NV Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (NGCDD)Evaluation Committee Meeting Minutes fromAugust 8, 2017
Video Conference
Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center
1875 Plumas Street, #1
Reno, NV 89509
Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center
2820 W. Charleston Blvd., #11
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Special Notes
- Allitems reviewed during this meeting are available for view on the NGCDD website; under the event created for this meeting:
- The recording of the meeting may be requested for detailed information by emailing
- Bolded text under a heading indicates an action taken by the NGCDD.
Committee Members Present: Kimberly Palma-Ortega, Committee Chair; Shelley Hendren; Jack Mayes; Santa Perez;Renee Portnell;Steve Rock; Jodi Thornley
Committee Members Absent: Aimee Hadleigh
NGCDD Staff Present: Kari Horn, Projects Manager;Sherry Manning, Executive Director; Ellen Marquez, Executive Assistant; Catherine Nielsen, Self-Advocacy Coordinator
Guests Present: Elaine Brown, ADSD; Mary Bryant, UNR; Emily Davis, Transition Services, Inc.;Steve Decker, Family Support Council (via phone); Holly Devore, Easter Seals Nevada; Amy Dewitt-Smith, N4 (via phone); Jeff Duncan, ADSD;CJ Fields, Lyon County School District (via phone); Geena Mattox, Best Buddies;Cheyenne Pasquale, ADSD; Dawnielle Sampson, Best Buddies; Amanda Shipp, Easter Seals Nevada; Dawn Spinola, Washoe County Health District
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Evaluation Committee Chair,Kimberly Palma-Ortega,at 1:05 p.m.
Executive Assistant, Ellen Marquez verified the agenda for this meeting was posted to the appropriate locations on July 26, 2017.
Public Comment
Ms. Palma-Ortega asked if there was any public comment. None was given.
Approval of Minutes from the May 2017 Meeting
Ms. Palma-Ortega asked if there was a motion for the May 9, 2017 minutes.
Jack Mayes motioned to approve the May 9, 2017 minutes as written. Renee Portnell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Review, Discuss, and Recommendations for Possible Action on Grant Awards
Projects Manager, Kari Horn presented for review by the Committee, the quarterly monitoring reports submitted by all the NGCDD Grant Award Projects. Ms. Horn presented a summary including items of note.
As this is an action item, Ms. Palma-Ortega recommended there be no action taken at this time.
Review, Discuss, and Recommendations Awards for Notice of Funds Available (NOFA)
Ms. Palma-Ortega deferred to Ms. Manning to begin the discussion by reviewing the process of discussion of the 2018 Grant Applications.
Objective 3.1 – Create one transportation system model that is sustainable and replicable and will serve people with I/DD across the State.
There were four applications for this objective. The applications were reviewed with discussions regarding the projects. The applicants were present to answer questions from the Committee. Mr. Mayes motioned to recommend funding of $38,000 to ADSD and $22,000 to Family Support Council and prioritize possible additional funding to N4. Jodi Thornley seconded the motion. The motion passed with five voting yes, one voting no and one abstention.
Objective 3.2– A minimum of 10 strategies identified in the Nevada Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment will be implemented through collaboration with major stakeholders.
There were six applications for this objective. The applications were reviewed with discussions regarding the projects. The applicants were present to answer questions from the Committee. Santa Perez motioned to recommend funding of United Cerebral Palsy and University of Reno. There was discussion, but no second was given and the motion died. Mr. Mayes motioned to recommend funding of United Cerebral Palsy and Lyon County School District. Ms. Thornley seconded the motion. The motion passed with six voting yes and one abstention.
Objective 3.3 – Develop and/or strengthen a minimum of one system that improves quality of services and access to quality services and supports for individuals with I/DD in their local communities by working with agencies to bring awareness and training to public safety and emergency responders throughout the State of Nevada.
There were three applications for this objective. The applications were reviewed with discussions regarding the projects. The applicants were present to answer questions from the Committee. Steve Rock motioned to recommend funding of Washoe County Health District. Mr. Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Objective 3.4 – Annually educate a minimum of 100 persons with I/DD and their families to be able to make informed health choices throughout their lifespan.
There were three applications for this objective. The applications were reviewed with discussions regarding the projects. The applicants were present to answer questions from the Committee. Mr. Rock motioned to recommend funding of Aging and Disability Services Division. Ms. Perez seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment
Mr. Mayes thanked the Committee for their time and the good job the Committee did in recommending grant applicants.
Next Meeting Date
The next scheduled meeting for the NGCDD Evaluation Committee is November 14, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.
Ms. Palma-Ortega adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m.
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