2009 ACF Fall: Quizbowl is my Hot Hot Sex
Edited by Evan Adams, Auroni Gupta, Will Nediger, Mehdi Razvi, and George Stevens with help by the honorable Seth Teitler
Packet by OSU and Carleton A
1. The Duane-Hunt law can be used to calculate the maximum frequencies observed from an inverse form of this effect. It was first seen in an experiment performed in a dark box, where the area between two brass conductors formed a spark gap, but the same could not be said for glass or quartz when UV light was shone on them. This effect is only observed in materials whose work function is less than the energy of incident particles, and the difference in those quantities gives the kinetic energy of particles emitted. Sometimes named for its discoverer Heinrich Hertz, for 10 points, name this effect in which photons striking a metal result in an emission of electrons.
ANSWER: photoelectric effect [or Hertz effect before mentioned]
2. The Master of the Perfect World teaches the lute and zither to Han Fook in this man’s short story “The Poet.” One of this author's characters is sentenced to eternal life after stabbing Hermine in a house of mirrors known as the Magic Theater. One of his protagonists studies at Escholz and Waldzel before becoming a master in the Order of Castalia and earning the title Magister Ludi. Another of this author's creations leaves home with Govinda, learns the ways of love from Kamala, and meets the ferryman Vasudeva in a quest for enlightenment. For 10 points, name this German-Swiss creator of Harry Haller, Joseph Knecht and a title Buddha figure, the author of Steppenwolf, The Glass Bead Game, and Siddhartha.
ANSWER: Herman Hesse
3. One ballet by this composer includes the songs “I ride an old paint,” “McLeod’s Reel,” and William H. Stepp’s version of “Bonaparte’s Retreat.” Another ballet by this composer uses a C# bass line in its “Celebration Dance,” which follows a “Card Game at Night” and a “Gun Battle.” This composer wrote a ballet whose suite does not include the “Ranch House Party,” but does include the “Saturday Night Waltz” and “Hoe-Down” movements. This composer used five variations on a Shaker theme for the melody “Simple Gifts” in a ballet set in Pennsylvania. For 10 points, name this composer of Rodeo, Billy the Kid, and Appalachian Spring.
ANSWER: Aaron Copland
4. This person summoned Johann von Felbiger in an effort to improve primary education, and also founded an academy for oriental languages. The breaking up of freemason lodges shows this ruler’s intolerance, as did the forced emigration of Protestants to Transylvania, and many of this ruler’s reforms were instituted by Count Haugwitz. Wenzel Kaunitz failed to persuade this monarch to not reclaim Silesia from Frederick II. Earlier, Charles VI had ensured this ruler’s succession by allowing female inheritance through the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713. For 10 points, identify this archduchess whose 1740 ascension led to the War of Austrian Succession.
ANSWER: Maria Theresaof Austria
5. In one song, this band notes that “life has its problems, and I get my share” before claiming “I’m just a soul whose intentions are good.” Another of their songs is set “in this dirty old part of the city, when the sun refuse to shine” and advocates the title action “if it’s the last thing we ever do.” In addition to “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” and “We Gotta Get Out of this Place,” this group advised mothers to “tell your children not to do what I have done” in a song about an institution that’s “been the ruin of many a poor boy.” For 10 points, name this Eric Burdon fronted British invasion group that sang “there is a house in New Orleans” in “The House of the Rising Sun.”
ANSWER: The Animals
6. This philosopher discussed the philosophy of Henri Bergson in The Winds of Doctrine, and held that to judge something as beautiful was to differentiate between fundamental ideals and transitory ones in The Sense of Beauty. His discussed essence, matter, truth and spirit in The Realms of Being, and he wrote a five-volume work on the “phases of human progress” which notes that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For 10 points, name this Spanish-American naturalist philosopher who wrote The Life of Reason and Skepticism and Animal Faith.
ANSWER: George Santayana [or Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás]
7. He wrote a political romance about a barmaid who refuses to kill the czar, but it only lasted a week on the stage. Before the failure of Vera, he wrote about Mrs. Cheveley’s attempt to blackmail Sir Robert Chiltern in his play An Ideal Husband. He wrote that “each man kills the thing he loves” in a poem about of a prisoner who “did not wear his scarlet coat,” “The Ballad of Reading Gaol.” He is better known for a novel centering on a painting by Basil Hallward and a play which includes the young Cecily Cardew and the friends Jack and Algernon. For 10 points, name the author of The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest.
ANSWER: Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde
8. Clayton Alderfer reorganized this concept into one with three levels, with each level lying across an introversion-extraversion axis. One element of this concept was first developed by Kurt Goldstein, and can be measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory. Over the course of its development, its constituents were split into D- and B-levels, and three more levels were added to the original five, including ones labeled “cognitive” and “aesthetic.” For 10 points, self-actualization occupies the top tier of what construct proposed by the American psychologist who wrote Toward a Psychology of Being, Abraham Maslow?
ANSWER: Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs [accept equivalents]
9. This individual ordered the sinking of the Altalena on the suspicion that it carried men wishing to launch a coup against him. Years earlier, this man founded a workers’ faction known as the Histadrut, which would later merge with similar groups into the Mapai, later his country’s labor party. This man increased his nation’s population via Operation Magic Carpet, which flew in almost fifty thousand Yemenis “On Wings of Angels”. This politician left the Mapai upon resigning due to the Lavon Affair, and he and his supporters formed the Rafi party and made and made an unsuccessful attempt to challenge the coalition of this man’s successor, Levi Eshkol. For 10 points, identify this statesman, who, in 1948, became the first prime minister of Israel.
ANSWER: David Ben-Gurion [accept David Gruen]
10. Species responsible for mild forms of this ailment include vivax and knowlesi, the latter of which primarily affects macacas, while most serious forms of it are caused by the species falciparum. Extracts from Artemisia annua are used to combat this disease, whose pathogenesis involves merozoite spores infecting red blood cells. Its key vector is a member of genus Anopheles, and heterozygous alleles for sickle cell anemia confer a degree of resistance to this disease. Traditionally, the strongest treatment for it is a medicine derived from cinchona bark, quinine. For 10 points, identify this disease carried by mosquitoes and caused by Plasmodia that comes from Italian for “bad air”.
ANSWER: malaria
11. One incident related in this book is the death of Nadav and Avihu for filling their censures with “strange fire.” This book specifically prohibits sacrificing children to Moloch and distinguishes between “trespass-offerings,” “sin-offerings,” and “burnt-offerings.” Chapters 13 and 14 of this book discuss the affliction of tzaraath, and chapter 23 of this book specifies the allowed days for work on feasts and other holidays. Sections of this book discuss Yom Kippur and sexual misconduct, which includes a prohibition of bestiality and homosexual relations. Divided into a Priestly Code and Holiness Code, for 10 points, name this third book of the Torah.
ANSWER: Book of Leviticus [or Vayikra]
12. This politician rose to prominence by leading a group known as the Insurgents against the corruption of Senator Philetus Sawyer. This politician sponsored the Seamen’s Act of 1915, which increased the safety of passengers, and he vehemently opposed the Aldrich-Vreeland Act, passed after the Panic of 1907. This man was one of the leaders of the opposition to the Espionage Act, as well as to American involvement in World War One. Burton Wheeler served as the running mate of this man, who placed third in an election behind John Davis and Calvin Coolidge. For 10 points, name this Wisconsin politician and nominee of the Progressive Party in the 1924 presidential election.
ANSWER: Robert Marion La Follette
13. He compared Alexander Pope’s Illiad to George Chapman’s Odyssey in his lecture series On Translating Homer. This author wrote that one of the title concepts was the “best that has been thought and said in the world” in his nonfiction Culture and Anarchy, and he exclaimed “Go, for they call you, Shepherd!” in “The Scholar Gypsy.” After the death of his friend Arthur Clough, this man penned a monody titled Thyrsis. Another of his works opens “The sea is calm to-night” and notes that “Sophocles long ago, Heard it on the Agaean.” For 10 points, name this critic and poet who wrote about a "darkling plain" where "ignorant armies clash by night" in “Dover Beach.”
ANSWER: Mathew Arnold
14. This composer’s only oratorio includes grieving Bethulian women and depicts Judith beheading Holofernes. This composer used solo violins in his collection La stravaganza and 1, 2, and 4 violins for various movements in his 12 concerto collection L’estro Armonico. This composer wrote “Pleasure” and “The Hunt” for another collection, The Contest Between Harmony and Invention, whose first four movements are accompanied by sonnets describing a barking dog, an icy wind, and a sleeping goatherd in a meadow. For 10 points, name this composer who wrote The Four Seasons.
ANSWER: Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
15. N-acetylglutamate regulates this compound’s production by activating carbamoyl phosphate synthase, which initializes its synthesis. Along with its analog, guanidinium, it is a strong protein denaturant, and other key steps in its synthesis include the conversion of ornithine to citrulline, which is then converted into arginine and this compound in its namesake cycle. Consisting of two amine groups linked by a carbonyl, this non-toxic compound derives from toxic ammonia in the liver and makes up most of the dry weight of urine. For 10 points, name this compound which clears most nitrogenous waste from the body and was first synthesized by Friedrich Wohler.
ANSWER: urea
16. This author created the furniture dealer Gregory Solomon who brokers a deal between cop Victor Franz and and his brother in one work. Another of his plays takes place in the protagonist’s head represented as a concentration camp as he relives memories of ex-wives Louise and Maggie. In addition to The Price and After the Fall, this playwright wrote about the discovery that Joe Keller sold defective airplane parts during WWII in All My Sons. In one of this author's plays, Abigail Williams tries to seduce John Proctor, and in another, the husband of Linda kills himself to give insurance money to Happy and Biff. For 10 points, name this playwright of Death of a Salesman and The Crucible.
ANSWER: Arthur Miller
17. He worked on the restoration of Titian’s Emperor Vitellius and Emperor Galba, while several of his own works were adapted into sculptures by Bernini. His Iconography series consists of portraits of several of his contemporaries. His self-portraits include one with a broken column and one with a sunflower, and he also painted several portraits of Queen Henrietta Maria. Another work depicts his patron’s upper body in three positions, while his most famous work depicts the same figure in hunting dress. For 10 points, name this student of Peter Paul Rubens, a Flemish portraitist who was court painter to Charles I of England.
ANSWER: Sir Anthony Van Dyck [or Antoon Van Dijck]
18. The “optical” or “refractive” type of this quantity is measured in diopters and measures the ability of a device to focus light. A non-standard unit for this quantity is the ton of refrigeration, and in systems with flow, it is equal to the product of flow rate and pressure. Radiative intensity or energy flux is defined as luminosity or this quantity per unit area. In rotational systems, it can be calculated as the dot product of torque and angular velocity, while in kinematics it is simply given by force times velocity. For 10 points, name this physical quantity equal to the work done per unit time, often measured in Watts.
ANSWER: power [do not accept “energy flux” or the like]
19. At birth, this figure was surrounded by a cluster of women, who cried as if he were still-born. This figure fathered Nebrophonus and Euneus after impregnating Hypsipyle, the queen of the foul-smelling ladies of Lesbos. After helping Hera cross the Anauros, this figure lost a sandal, fulfilling a prophecy that resulted in him killing harpies that bothered Phineus, crossing the Sympeglades, and arriving in Colchis. King Aeetus asked this figure to sow the teeth of the Sleepless Dragon, who he was able to pass thanks to Medea’s help. For 10 points, name this leader of the Argonauts, a Greek hero who recovered the Golden Fleece.
ANSWER: Jason [or Yason; or Easun; do not accept Aeson]
20. A delegation led by the Heavenly Twins and Billy Hughes claimed that a specific clause introduced by Japan into this treaty which prohibited discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity would destroy White Australia, so it was removed. In this treaty, the Chinese had their own ambitions shot down when Shandong was given to Japan, starting protests in Tiananmen Square on May fourth. Part 13 of this treaty founded the International Labor Organization, which is today an agency of the United Nations. France did not succeed in separating the Rhineland from Germany in this treaty, but did regain one province. For 10 points, name this treaty signed in 1919 in a city famous for its Hall of Mirrors, ending World War I.
ANSWER: Treaty of Versailles
This author wrote a poem about a dog’s collar inscribed with the phrase “Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?” Another brief work by this author concludes “God said, “Let Newton be!” and all was light.” This poet concluded in one work that “One truth is clear, whatever is, is right.” This author wrote “To err is human, to forgive divine” in his poem “An Essay on Criticism.” This author of “An Essay on Man” also wrote a poem in which the spirits Umbriel and Ariel unsuccessfully prevent Lord Petre from cutting off a piece of Belinda’s hair. For 10 points, name this British poet who used heroic couplets in mock epics like The Dunciad and The Rape of the Lock
ANSWER: Alexander Pope