Welcome back, Cavaliers! And welcome to all new Cavalier band members! I hope you are ready for a wonderful experience learning music and becoming an amazing musician!
Let’s begin by stating that a child’s interaction with music (performing together, reading together, creating together) encourages self-discipline, group cooperation, positive self-esteem, and self-expression. Therefore, music as a whole - whether it is Band, Choir or Orchestra – is a vital part of your child’s complete education, and we are very proud to be part of that education.
Listed below are a few Cavalier Notes – words to live by in the Hernando Fighting Cavalier Band program.
Discipline – This should go without saying….We have the best students involved in the Cavalier Band program!! We feel that our students act responsibility and are the most disciplined, because they have chosen, or have elected to be in the band!! Did you know that it takes both sides of your brain in order to play an instrument? That is why our students are special! We also feel that consistency and fairness on all levels (teachers as well as students) are the keys to good discipline. Discipline is a set of rules, or limits upon our behavior, which allow us to co-exist in HARMONY. This means providing a safe environment in which to learn. It allows for trust and respect for oneself and property. If you use “common sense” you will help lift the Cavalier Band to a high level of excellence. However, behavior deemed inappropriate in class, rehearsals or performances will result in quick dismissal from the Cavalier Band.
In order to create a positive learning environment for everyone, it is important that all students adhere to the following CODES OF COMMON SENSE:
- GUM, CANDY, FOOD and DRINKS are not allowed in the Bandroom! It is your place – your home away from home! TREAT IT WITH RESPECT!! After 3 warnings, students will be given a referral for insubordination! Students could be ticketed as well!
- DO NOT talk when the Directors are teaching; listen with your ears, your mind and your heart!
- RESPECT adults and other students. Do not talk out of turn and listen attentively to all instructions.
- BE ON TIME - to be early is to be one time, to be on time is to be late, to be late is to face consequences. When the tardy bell rings, you should be in your seats sitting quietly and following instructions on the board at the front of the room, your instrument is put together, and you have all your materials needed for class.
- YOU are required to BRING A PENCIL, 2-inch BLACK BINDER, MUSIC, INSTRUMENT AND INSTRUMENT MATERIALS EVERYDAY! 10 points will be deducted from your daily grade for each item missing. If you forget your instrument you will be completing a written assignment for the class period and you will receive a grade of 70% for your participation grade that day.
- NEVER CHEW GUM, EAT CANDY, OR DRINK ANYTHING (except water) when you practice your instrument. Sugar speeds up the deterioration of pads and keys on woodwind instrument, corrodes metals on brass instruments, mallets/sticks are warn, sticky, and will break sooner; gum, candy, food and anything other than water will create biological fungi, bacteria, and cultures (you and your instrument may become someone’s science fair project…..YIKES!!!!)
If you follow these “CODES OF COMMON SENSE,” your actions will result in REWARDS, such as:
- Verbal praise (lots and lots of it)
- “I Love Band” buttons
- Candy (for participation and WILL BE ISSUED AFTER SCHOOL ONLY!)
- Gift Incentives (musical pencils, music buttons, bumper stickers, music folders, etc)
- Possible reward days (Rock Band Tournaments, music-oriented movies, musical games, etc)
- Students/Sections of the month/semester (pizza party – if earned)
- Seasonal rewards (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Holiday time, Valentine’s Day, etc…)
- Possible end of the semester/year party (if earned)
If you violate these “CODES OF COMMON SENSE,” your actions will result in CONSEQUENCES, such as:
- First offense – verbal warning
- Second offense – your parent will receive a phone call from the directors immediately.
- Third offense – you will receive an office referral, parent conference and possible removal from the Cavalier Band Program.
Membership to a Performing Group – there are three different levels of performing band groups at Hernando Middle – the Beginning Band, Intermediate Band and the Honor Band. Enrollment for the school year is mandatory. Students may not drop and/or re-enroll at their discretion (only by Director’s suggestion, and Principal approval). You must commit to band for the full year! Students may be moved from one band group to another based on practice, discipline, attitude, and musical aptitude (also with Director’s approval).
Attendance – A band cannot rehearse or perform to its fullest potential with Band members missing; students who are absent affect the balance and instrumentation of the band. Attendance is one of the most important factors in determining your grade. Therefore, students are required to participate in all rehearsals and performance unless excused by the Directors. All rehearsal and performance dates will be announced as far in advance as possible. Although all dates for the year cannot be given at this time, as many as possible will be announced. All rehearsals, performances, and important dates will be written on the board in the band room, as well as in your handbook. It is your responsibility to write these dates and information in your required binders. Always check your calendars carefully to avoid scheduling problems or conflicts.
For rehearsals and/or performances, you will receive a grade, as well as rehearsals and participation/conduct in class. Of course, unexpected things do happen, but please try to schedule different events around your school/band schedule. If, in any even you should miss a rehearsal or performance, please let your Directors know, with a written explanation will be determined excused or unexcused BY THE DIRECTORS ONLY! If you know in advance that you will miss (because of a major emergency), you will still need a written explanation from your parent(s), approval from the Directors applies here as well. Failure to participate, or with an unexcused absence will result in a failing grade. Communication WILL help you, as well as your Directors.
Grading – All rehearsals and participation/conduct are graded weekly, as well as written work and playing tests (written tests, quizzes and playing tests will be unannounced as well as planned). Equipment checks (proper cleaning and maintenance of instruments) as well as materials needed will be graded. Missing supplies will result in 10 points off your daily grade for EACH ITEM not brought to class. If you fail to bring your instrument, you will be given a written assignment to complete for the class period.
PRACTICE RECORDS ARE REQUIRED! Practice records count for a weekly TEST grade which constitutes 30% of your overall grade. You will not be able to pass the 9-weeks, even with 100% participation grades, if you do not turn in your practice records!! They need to be turned in every MONDAY during your first class period of the week (except for holidays/non-school days; we will plan accordingly). A written signature (no initials) from your parent/guardian is required. If there is no signature, you will receive an automatic “0%”. THIS IS YOUR BAND HOMEWORK!!!! IT IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS YOUR CORE CLASS HOMEWORK! Practice records WILL NOT be accepted late, unless you have a SCHOOL APPROVED EXCUSE (or if you are absent). The grading key (hours per week) is as follows for the first semester:
You need to find a place in your home to practice so you will not be disturbed. Practicing your instrument is homework for band!! You have homework for band every single day! This is a process that will not happen overnight. You will only get better if you are dedicated, disciplined, and have the desire --- otherwise, choose another elective next year! If you do not practice, you will not get better…..EVER!! You are being held responsibility within the Honor System ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS! Please be honest with your practice record! Being honest with yourself and others is a life skill that you will pass on to your own children later in life!
You will be graded on “The Five Point Check.” You must have your method book(s), sheet music (name and measures numbered), name tag on instrument, pencil, 2-inch binder, etc. PENS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN BAND!!! Highlighters, however, will be required (several different colors are preferred). You will also be graded on having and wearing the proper uniform.
Make-up Grades/Extra Credit – If you are not happy with the playing test grade you received (remember – this is your responsibility), you may re-test the material in order to raise your grade. It is your responsibility to set up the time (as well as practice more on the material so you can receive a better grade!!). You may do this, before or after-school, and during lunch with permission from the director. Students will be notified of any failing grades within 3 days of the test itself. Once you are notified, students will have five (5) days to ask for a “re-do” of a failed playing or theory test. Upon re-taking the test, both grades will be averaged together and that will be the final grade posted for that assignment.
Eligibility – Texas State Law mandates the “No Pass, No Play” rule. All students participating in the Hernando Middle School band must maintain an average grade of 70 or better in ALLL classes, as well as maintain conduct grades of an “S” or better. Tutoring is in abundance at Hernando Middle School – take advantage of it if you need help!! You have the best teachers working for you and WITH you. Students may be excused from certain rehearsals/sectionals by your Directors to attend tutoring sessions (if you are making the effort to obtain a passing grade). If these grades are not maintained you will not be eligible to perform with the Band at any time. Please make sure that you pay close attention to your progress reports. This is a good way for EVERYONE –ESPECIALLY YOU to keep track of your grades. I am available to any of you at anytime to help bring up grades in your classes ---please do not hesitate to ask us for help.
Band Student Responsibilities – YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE!!! It is your job to make sure your instrument is in good playing condition. You are responsible for maintaining the playing condition of your instrument, and you will have to pay for any repairs on your instrument. However, before sending an instrument to the repair shop, bring to to Mrs. Dixon or Mr. Orozco first…..we may be able to fix the problem without the need of sending it to the shop. This can save you and your parents LOTS of money, and will not leave you without an instrument. When it is necessary for an instrument to go to the shop, A COPY OF THE REPAIR TAG MUST BE GIVEN TO YOUR DIRECTORS. It is very important to keep track of when you have taken your instrument in for repairs. BRASS PLAYERS – if your instrument must go to the shop, please keep your mouthpiece and bring it to class!! Do not leave it in the case.
You are responsibility for bringing the books needed to class every day….you are responsible for bringing your student I.D. every day….you are responsible for bringing your sports/cheerleading equipment every day….THEREFORE, you are responsible for bring your BAND EQUIPMENT every day!!
Every day you will need:
Your instrument (it is your responsibility to keep it in working order). DO NOT come to school without your instrument and tell the Directors you have a sore throat and can’t play or you have aches and pains and couldn’t carry your instrument! You need your instrument EVERYDAY, even if all you do is “airband” for the class period!!
Your instrument accessories
Practice Records (hours totaled and SIGNED BY YOUR PARENT – remember you are on the honor system)
PENCILS (absolutely NO INK PENS)
Highlighters (variety pack is best)
2” black, 3-ring binder, with paper (you MAY NOT share this notebook with another class).
Your music (name and measures numbered)
Your required method books
ID Tag on your instrument case
Method Books required for specific classes are:
Honor BandFoundations for Superior Performance
Rubank Advanced Method Book
Intermediate BandFoundations for Superior Performance
Beginning BandTradition of Excellence Comprehensive Band Method Book 1
Any single pieces of music will be given to you for free (the first time). This is why it is important to write your name on your music!! It is your responsibility to keep and maintain all music you receive. You will not share your music with anyone (except possibly at contests, or at the request of your Directors). Any music with torn pages, unnecessary markings, writing in pen, or any other damages that might make the music unreadable must be replaced. You will be graded periodically on having and maintaining your music.
Band Uniforms for Performances (Contests and Concerts) – it will always be with great pride and honor to represent Hernando Middle School AND our outstanding Band program at District competitions and other public appearances with a uniform that gives the Cavalier Band program a feeling of unity, pride, and great self-worth. ANY STUDENT NOT WEARING THE PROPER UNIFORM AT THE TIME OF A PERFORMANCE, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THAT EVENT! NO EXCEPTIONS!!! The required uniform is as follows:
Honor BandBlack Dress Pants (girls – no hip huggers, no tight fitting pants -- uniform style please)
Black Dress Shoes (no vans, tennis shoes or sandals)
Students in the Honor Band will be issued a Blue Vest, and Blue Tie. Students will be required to provide their own shirts! Shirts need to be button-down long sleeve shirts for ALL members. Students will need to purchase a band t-shirt which can be worn on Fridays and will be used for informal performances.
Intermediate BandBlack Dress Pants (girls – no hip huggers, no tight fitting pants -- uniform style please)
Black Dress Shoes (no vans, tennis shoes or sandals)
Students in the Intermediate Band will be issued an Orange Cummerbund, and orange bow tie. Students will be required to provide their own shirts! This year all students will need to purchase a band t-shirt which can be worn on Fridays and will be used for informal performances.
Beginning BandBand Polo Shirt
Black Dress Pants (Uniform style ONLY!)
Black Dress Shoes (no vans, tennis shoes or sandals)
Beginning band students will need to purchase a black band polo shirt which will be used for all formal performances and also a band t-shirt which can be worn on Fridays and will be used for informal performances.
Any student not dressed in complete uniform (every item!) will not be allowed to perform in the scheduled performance. No student or parent may alter the uniform!! We all need to look the same ….judges want to hear YOUR MUSIC not see a fashion show!! Make sure your uniform is available to you at all times!
Parent Responsibility – We, as directors, are proud that you are supporting your young musician by purchasing/renting their instruments and buying their books, accessories and uniforms. Band will take a monetary investment, and that type of support is what your child needs to excel. But the support that you can provide goes so much farther than that!! We wholeheartedly welcome and encourage you to attend any of the band classes, and would like for you to celebrate your child’s musicianship at our concerts/contests/public performances as well. Your young musician will proudly see that you care and appreciate their hard work and dedication. Your support will help all of us meet our goals together toward developing better students and building, as well as maintaining, the excellenceof the band program at Hernando Middle School. We also ask for your support in the monitoring of your child’s daily practice by signing their practice records every week –REMEMBER – practice records constitute 30% of your child’s 9-weeks average!! They are considered a TEST GRADE!! Your child WILL NOT PASS the 9-weeks if they do not turn in practice records on a consistent, weekly basis.
Instrument Rental –Band students are highly encouraged to own their instruments. However, because some instrument are very expensive, SISD has certain instrument available on a rental basis. The cost for these instruments is $45.00 per year. Everyone using an SISD instrument must pay this fee!! **PARENTS – YOU WILL BE HELD FINANICALLY RESPONISIBLITY FOR LOST OR STOLEN INSTRUMENTS! ALSO, ANY INSTRUMENTS THAT ARE DAMAGED BY YOUR CHILD DURING THE TIME THEY RENT THE INSTRUMENT, YOU WILL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF THE REPAIR. YOUR CHILD’S RECORDS WILL BE PUT ON HOLD AT THE END OF THE YEAR IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CIRCUMSTANCES PRESENT THEMSELVES, UNTIL THE MATTER IS RESOLVED.**