D. Stewart/7th Grade Science

Week: January 3-6, 2016

Guided Question: Tuesday- How do long term and short term geological events affect Earth and the influence of man?

Wednesday-What causes objects to move differently under different circumstances?

Thursday- Friday- How are plant and animal cells organized to carry on processes of life?

Materials / Internet Access, laptops
Class set of Benchmark / Internet Access, laptops
Class Copies of CFA / Glencoe Science Ch 2 Sec 1 p 44-51
Composition Book
Cell Cut/Paste Activity / Microscope
Composition Book
Plant cell/slide
Do Now
(Motivate/Hook) / Administra-tive
Day / SCI.7.7.2 (TN 2008 (SPI))
Identify Mineral Specimens
-Which characteristic property indicates that igneous rocks cools quickly? * Mineral composition *hardness *density
*crystal size
SCI.7.7.2 (TN 2008 (SPI))
-Internet search: What is water quality?
Identify 10 examples where humans are having an effect on water quality. (pollution)
See / Define and read about examples of analogy.
Which part of the body do you think acts as a lever?
In our bodies our bones act as ______. / Copy the diagram of a cell from the board and identify as many organelles as you can. / Choose a cell organelle, tell its function and describe its shape. Draw a simple sketch, and write an analogy to a part of a city.
Essential Learning
(Objective) / TLW identify correct responses to long term and short term geological events and changes in the earth.
(Common Assessment Review) / TLW identify simple machines and their functions. / TLW identify names and functions of each part of a cell. / TLW identify names and functions of each part of a cell.
Excite (Strategies for Involve-ment) / No Students / We will again review the items of the Common Assessment (Fall Benchmark) with rationale for choosing the correct response.
Internet searches
Oral responses / Go over Power Assessment items related to simple machines and Newton’s laws with rationale for choosing the correct response.
Matching Activity / Intro to cells; Brain Pop movie,CELLS Analyze information text
Guided discussion / View cell slide –
organisms using
Guided discussion
Practice to Product / Administrative
Day / Retake Fall Benchmark / CFA – Pencil and paper items / Cells/organelles WS – match function to mnemonic sentence / Continued discussion of text.
What do you notice? What do wonder about what you saw. What does it remind you of.
Evaluate (Mastery/
Enrichment / - / Students making below 85% will retest. (This is for assessment for progress only, and not a grade.) / Students making below 85% will retest. (This is for assessment for progress only, and not a grade. ) / Teacher will monitor and evaluate; completed matching worksheets. / Teacher observation
Student – Mini Inquiry Classroom Lab
Reflect Now
Connection) / What are some signals to water pollution and water quality? / Call and Response
(I tell you the cell part, you tell me the function of the organelle.) / Which cell parts do you know for sure? Which do you still have to study?π
Homework / No Students Today / None ( Subject to change) / None (Subject to change) / Begin learning the functions and parts of a cell by writing the definitions of the cell organelles. / Learn functions of cell parts