Paper 2307
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Hinduism: Sources and Formations
This paper offers a thematic and historical introduction to the sources and development of Hindu traditions from their early formation to the medieval period. We will explore the formation of Hindu traditions through textual sources, such as the Vedas, Upaniṣads and Bhagavad Gītā, along with the practices and social institutions that formed classical Hindu traditions. The course will trace the development of devotional and tantric traditions. The lectures will include an introduction to Hindu philosophy. Lectures describe the history of the development of Hinduism, while tutorials follow the general historical trajectory of the lectures, focussing in more depth on specific topics.
To present the history of Classical Hinduism.
At the end of the course students will have:
· knowledge of the sources and development of Hinduism
· knowledge about key texts especially the Upaniṣads, Bhagavad Gītā and devotional and tantric texts
· be able to critically assess scholarly debates about the origins and development of Hinduism.
8 lectures; 8 tutorials.
is by one three-hour written examination in TT of the second year of the Honour School.
Reading list
Babb, L.A. The Divine Hierarchy (Columbia University Press, 1975)
Bayly, S. New Cambridge History of India vol. IV.3 (CUP, 1999).
Biardeau, M. Hinduism: The Anthropology of a Civilization (OUP, 1989)
Brockington, John The Sacred Thread (Edinburgh University Press, 1981).
Carman, J. and F. Margl,in (eds) Purity and Auspiciousness in Indian Society (Brill, 1985).
Clooney, Francis Hindu Wisdom for All God’s Children (Orbis Books, 1998).
Coward and Raja The Philosophy of the Grammarians (Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophies)
Coward, H. G. Sphoṭa Theory of Language (MLBD 1980)
Dirks, N. The Hollow Crown: Ethnohistory of an Indian Kingdom (Michigan University Press, 1993)
Doniger, W. (trs) The Laws of Manu (Penguin 1991)
Doniger, Wendy Hinduism: An Alternative History (OUP, 2010).
Dumont, L. Homo Hierarchicus (Chicago university Press, 1970)
Flood, G. An Introduction to Hinduism (CUP, 1996).
Flood, G. (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism (Blackwell 2003)
Flood G (ed) The Bhagavad Gita Norton Critical Edition (New York: Norton, 2015).
Fuller, C. The Camphor Flame (Princeton University Press, 1992).
Ganeri, J. The Concealed Art of the Soul: Theories of Self and Practices of Truth in Indian Ethics and Epistemology (OUP 2007)
Goodall, D. (ed and trs) Hindu Scriptures (California University Press, 1996)
Halbfass, W. (ed) Philology and Confrontation: Paul Hacker on Traditional and Modern Vedanta (SUNY 1995)
- Tradition and Reflection (SUNY Press, 1992)
Hardy, F. The Religious Culture of India: Power, Love, Wisdom (CUP, 1994).
Hardy, F. (ed.) The Wrld’s Religions: The Religions of Asia (Routledge, 1988)
Hiltebeitel, Alf Dharma: Its Early History in Law, religion, and Narrative (OUP 2011)
Houben, Jan E.M The Saṃbandha-Samuddeśa and Bhartṛhari’s Philosophy of Language (Egbert Forsten, 1995).
Hopkins, T. The Hindu Religious Tradition (Wadsworth, 1971).
Inden, R. Imagining India (Blackwell 1990), pp. 49-84.
Isayeva, E Śaṅkara and Indian Philosophy (SUNY Press)
Jameison, Stephanie Sacrificed Wife/Sacrificer’s Wife: Women, Ritual and Hospitality in Ancient India (OUP, 1996)
King, R. Indian Philosophy: An Introduction (Edinburgh University Press, 1999)
Kinsley, D.R. Hinduism: A Cultural Perspective (Englewood Cliffs, 1982)
Klostermaier, K. A Survey of Hinduism (SUNY Press, 1994).
Knott, Kim Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction (OUP, 1998).
Kulke, H. and D. Rothermund A History of India (Routledge, 1990)
Leslie, J. The Perfect Wife (OUP, 1989)
Lipner, J. Hindus (Routledge, 1994).
Lopez, D. S. (ed) Religions of India in Practice (Princeton University Press, 1993)
Michaels, Axel Hinduism: Past and Present (Princeton University Press, 2004)
Madan, T,N, Non-Renunciation (OUP, 1987)
- Way of Life: Essays in Honour of Louis Dumont
Malamoud, C. ‘Seduction in an Indian Light’, Cooking the World (OUP 1996), pp. 130-143.
Minkowski, C. Priesthood in Ancient India: a Study of the Maitrāvaruṇa Priest (Vienna: De Nobili, 1991).
Oberhammer, G. (ed.) Studies in Hinduism: Vedism and Hinduism (Austrian Academy of Science, 1996)
Oberlies, Thomas Der Rigveda und seine Religion (Berlin: Verlag der Welt Religion, 2011).
Olivelle, P. The Āśrama System: The History and Hermeneutics of a Religious Institution (OUP, 1993)
- The Laws of Manu (OUP 2005)
- Olivelle, P. Rules and Regulations for Brahmanical Asceticism (Sri Satguru, 1995).
- ‘The Renouncer Tradition’, in Flood (ed.) Blackwell Companion to Hinduism ch 12..
- Samnyasa Upanisads (OUP, 1992), pp. 42-57.
O’Flaherty, W. Textual Sources for the Study of Hinduism (Manchester University Press, 1988)
Parpola, Aslo The Roots of Hinduism (OUP 2015)
Patton, L. and Edwin Bryant (eds) The Indo-Aryan Controversy: Evidence and Inference in Indian History (Taylor and Francis, 2004)
Quigley, D. The Interpretation of Caste (OUP, 1993)
Raja, Kunjunni Indian Theories of Meaning (Madras: Adyar Library 1963).
Srinivas, M.R. The Remembered Village (University of California, 1976)
Smith, B. Classifying the Universe: The Ancient Indian Varna System and the Origins of Caste (Oxford University Press, 1994).
Staal, F. Rules Without Meaning: Ritual, Mantras and the Human Sciences (Peter Lang, 1989).
Sontheimer, G-D and H. Kulke (eds) Hinduism Reconsidered (Manohar, 1997)
Witzel, M. ‘Vedas and Upanisads’ in Flood (ed.) Blackwell Companion to Hinduism ch. 3.
Zaehner, R.C. Hinduism (Oxford University Press, 1966)