMillan Cancer charity, this year. This is a unqiue national scheme. This will ensure the care of patients with long-term conditions will focus on them and their carers. Where appropriate care will be in their homeand managed bya virtual ward run by a Matron.The projects mantra is `Nothing About You Without You', so at all stages the patient is involved in their care package. This scheme is a multi-agency initiative including healthcare, charities, voluntary groups and it needs to be supported by local communities and PPGs if it is to work effectively. This is particularly important consideringhealthcare budgets are to be reduced substantially next year. Gilly will arrange for PPG members who do have information about PRISM to have an update and at our next meeting the PRISM DVD will be shown.
4.5.Expert Patient Programme - this starts on 22nd January 2013. There are 16 patients on the next coursewith 8 signed up for the following course. 8 with non-specific conditions but in wheelchairs. These people will be picked up by the Ravenshead Community bus at 12.30pm and returned at 4.00pm. This is a 6 week trial. The initial meeting will be at Blidworth Surgery but alternative venues will be looked for.
- News from the Practice
One nurse has left the practice a replacement is in the pipe-line.The discussion of the impact on the Surgery of the Survey will be discussed at the next meeting.
Sally was pleased with the DNA posters.It was agreed that each month the DNA figures for the previous month would be put up in a prominent position at each surgery for patients to see.Charlotte toliaise with Sally.
Text messaging was not working too well but DrDalton has seen some benefit.Dr Dalton confirmed that our surgery will be in the second phase of the roll out of PRISM.
AOB – Ian Crowe wanted to know if the rumours of the closure of Newark hospital were true.There is a meeting of executives to check on the future use of the hospital but as of now it is not closing. There is a Public Forum meeting on 5th.December
Andrea told us of an organisation who are NOT covered by any existing Charities.£84,000 is currently not being used because requests of sufficient value are not being received. They would be open to suggestions from organisations who need support.The Web Site address is New Appeals Organisation & only groups within Nottinghamshire are eligible for help.
Ann wondered if anything was happening to help in the area of young people with alcohol problems. Yes – Community Police Officers keep an eye on events & liaise with families and appropriate support agencies.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm
We were reminded that the AGM is on 19th March at Ravenshead Surgery & next committee meeting is on 30thJanuary at Blidworth Surgery.