The 18th at Walden Council of Co-Owners Meeting March 25, 2017

TheBoard of Directors Meeting for The 18th at Walden Council of Owners Association was held Saturday,March 25, 2017 at 12900 Walden Road Montgomery, TX 77656 in the Association Clubhouse.

The meeting was called to order at 10:10AM by Patti Grill, President. Directors in attendance were Patti Grill, Bekki Andrews, and Rhonda Farris. Christine Von Sehrwald was unable to attend. Directors in attendance established the required quorumto conduct Association business. Tina Sullivan, Account Manager with IMC Property Management was also in attendance.

Guest Speaker/Presenter Wendel Case with Gordon Safe and Lock / Houston Electronic Security was in attendance to present a proposal to the Board for installation of cameras and keyless keycard access to the pool area. Mr. Case proposal includes installation of 4 4.0 mega pixel high definition camera and video recorder with 16 channels and 3 TB hard drive. The video recorder will allow for viewing in live time and recorded playback. The 16 Channels will allow for additional camera stations to be added at a later date if the Board would like to expand on the camera system. As well as the cameras Mr. Case has provided a proposal to install a keyless card reader to the pool/laundry gate. The total proposal would be at an expense of $4001.50.

The draft meeting minutes from the January 7th, 2017Board of Directors Meeting minutes were presented for review.

Upon a motion duly made byBekki Andrews and seconded byRhonda Farris, the draft minutes were approved with minor changes as presented and will be retained as Association record.

The Board of Directors was presented with the closed February 28th 2017 financial reports for review.

Upon a motion duly made by Rhonda Farris, and seconded by, Bekki Andrews, the financials were approved as presented and will be retained as Association record.

Owners in attendance at the meeting were Jim Durnel, Kim Frouge, Mary Ellen Myers, Bob Dyer, and Linda Pierce. Mr. Durnel stated that the President needs to take control and get the azaleas fertilized stating that Patti Grill has the authority to make decisions and get work completed as she sees fit. Mr. Durnel was informed that not one Board Member has more authority than another it was further stated that the Board makes decisions as a group based on the authority provided in the governing documents of the community. Ms. Kim Frouge expressed concerns regarding the foundation of building 200. Kim stated that when her unit was empty they noticed hairline cracks in the tile flooring and has requested that the Board consider investigating the integrity of the foundation. Upon further discussion Rhonda Farris volunteered to research and meet with a foundation specialist. The meeting will consist of walking the property get recommendations or solutions if there are issues as well as obtain a comprehensive study back for presentation to the Board.

Rhonda Farris presented the Bylaws task force update stating that unfortunately there was only one property owner that attended the scheduled meetingtherefore due to lack of owners willing to attend the task force has been dissolved. The Board will continue to explore options to review the documents and come up with revisions that would enhance the governance of the community.

The Parking policy is a standing item on the agenda, Bekki Andrews will continue to work on creating this policy as priority items have utilized the time allocated for this project.

Bekki Andrews presented the proposal she procured from Gordon Safe and Lock with regard to Mr. Wendel Cases’ presentation stating that installing the cameras would be an asset to the community. Cameras in select areas of the community could be a deterrent to vandals just seeing the cameras installed which raised another question if the cameras would be installed within reach? This was addressed during Wendel’s presentation stating that the cameras will be installed on 20’ x 4” posts.

Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Rhonda Farris the Board approved accepting the proposal to install the cameras and the keyless entry at the pool gate at an expense of $4001.50. The work will begin once the gate has been relocated to enclose the laundry door.

Tina Sullivan provided the update on the flooded units in the 300 building stating that the work to restore the units has been completed.

Tina Sullivan provided the update on the landscape timber replacement project stating that the second phase will begin this week.

Tina Sullivan provided the update on the water heater replacement that services the laundry facility has been completed.

Selection of Officers was decided by the Board of Directors.

Patti Grill~President

Christine Von Sehrwald~Vice President

Rhonda Farris~Secretary

Bekki Andrews~Director at Large

Bank Signature cards were presented to the Board of Directors to select who would have the authority to sign on Association Accounts as follows:

Mutual of Omaha~Operating Account

Mutual of Omaha~Reserve Account

BBVA Compass~CD

Upon a motion duly made by Rhonda Farris and seconded by Bekki Andrews there should be two directors that have the authority to sign checks in the event a need presented. Both Bekki Andrews and Rhonda Farris will sign the signature cards for the Mutual of Omaha Operating and Reserve Accounts.

With regard to the BBVA Compass CD, Tina Sullivan again informed the Board that IMC does not have access to the account or the statements the only signor on the account is Patti Grill, President. Patti Grill stated that she would contact BBVA Compass and change the mailing address to the IMC office address in order for IMC to have the ability to reconcile the account. Patti Grill will also arrange for another signor on the account.

Duties and responsibilities of the officer positions were reviewed in detail and confidentiality agreements were signed by Board Members in attendance.

Tina Sullivan made the following recommendations to the Board of Directors:

  • Blowing of the roofs should be done at this time
  • Mulching of the interior flower beds
  • Purchase of commercial pressure washer
  • Purchase of a chainsaw on a pole to remove low tree branches
  • Purchase of pool furniture
  • Fascia replacement around the clubhouse
  • Pest Control routine service on entire property

Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Rhonda Farris the Board approved unanimously to have the roofs blow off now as it is a part of the landscaping contract to blow once per year at no charge.

Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Rhonda Farris the Board approved unanimously to mulch the interior flower beds.

Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Rhonda Farris the Board approved unanimously to purchase 16 Adirondack Chairs dark brown at a cost of $17.98 each 6 chairs to be placed at the adult pool and 10 chairs to be placed at the family pool.

Upon a motion duly made by Rhonda Farris and seconded by Bekki Andrews the Board approved unanimously to purchase 2 6’ folding tables and 20 folding chairs for the clubhouse and remove the old chairs and conference table for an expense of approximately $500.

The Board was presented with a proposal from A Pro Top to seal coat, restripe, and crack fill the entire parking lot at a cost of $11,929.00

Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Rhonda Farris the Board approved unanimously to accept the parking lot proposal at an expense of $11,929.00

Patti Grill requested the Board discuss landscaping and replacing some of the plants that were lost over the winter within the community. Patti would like to see replacements as follows:

  • 8 gardenia’s to be placed in front of buildings 4, 8 & 9
  • 2 red tips in front of unit #613
  • 6 red tips around building 10 electrical boxes behind the building
  • 2 red tips in front of 2 building
  • 2 red tips by the family pool area
  • The ivy bed in front of the 8 building that has died off replanted

Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Rhonda Farris the Board approved unanimously to approve the landscaping noted above to be completed.

The open session of the Board meeting was adjourned to open the executive session.

During the executive session the Board reviewed the collection reports discussed appropriate action on delinquent accounts reiterating that all accounts over $5oo to be sent to the attorney for further collection efforts.

Deed Violations were reviewed.

IMC contract was reviewed and discussed.

The Open Session of the meeting was reconvened and an oral summary was provided as to the general discussion.

IMC contract was discussed at great length as over the course of the last year February 2016-February 2017 Tina Sullivan has been on the property well over 120 hours beyond what IMC contract states. The contract states 2 property visits per month. Tina Sullivan provided the Board that the executed contract between IMC Management and The 18th at Walden for reference. Compensation over and beyond the 2 property visits per month or meetings that exceed the two (2) hour maximum maybe charged at an hourly rate of sixty ($60.00) per hour. IMC will attend any additional meetingsor conferences for which the Association will reimburse IMC at an hourly rate which is presently$60.00 per hour. Tina Sullivan stated that IMC would be willing to offer a settlement of $2400.00 rather than the full expense of the additional hours that would be approximately $7100.00. After presenting the information to the Board of Directors Tina Sullivan left the room to allow the Board to discuss openly and freely the solution to the additional hours and time spent on the property that exceeded the contract.

Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Rhonda Farris the Board approved paying IMC Management the full amount of $7100.00 for the additional hours and time spent working on projects and property visits.

With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm.

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held Saturday March 22nd, 2017

Respectively submitted by Tina Sullivan

Account Manager

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