Mansfield Township School District

Mansfield Village Before and After School Program (MVP)



MTES Cell phone: 609-694-5648

JHES Cell phone: 609-668-2153

The mission of the Mansfield Village Before and After School Program is to provide all children of working parents quality care in a safe, recreational environment that fosters mutual respect and offers children a variety of activities.


***If your child attends school during the day but will not be attending the After School program on a regularly scheduled day, you must notify the child’s teacher and the school secretary to ensure your child goes to the appropriate place, and notify MVP with an e-mail, text, and phone call.


Offices: MTES Cell phone: 609-694-5648

JHES Cell phone: 609-668-2153

***Also send a note or e-mail to your child’s classroom teacher indicating that your child is to go home on the school bus or has other plans. Remember the secretaries may not know your child is a MVP member, so clearly state MVPon the note.

***If we do not receive a text, phone call or e-mail and cannot trace a child, the police will be called to investigate. A Finder's Fee of $25will be charged if you have failed to notify us and we initiate a search.***


Sign In / Out: Parents/Guardians MUST sign children in for the am program and out of the afternoon program.

AM Arrival: Each child must be brought into the program site by the parent/guardian who will sign the child in before 8:15 AM.

PM Departure: ALL children must be picked up by 6:00 PM. A parent must come in and sign out on the attendance form. No child can be released to someone under 18 years of age. Additionally, no student can be released to someone suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Pick-up Authorization: Your enrollment forms provide space to list those people authorized to pick up your child after school. Your child will be released to no other person unless you have sent a note to the program authorizing the adult to pick up your child. For an emergency authorization, please call the MVP office. They will confirm your call and instruct the staff accordingly.

Please provide the MVP coordinator with a copy of any official legal documents regarding custody and visitation.

Are you going to be late? If you find that you will not be able to get to the school by 6:00 PM, call the person designated for emergency pick-up giving them ample time to arrive at the after school site by 6:00 PM. Call the site and inform them of the change. If no one arrives by 6:00 PM, After School staff will call the emergency pick-up person to come get your child. Late pick-ups put an unfair burden on the staff who have other obligations. Abuse of this policy will result in the child's removal from the program. As written in the Enrollment Agreement, your child may be removed from the program after 3 late pickups.


We serve the Mansfield Township children in grades K – 6in the before and after school program. Children must be toilet trained to attend the program.


If you are a new member, complete all information and return with the registration fee and the first month’s tuition by . You will be notified of acceptance into the program as long as space is available. All enrollment information must be completed and initial tuition paid at least 3 days before starting the program later in the year.


The MVP program provides the opportunity for children to choose from a variety of active and quiet recreational and enrichment activities. Children are encouraged to make their own choices, be creative and pursue individual interests. The children are grouped according to grades and given a healthy snack. Thirty minutes of outdoor play is encouraged on a daily basis, weather permitting. The children may be involved with crafts, creative arts, physical fitness, etc. as well as table games, puzzles and sports. The children help plan their program activities. Time is set aside each morning and afternoon for homework.


The school district schedules early release days for parent-teacher conferences and school planning. If your child normally attends our program on the day of the week that is an early release day, we take care of him/her from the close of school until the usual pick-up time. Our program starts when the children are dismissed. Children are required to bring a lunch on early dismissal days unless notified of a provided lunch. Snacks will be provided.


Please be sure to inform the after school coordinator if your home, work, beeper or emergency contact numbers change. Please keep your emergency numbers up to date. The emergency number and address must be local, within 10 miles of the school. We ask that you provide us with an alternate work number where someone will answer the phone and contact you in an emergency.


We operate any day that the school is open until the last day of school. If schools are closed because of snow/ice, the program does not operate. If the school day has begun and a school closing is called due to weather or other conditions, the program will not operate and you are responsible for making arrangements for picking up your child. Please let your child know exactly what to do in an early emergency closing.

In an emergency after school closing, we will contact the primary number. If we need to leave a message, we will go through the list of all our parents and then attempt to call other contacts.


If the school district has a delayed opening, there will be no before school program.


Families who have current enrollment information on file may use the program on a drop-in basis. You must first contact a MVP Coordinator to see if there is space. Please call or e-mail at least 24 hours before the date you wish to use the program. The drop-in fee is $5 for the before school program and $10 for the after school program. On early release days the fee is $20. Unfortunately due to staffing or other constraints, we may not be able to accommodate all drop-in requests.


In the event that a parent/guardian is notified by the school nurse during the school day to pick up a child because he/she is ill, the child will not be admitted to the after school program. Please notify MVP if you take your child home early and they will not be attending. Please be advised that if a child attending the program develops a fever, has diarrhea, is vomiting or has broken out in a rash, or is believed to be contagious for any reason, the parent will be contacted to pick up the child from the program.

If your child is injured at MVP and the parent or emergency contact person cannot be reached, the physician listed on the registration form will be contacted for further instructions. In the case of extreme medical emergency, the local rescue squad will be contacted. BE SURE that your medical records and phone numbers are up-to-date, as inaccurate numbers can delay treatment for your child. Also be sure emergency numbers are local contacts who live within Mansfield or nearby.


NO prescription or non-prescription medication can be given by our site staff during the program. Any required medications must be administered by the school nurse during the school day. The parent needs to provide the medication with the doctor’s script to either the JHES or MTES nurse according to school policy. Please advise the MVP Coordinator if your child requires medication for a life-threatening condition.


Our staff is not responsible for the loss of personal property. Children will be allowed to use electronic items on a limited basis (i.e. Game Boy; iPods; iPads; cd players; radios; cameras; DS or other hand held games…). Students will not be allowed to use cameras or the camera capability in any electronic device. If your child brings any personal items to the before or after school program, it is his/her responsibility not to lose them:


Toys, Trading CardsElectronics (DS, PSP, DS…)

Radios, CD players, iPodsCell phones, Ipads


The MVP environment is one of mutual respect among staff, children and families. If there is a problem, please discuss the situation directly with the MVP Coordinator.


We follow the school discipline procedures in order to facilitate a consistent and unified understanding of behavioral expectations. We try to create an environment in which children are encouraged to develop an appreciation of their own rights and the rights of others, along with assuming the responsibilities that go with those rights.

We follow the district’s zero tolerance policy concerning weapons, no pocketknives or water guns may be brought to the program. Threats of a violent nature are taken seriously – the child will be suspended and a police report will be filed.

At the beginning of the year, children discuss with each other and the staff the rules and procedures that foster a positive environment. Each group establishes and posts its own rules. Children’s involvement in setting the rules helps them be more responsible and respectful of others.

In the event that a child continuously displays inappropriate behavior, these steps will be followed:

  1. Conference between staff and parent
  2. Conference with staff, parent, and supervisor including a decision regarding child’s ability to function within the structure of the program.

MVP Code of Conduct

Classroom Rules

1. Show respect for your group leader, all adults and your peers.

2. Respect personal and school property.

3. Keep your hands, feet, and comments to yourself.

4. Remain seated and quiet during homework time.

5. Raise your hand to ask a question.

6. Share the toys and games.

7. Clean up after yourself.

Hallway Rules

1. Walk in the hallways.

2. Remain quiet.

3. Respect bulletin boards, displays, walls and school property.

4. Remain quiet in the bathrooms.

Playground and Gym Rules

1. Follow the safety rules of the activity.

2. Play all games and activities with good sportsmanship.

3. Use equipment properly and clean up when done playing.

4. Have fun.

Bus Rules

1. Respect the bus driver.

2. Remain in your seat.

3. Wear your seat belt.

4. Respect your classmates - no fighting, harassing,

threatening, or intimidating.

5. Talk only to the students in your row.

***Mansfield Township School District has a Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Policy #5131.9 on Page 24 of the Student Handbook which is also available online on our school website.***


There is a fee of $5 for each 5 minutes or part thereof that you are late. There is also an additional $10 fine for second lateness and an additional $20 fine for the third lateness. After the third lateness, your child will be dropped from the program. Fees are payable within 5 days to Mansfield Township Board of Education.

Example: 1st offense you arrive 10 minutes late you will be fined $10

2nd offense you arrive 15 minutes late you will be fined $25, $15 for being 15

minutes late, plus $10 because it is your second offense.


DUE: 25th of the preceding month LATE: After 5th of the month

Tuition is based on the number of days enrolled. The total is divided into 10 equal payments. Tuition is paid monthly through June and is due by the 25th of the preceding month (for example, December's tuition is due on November 25*), There will be a past due charge of $25 for payments not received by the 5th of the month. If tuition is two months in arrears, the child may be removed from the program. Please send payment with child's name.

Please notify the MVP staff in writing in the event of extended illness, vacation or other absences from the program; however, please note that you are still responsible for the full monthly tuition.


When a check is returned to us for insufficient funds, there is a $40 fine. Its replacement must be cash or two money orders, one for the amount of the check and a separate one for $40 for the returned check charge. If this happens a second time, all future payments for any MVP program must made through or by money order.


Be aware that several corporations E-mail their staff about grant opportunities for child care programs. If you receive such information, please contact our office about nominating the program. We welcome donations of computer paper, arts and crafts supplies, toys and games in good condition.

Monthly Tuition Rates for Before & After School Program

School Hours 8:45-3:15

Morning (drop off at 6:45AM) Afternoon (pick up by 6 PM)

First Child Second Child

Days per week Days per week

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

AM from 7 AM $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $72 $63 $54 $45 $36

PM until 6 PM $185 $175 $165 $155 $145 $167 $157 $148 $139 $130

Both AM & PM $250 $230 $215 $195 $175 $224 $205 $192 $174 $155

***Make checks payable to Mansfield Twp. BOE or register and pay through***



●A one time $45.00 registration fee is due when submitting the paperwork to enter the program (i.e. Enrollment Agreement, Application form, and Transportation form). This one-time fee covers all children in your immediate family.

●Any additional expenses (including but not limited to one to one aide, nursing services, etc) incurred by the district to meet the needs of the student in the program will be the sole responsibility of the parent.

●Returned checks - $40

●Finders fee - $25

●Tuition is due by the 25th of the preceding month. Late fee of $25 if received later than the 5th of the month (10 day grace period).

●Late Pick Up - $5 for every 5 minutes or part thereof, $10 additional fine for 2nd lateness, $20 additional fine for 3rd lateness


The school year calendar can be found online on our school website: