Wind Stream Condominium Association

Board of Directors Meeting

May 23, 2017

Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM at Firestation #11, by President Mike Wheeler. Those attending the meeting included Mary Barclay, Mark Luiz, Karen Pfundstein, David Lewis & Michael Moss. Earl Johnson from Western States also attended.

Approval of the March Board minutes. It was moved Michael Moss to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Mark Luiz. Motion was approved unanimously.


  1. Mike Wheeler spoke about the meeting with the new lawyer who will represent the Association concerning the condemnation of property along E. Iliff that belongs to the Wind Stream Association. A sub- committee comprised of Mike Wheeler, Mary Barclay, Lori Muntz and Michael Moss was formed to interact with the attorney, Carrie Bernstein, Mike will be the point person.

Mike Wheeler spoke of the various considerations that will present themselves during this process. Tree Specialist who will appraise all the trees to be taken, Noise analyst to conduct noise from the E. Iliff corridor, fence estimates, security and safety issues. Presently, we are waiting on the Letter of Intent from the county which will trigger our attorney to start communications with the county. County will also reimburse the Wind Stream Association for any expenses related to appraisals and studies.

It was moved by Mary Barclay to approve the appointments to the sub-committee and the hiring of Carrie Bernstein. Second by Michael Moss. Motion approved unanimously.

  1. Parking-A letter will be given to all residents concerning parking, the rules and regulations concerning parking and the fact that ticketing and towing will be overseen by a Maxx Auto recovery.
  2. Buildings 28 & 26 will be re-roofed by Adams Roofing. These are shake roofs and 50 year asphalt shingles will replace the shakes. Cost $72,000.00. Motion to approve this estimate by Michael Moss and second by David Lewis. Motion was approved unanimously.
  3. Architectural Paint Committee-Karen Pfundstein and Brant Helferich are investigating the possibility of changing the color scheme on the buildings. They in turn are working with John Lear of Diamond Vogel and Jay Duran, owner of High Country Painting to look at various new color schemes. No decision as of this date.

Financial Report-April’s financial was reviewed and due to the lack of snow this winter, we are in more positive position at this point in the year. Delinquencies are also down to $8500.00.

There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mary Barclay to adjourn the meeting.

Next meeting will be held in July 18.