Corrections Standards Authority
Corrections Planning and Programs Division
Enhanced Disproportionate Minority Contact
Technical Assistance Project II Grants
Quarterly Progress Report
Phase II: Collaboration and Plan Development
Prepared by: / Phone: () -Title: / Date: / Email:
Phase II Reporting Quarters
Quarter 1
2011 / Quarter 2
2011 / Quarter 3
2012 / Quarter 4
2012 / Quarter5
This phase is designed to support the education of juvenile justice system stakeholders (e.g., judges, district attorneys, public defenders, local law enforcement, social service and education agencies, community-based organizations and community members) about the probation department’s DMC efforts and to engage stakeholders in the development of a long-term DMC reduction plan.
Please provide an update on your efforts with respect to administering the project
as outlined in the grant proposal by addressing the following questions.
A. Discuss specific strategies employed to engage and/or enhance understanding of DMC among stakeholders. (Note: Please specify stakeholders)
B. Describe Phase I Infrastructure products that either were delivered to stakeholders, or lent themselves toward engagement/collaborative activities amongst stakeholders (e.g., DMC data reports, DMC training documents, etc.).
C. List project accomplishments and/or successes for this reporting period in terms of educating and engaging identified stakeholders relative to DMC. Please describe the impact these activities are having on the development of the long-term DMC reduction plan.
D. Discuss any challenges that your project encountered during the reporting period and how you addressed, or are addressing, those challenges.
E. Phase II: Federal Award Amount $
Amount Invoiced Year-to-Date (Sum of Quarterly Invoices) / $Percent of Award Invoiced to Date (Amount above ÷ Annual Award) / %
In relation to the overall grant budget, are federal funds being expended as planned and on schedule? Yes No
If not, explain why and describe what expenditure plan(s) exist for the duration of PhaseII of the grant period.
E. Are all authorized positions filled and performing grant-related duties? Yes No
If not; explain why andwhat hiring plan(s) exist to fill those positions.
Please provide an assessment of project activities with respect to the intent of the grant
as outlined in the Request for Proposals and the Reapplication for Phase II
by addressing the following questions.
A. Provide any data (quantitative and/or qualitative) beyond what CSA requires that may be pertinent to assessing the impact of this project on reducing DMC in the targeted neighborhood(s) and/or community. This may include attaching the W. Haywood Burns Institute’s data template/matrix for the reporting period.
B. Describe the leadership and/or management team activities undertaken this reporting period that have supported staff, stakeholders and/or the project toward achieving DMC reduction goals.
C. Describe any policy or system changes that have occurred as a result of the grant activities.
D. Provide any other information that you believe may be pertinent to assessing the impact of this project on reshaping the juvenile justice system’s perspective of, or approach to, DMC.
DMC Phase II PR8/11
Please provide the information requested in Table A relative to the
Federal Performance Measures for this reporting period only.
Number of data collection system improvement projects implemented this quarter.Number of identification/assessment studies conducted this quarter.
Total number of recommendations made based on identification/assessment studies conducted this quarter.
Number of recommendations chosen for implementationthis quarter based on identification/assessment studies conducted.
Total number of DMC related trainings completed this quarter.
Number of DMC related training hours provided to probation staff this quarter.
Number of probation staff who participated in DMC related training this quarter.
Total number of probation staff.
Percent of probation staff trained in DMC related materials this quarter.
Number of training hours of non-probation individuals (include stakeholders) who participated in DMC related training this quarter.
Number of non-probation individuals with increased knowledge of DMC this quarter.
Number of newly established partnerships/stakeholders in DMC reduction activities this quarter.
Number of program materials developed this quarter.
Number of planning activities conducted this quarter.
Number of program/agency policies or procedures created, amended or rescinded this quarter (e.g., change in decision making tools, management review of all violations of probation, etc.).
Please provide the information requested in Table Bbased on your
agency’s internal data collection system for this reporting period only.
Although full collection capacity may not be currently available, include those
data elements that are available within your system this quarter. Provide gender breakouts (M/F) for decision-making category within each racial/ethnic group.
Total / White / Black / Hispanic / Asian / PacificIslander / Native
American / Other
Male/Female / M/F / M/F / M/F / M/F / M/F / M/F / M/F / M/F
Juvenile Arrests
Juvenile Hall Bookings
In-custody Holds for Detention Hearings
For each decision-making category within Table B, report the number of events, by race/ethnicityAND gender, for the reporting quarter – not the number of individual youth, as a single youth may have multiple events over the course of the 3-month reporting period.
- Juvenile Arrests: Report the total number of juvenile arrests made by local law enforcement officers, the corresponding totals by race/ethnicity, gender and percentages for the identified period.
- Juvenile Hall Bookings: Report the total number of bookings into the juvenile hall(s), the corresponding totals by race/ethnicity, gender and percentages for the identified period.
- In-custody Holds for Detention Hearings: Report the total number of juveniles held in-custody awaiting detention hearings (pre-disposition), the corresponding totals by race/ethnicity, gender and percentages for the identified period.
- Petitions- Filed: Report the total number of petitions that were filed by the District Attorney, the corresponding totals by race/ethnicity, gender and percentages for the identified period.
- Petitions- Sustained: Report the total number of petitions that were sustained, the corresponding totals by race/ethnicity, gender and percentages for the identified period.
- Institutional Commitments: Report the total number of juveniles committed to a juvenile detention facility (juvenile hall or camp) by the Court (post-disposition), the corresponding totals by race/ethnicity, gender and percentages for the identified period.
Please email completed form to:
For questions, call Shalinee Hunter (916/322-8081) or Helene Zentner (916/323-8631)
Date Reviewed: / Date entered into DC-TAT: / Reviewed by:Comments:
DMC Phase II PR8/11