Student Summer Research Fellowship
Application – Teacher Recommendation
2013 Summer Program: June 21-July 3
Applications are due April 8, 2013
Jeanne Chowning, Director of Education
100 W Harrison, N Tower, Suite 430
Seattle, WA98119
, 206-957-3337x303 (phone), 206-282-2214 (fax)
Dear Teacher:Please complete the following and send directly to NWABR. You may use additional pages as necessary.
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, please rate the applicant on the following and provide a short explanation of your rating.
1. Potential to benefit from the program: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. Interest in science: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Reliability and Maturity:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. Other Comments (attach additional sheets as necessary, or continue on reverse).
Student Summer Research Fellowship
Nominating Teacher Information
Applications are due April 8, 2013
Student Research Fellows
Student Research Fellows, a program funded by the National Institutes of Health,
supports 10-12 students (especially those from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in science), in a 2-week paid summer fellowship. Students visit a broad variety of research institutions throughout the Seattle area and learn how new medical treatments are developed. Transportation support will be arranged as part of the program. Students will receive $350 upon completion of the summer program and $50 upon completion of the school year follow-up project.
Nominating a Student
Each science teacher from selected schools may nominate up to 5 students. We are looking for students who:
- Are from backgrounds traditionally under-represented in science (for example, African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American students, as well as students who are first in their families to plan to attend college)
- Are rising Sophomores or Juniors (will be Sophomores or Juniors in the 2013-2014 school year)
- Have the potential to excel if their interest is sparked, though they may not be at the top of their class yet
- Are inquisitive and enthusiastic about science
- Are reliable and can commit to 2 weeks during the summer as well as two additional meetings during the school year
- Have the maturity to interact with researchers
- Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, although students with lower GPAs but who in your estimation would succeed in this program are welcome to apply
Students should complete the applications available online at:
When nominating a student, please instruct them to put your name in the appropriate place in the nomination form. Students will need a short recommendation from you as part of their nomination. Students will also need a copy of their transcript. A form for requesting the transcript is provided with the application.
If we receive more applications from students than we can accommodate, we will randomly select from all qualified candidates (although we will adjust for gender balance and mix from schools).
Students will be notified of their acceptance into the program by the end of April 2013. A preliminary orientation meeting is scheduled for the evening of May 7, 2013.