Wild Ones Native Plants/Natural Landscapes
Board Meeting – February 4, 2006 (9:00 am CST)
Topic / Discussion / Action ItemAttendance / Please reference the “Q12006BoardMbrCklist” for the list of attendees.
Secretary’s Report / Not given.
Board members were requested to review the August 2005 minutes prior to the conference call.
President’s Report
Joe Powelka / The 2006 quarterly board meetings are scheduled as follows:
· 1st Q: Feb. 4th at 9:00 am CST as a conference call
· 2nd Q: Tentatively scheduled for May 20th in Oakland Township Michigan
· 3rd Q: July 14th at the national meeting in Naperville Illinois
· 4th Q: Oct, 7th in Columbia, Missouri
Nominations for Board Positions: There are three positions to be filled, with one position slated for Debi Wolterman (Secretary). The goal is to have new Board members from chapters and states that are not currently represented. / Joe to contact potential candidates to determine if they are interested in a Board position.
Vice-President’s Report
Carol Andrews
ComCo-Journal Report by Maryann Whitman / Maryann reported that the next issue of the Journal was on schedule. / “Each issue is better than the last.”
Treasurer’s Report
Kathy McDonald / Financial Status as of December 31st 2005 :
Net Income for 2005 is $13,815.38.
The Seeds for Education (SFE) funds of $14,786 have been transferred from the Milwaukee Foundation to the Stifel Nicolaus fund. The process is proceeding as outlined by the Board and will be totally transferred to Vanguard by the end of February.
A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the 2006 Budget as submitted and discussed. There is an increase in Contracted Services account, which includes the addition of an accountant’s services. The budget includes all six issues of the Journal including an increase in printing costs. Operating expenses will be broken out in more detail to show specific areas of expense, for example, the Ecoscaper Program. / Klaus is assisting with this transfer.
Kathy and Donna will work with the accountant to add more accounts to help track the finer details associated with the budget.
Executive Director’s Report
Donna VanBuecken / Membership Report:
Although we hit 3,000 members a couple of months ago, our current membership is back down to 2,938. The good news is that we now have 43 business members. A detailed Membership report is available on the web.
Erin is merging with Menomonee River Area Chapter and Lexington has committed to regrouping. There are three new start-up chapters.
The 2006 Funding appeal has resulted in $8,582 to date.
The Journal Challenge has raised $2,050 to date. The Rock Valley Chapter put forth a matching challenge specifically for the Journal – for every $2 donated, their chapter will donate $1. The Rock Valley Chapter will write a check for $1,500 at a later date.
SFE Report
Steve Maassen / Seeds for Education grants are in the judging phase. Donna is awaiting ratings from 4 judges before grant recipients are determined. The large number of grant applications (41 each) indicates that there is an interest and need in the community.
Marilyn reported that SFE committee members are actively working on articles and projects. / Mark will draft a press release template to be used to publicize the SFE funded projects.
Communication Committee Report
Bret Rappaport / TABLED
Change of By-Laws
Bret Rappaport / Only the portion related to the purchase of the West Shore Preserves was discussed. The remaining changes were carried over. / TABLED.
Wild Ones Certification Program
Kathy McDonald / There are now 10 people in Level I. / Kathy to continue with development of the curriculum for Level II.
Honorary Board Member Nominees
Bret Rappaport / TABLED.
Business Member Perks
Donna VanBuecken / Business members contribute $200 per year. In recognition of their important role in supporting the Wild Ones’ group, Donna proposed that the Business members receive decals for their store-front and vehicles. The Board approved the revised decal image and gave go-ahead to print and distribute the decals.
Sales Tax Exemption
Donna and Bret / TABLED.
Yard Certification Program
Donna VanBuecken / TABLED.
West Shore Preserves Acquisition
--- Expansion of Mission Statement
Roll Call Vote:
Carol Andrews AYE
Nancy M Aten NAY
Portia Brown ABSTAIN
Mark Charles AYE
Tim Lewis AYE
Steve Maassen AYE
Kathy McDonald AYE
Joe Powelka AYE
Maryann Whitman AYE
Marilyn C Wyzga AYE / Joe asked attending Board members to voice their opinions and concerns regarding the West Shore Preserves project. A motion was made by Carol as follows:
I move the board authorize Donna and the XOCom to complete the evaluation to do the due diligence to continue the process toward acquisition so the board can make a firm decision on the acquisition of the West Shore Preserves Phase II.
The Motion was seconded and carried by the majority of the Board members.
A detailed discussion ensued:
· Grants are submitted and, if granted, Wild Ones would receive the funding around May 1st 2006
· A Letter of Intent to purchase the property has been signed with the current land owner, contingent upon receipt of the grant monies
· The Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust, who owns other acreage in the West Shores Preserves, cannot own the home. The current owner will not sell unless the home is included a package deal.
· If the grant does come through and we back out, we would be responsible for finding a replacement. The new non-profit would also have to accept the home as part of the overall package.
· There is a conservation easement on the property but there is uncertainty about who holds the easement (DNR vs. State vs. Land Trust )
· Total property in the protected West Shore Preserves is in the range of 45-50 acres, with our parcel being 12.5 acres of land and marsh.
· PCB cleanup is going on further south along the shoreline. NRDA funds that are available have come as a result of this cleanup effort.
· The goal is to restore and preserve the land.
· There is no relevant weed ordinance that covers the property; therefore, no short-term maintenance of property is required.
· With the property located in the Midwest, this may give the perception of the organization being grounded in the Midwest and not truly national. If we are going to have a property it should be in the Midwest where support is strongest.
· Wild Ones is not strong financially so the organization needs to proceed with caution when considering property ownership and all of the ensuing obligations.
· Having land gives us the ability to pursue grants and endowments
· The Executive Director position is not required to be in the Wisconsin area. This is a common scenario for national groups and does not appear to have a negative impact on the organization.
· There is still the need for ~$100,000 in private donations to cover ADA upgrades, signage, furnishings, restoration work, administrative personnel. Probably need to have $10,000 initially and raise the remainder at a later time.
· Leslie Taylor, a grant writer, is working with Donna to submit grants. She is looking to be an administrator for the project and will be paid out of the grant monies.
· If we cannot find renters and/or grants to offset the expenses, we will be able to back out of the project.
· Wild Ones will use the space as a storage site for the Wild Store and Library, and the records storage. The total space available for rental is substantial and would rent for about $3 per sq. foot or $3,000 per month at full occupancy. We should consider that our income could be a percentage of this.
· The on-going stewardship costs are a concern. Should Wild Ones be involving the Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust in our discussion?
· There is a concern regarding how this project will be perceived by the general membership.
· The worse case scenario needs to be understood. If grants come through, we are obligated to find some group to step in and take over. We could consider turning the land over to the Land Trust and just keep the building for our headquarters.
· Leslie Taylor and Donna will continue to pursue grants to sustain the project beyond the initial grants.
· Current home costs are $300 per month (not including property taxes) and bringing in $800 per month in rental income from a tenant.
· Are Board members in any way responsible for the expenses?
· Proceeding ahead with the project could result in a major change to the focus of Wild Ones. It will push us toward more emphasis on community instead of the only our backyards. For example, natural landscaping as it relates to water quality monitoring. / Donna and Joe to identify probable expenses associated with the property and offsetting income stream.
Brett to respond to the concerns regarding individual Board member liabilities.
Joe will notify the membership in the next Journal via the President’s Letter.
Joe to provide a unified message for the chapter presidents to roll out to their members within the next week. Donna will organize a conf call to craft the message.
An internal committee is being formed and includes (at this time) Joe, Donna, Bret and Nancy with Maryann and Carol serving as ex officio.
Donna to find a real estate expert in the Fox Valley area to respond to questions regarding rental of the property.
Bret to respond.
---- Mission Statement
Roll Call Vote:
Carol Andrews AYE
Nancy M Aten NAY
Portia Brown ABSTAIN
Mark Charles AYE
Tim Lewis AYE
Steve Maassen AYE
Kathy McDonald AYE
Joe Powelka AYE
Maryann Whitman AYE
Marilyn C Wyzga AYE / A motion was made, seconded, and carried by the majority of Board members to amend the Mission Statement to read as follows:
Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities. As part of its largest efforts, Wild Ones may acquire by gift, purchase or otherwise, real or personal property of any kind whatsoever, including partial real property interests for the purpose of preserving, restoring, developing and promoting biodiversity. Wild Ones is a not-for-profit environmental education and advocacy organization.
There is a concern about the use of the words “as part of its largest efforts” implying that land ownership is our primary effort. After discussion, it was determined that this wording is not inconsistent with the overall mission of the Wild Ones and should not prevent us from moving forward.
Political Involvement Guideline
Donna VanBuecken / Tim moved that the Board accept the Guideline as published. The motion was seconded and carried.
Resolution Requesting a Stewardship Grant / Donna has submitted this resolution already based on the approval given by the XOCom. The Board felt that the prior motion regarding the West Shore Preserves gives Donna the authority to act in the name of Wild Ones for this purpose.
Steve moved and Maryann seconded that Donna complete the Resolution and move forward with the Stewardship Grant based upon the previously approved motion for the West Shore Preserves (see above). Motion carried.
Discussion Group / Tim presented information about a discussion group on Yahoo for Wild Ones members. There are currently 17 members in the group. / Announcement to be placed in the Journal.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 pm EST.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Debi Wolteman.
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