VNSG 1400 NURSING Health & Illness I
Instructors: Ms. M. Vital, ASN, RN, Ms. N. Cain, MSN, RN, & Mr. O. Brownlee, RN
Wed. Thur. 8:00am- 12:15pm (Rm 126 Cig. Bld.)
Start date 10/21/09 End date 12/11/09
October 21 Wednesday Ms. Cain / Ch 40 Common Physical Care Problems of the ElderlyCh 26 Concepts of Basic Nutrition Cultural Considerations
October 22 Thursday Mr. Brownlee / Ch 38 Providing Wound Care and Treating Ulcers
Ch 28Assisting with Respiration and Oxygen Delivery
October 28 Wednesday Ms. Vital / Ch 39 Promoting Musculoskeletal Function
October 29 Thursday / EXAM I- 8am-10am
November 4 Wednesday Ms. Vital
Ms. Cain / Ch 10 Delegation, Leadership and Management
Nursing Practice Act (CAI)
Ch 32 Complementary and Alternative Therapies
November 5 Thursday Ms. Cain
Mr. Brownlee / Ch 33 Pharmacology and Preparation for Drug Administration
Ch 31 Pain, Comfort, and Sleep
Ch 24 Diagnostic Test and Specimen Collection (CAI)
November 11 Wednesday / EXAM II- 8am-10am
November 12 Thursday Ms. Vital / Ch 41 Common Psychosocial
Ch 36 Administering Intravenous Solution and Medication
November 18 Wednesday Ms. Cain / Ch 37 Care of the Surgical Patient
November 19 Thursday /
EXAM III- 8am-10am
November 25, 26, & 27 . / Thanksgiving Holidays
December 2 Wednesday Ms. Vital
Mr. Brownlee / Ch 25 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid Base Balance
Ch 11 Growth and Development: Infancy through Adolescence
December 3 Thursday / (CAI) 8am-12 pm & NJE online
December 9 Wednesday / FINAL 8am-12noon