Fig. 1 Energy spectrum of cosmic rays. The spectrum continues over 1020eV without showing any bending. The maximum proton energy confined by the Milky Way Galaxy is 6x1019eV. Compilation by S Swordy.
Fig. 2 A schematic view of the trajectory for highest energy cosmic rays in our Galaxy. Even the magnetic field does exist at the halo of our Galaxy, cosmic rays with an energy over 6x1019eV will flow out.
Fig. 3a The energy spectra of cosmic rays at highest energies.
Blue triangles represent AGASA data taken by shower counter. Red and black symbols represent Fly’s eye data taken at Utah by the observation of fluorescent light. A clear discrepancy can be seen for energy exceeding 1020eV.
Fig. 3b The same energy spectra as Fig. 3a but multiplied by E3.
In case the absolute value of Akeno data (red circle) is shifted 15% lower in energy, HiResI data (blue square) coincide with AGASA data very well. Black crosses correspond to simulation data (not real data). One of the main purposes of this experiment is to calibrate the absolute value of the highest energy cosmic ray experiments using the LHC beam. So present experiment may be called as an energy calibration experiment of Auger, TA and EUSO projects. The graph has been cited from a paper by D. De. Marco et al., Proceed. 28th ICRC, Vol. 2 (2003) 655.
Fig. 4 The depth of the shower maximum in units of g/cm2 is shown as a function of the shower energy. The simulations predict that for a given energy iron dominated showers have short depth and proton dominated showers have long depth. There are significant variations amongst the simulations that need to be resolved in order to infer the shower composition from the experimental data. Resolving these variations is one of the main purposes of the proposed LHC experiment.
Fig. 5 The “Y” beam tube vacuum chamber 140m from the interaction point.
The “Y” chamber makes the transition from a single beam tube in the interaction region to two beam tubes in the arcs of the LHC.
Fig. 6 Some details of the shielding around the “Y” vacuum chamber showing the slot in the shielding that has been allowed for instrumentation.
Fig. 7 A more detailed drawing of the instrumentation region in the TAN. The space between beam pipes is 96mm wide and 1011mm long.
Fig 8 : The calorimeter will be located between tow beam pipes.
Fig. 9 A schematic view of the tower calorimeter. It will be composed of three individual diamond shaped calorimeters in a vertical stack.
Fig. 10 The three calorimeters are supported by the aluminum frame (the left side) and the photomultipliers are mounted inside the aluminum frame in the positions shown in the right side drawing.
11 a. The shower transition curve for 100 GeV (red) and 1 TeV photons (blue).
Fig 11b : Behaviour of the shower induced by a high energy photon inside the tungsten calorimeter. W represents a tungsten plate, Scin corresponds to a 3mm thick scintillator and SciFi means a scintillation fiber detector for determining the center of the showers.
Fig. 12 The estimation of corner effect by M.C. calculation. The result shows If photons enter inside 1.5mm from the corner of the shower counter, the energy of photons can be reproduce