Nonrenewable Energy Sources: Dig Deeper

We’ve discussed many different topics related to nonrenewable energy resources; you’ve read your text and many of you have read news articles related to this broad topic. Well, let’s dig deeper (puns intended) to increase our expertise on this globally, relevant topic.

You may select your own specific topic based on questions you personally have, or select one of these. Write a “brief” to summarize your thoughts including as many facts as you can to support your brief. Cite sources to add legitimacy to your argument. You will spend the rest of the class period today on this; spend another 20-30 minutes on this, as needed. Be prepared to discuss your brief in class; however we won’t have time to hear from everyone.

1)  Drill, Baby Drill!

a.  What about off-shore oil drilling? Make some sort of chart to summarize the pros and cons. Firm up your own opinion based on the facts you can find and your own priorities. Look for sources that represent both view points. Make sure to look for data on expert sites such as USGS, eia.org, etc.

b.  Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge….

Make some sort of chart to summarize the pros and cons. Firm up your own opinion based on the facts you can find and your own priorities. Look for sources that represent both view points. Make sure to look for data on expert sites such as USGS, eia.org, etc. I’ve also put some resources on our webpage.

2)  Nuclear Power

a.  The world’s worst NPP accident happened at Chernobyl in 1986. Its 22 years later. What’s going on at Chernobyl these days? Who lives there? How many deaths have been attributed to that accident?

b.  The Three Mile Island Accident was the worst NPP accident in the US, occurring in 1979. What other accidents have occurred in the US? What do you think about the safety of NP given what you can find about accidents?

c.  Yucca Mountain. The permanent US nuclear waste disposal facility is long over due. Why? What’s going on? When is it expected to open? Make sure to get the most recent information you can find.

3)  Coal

a.  one continuing controversy regarding mining coal is Mountain Top Removal (coal mining companies blast the tops of mountains off to get to the coal). What’s actually done? Why is it problematic? Why do some say it’s not problematic?

b.  I received this email the other day from the Sierra Club. I am not a member; however I am on their emailing list. I haven’t checked it out. You check it out. Do they have some vendetta against the coal industry or are their criticisms legitimate? Check it out, look for facts. Decide what you think about The Coal Industry.

Dear Mark,
The coal industry just doesn’t get it.
They have spent over $40 million on slick advertising to mask the truth about coal. They think we can be fooled, that we will simply ignore things like ‘science’ or ‘facts.’
Don't Let the Coal Industry Con You!
Watch the video, spread the truth about dirty coal.
But we know better than to simply believe whatever they say. Check out our video that cuts through the spin from the coal industry and lays down the facts on some of their most recent ads.
They claim coal is clean—the truth is it’s the dirtiest source of energy there is.
They claim coal is cheap—when in reality coal has caused electricity costs to spike across the country.
They claim coal is abundant—we know coal resources will start to permanently decline in just 20 years.
Go to www.CoalIsNotTheAnswer.orgto learn the truth.
The litany of misinformation just goes on and on.
Watch the video and then comment on what you think about coal. See a bogus local TV and newspaper ad on coal? Let us know on thewebsiteand we’ll make sure it gets a thorough fact check.
Together, we can make sure the coal industry is held accountable for their lies. Instead of spending millions to convince us that we need a dirty technology of the past, let’s tell them to start investing in clean, renewable technologies that are ready to go today, such as wind, solar and geothermal.
Thanks for protecting the planet.
Bruce Nilles
National Director
Sierra Club Coal Campaign
You can get to the links in the email from here:
and you can look here: