Special Projects & Grants: Funded Grant Guidelines

The guidelines below and the District’s Expenditure/Payment Guidelines will make the process much smoother for all involved. Please download or print all of the aforementioned guidelines and keep them with your project notes to use as a reference. If you have any questions, please call Nina Mancina (971-7218) or Jenna Kline (971-7221), or email us at or .

Important Guidelines:

ü  Send ALL paperwork pertaining to this grant to Special Projects & Grants at the District Office. This includes Purchase Requisitions, Service Contracts, payroll information, etc. All paperwork must be received within 90 days to be approved and signed by Nina Mancina before it will be paid.

ü  Before purchasing any item online or at a store, it is important to check with our purchasing department first for pricing. Especially items such as electronics or other higher priced items. Most often we can get the same item for much less. Just e-mail

us and we can check with purchasing for you.

ü  As you are implementing your grant it is helpful to keep all documentation together, including any notes you might make. A few helpful suggestions are either a three-ring binder with 3-hole punched envelopes or an electronic spreadsheet or both.

ü  The following guidelines are extremely important for reimbursement, especially when purchases are made online or at a store:

Ø  Try to avoid any out of pocket expenses as reimbursement can take a while.

Ø  If for some reason you need to purchase an item out of pocket with a credit card, a copy of your credit card statement (including the last 4 digits of the card # and card holder’s name) must accompany a Request for Direct Pay (RDP), and you may certainly block out any pertinent information on the statement copy. However, please try to avoid any out of pocket expenses.

Ø  Any single item under $100 must be reimbursed through your school site’s petty cash within 90 days and cannot be paid using a Request for Direct Pay (RDP). However, you can use the RDP if there are several receipts that equal $100 or more. Also, be sure to sign each receipt. If you have a receipt that does not show

the items purchased (just the price), please write an explanation as to what

that purchase was for. Again, all receipts must be turned in within 90 days.

Ø  Reimbursement using a Request for Direct Pay (RDP) can only be used if your receipts total $100-$499. Receipts from another individual must accompany a separate RDP, including required signatures. RDP’s and receipts must be turned in within 90 days.

Ø  Purchase of any single item over $499 must be purchased using a completed Purchase Order (PO). Again, using a purchase order can end up costing less through our purchasing department. If you plan on using the same store for most purchases (i.e. Home Depot, Lowe’s, etc.) it is best to provide the store with an Open PO# and then the store will bill us against that PO#. (See the next bullet for the Open PO process.)

Ø  Open PO process:

● Contact your school site secretary to assist you in completing a Purchase Requisition (PR) to request an Open PO.

● Forward your completed PR to Special Projects & Grants at the District Office for Nina Mancina’s signature/approval.

● Special Projects will forward your PR to the purchasing department and they will assign it a PO#. Purchasing will then send the “Requisitioner” copy back to you/your school site via district mail.

● When making a purchase using your Open PO make sure the cashier at the designated store uses your PO# for your purchase. If there is some confusion about the Open PO on the cashier’s part ask to see the store manager. Do not make an out of pocket purchase to get around the Open PO issue as it will create problems down the line.

● Please keep track of all of your purchases made through your Open PO as it will save time for all involved at the end of the grant funding period.

Ø  Funds must be used in alignment with your grant application narrative and the budget you submitted with the application. Should a change be necessary you must contact the funder for approval prior to making the change. You will need to provide them with a justification for the change. If they say yes, just let us know and we can adjust the budget. Probably the easiest way to do it is to cc us on any email you send them so we will see the response.

For additional information click on Expenditure/Payment Guidelines. Once again, we ask that you download or printout all of the guidelines above and place them in your grant file folder or notebook for a quick reference.

We are here to assist you in making your project go as smooth as possible and avoid problems down the line so if there are any questions regarding any of these guidelines, please contact Nina or Jenna.

Nina Mancina, Program Specialist

Jenna Kline, Grants Technician

Special Projects &Grants Office

Tele (916) 971-7221

Fax (916) 979-8131

Rev. 1/6/2016