Dry Stone Walling Association Otley and Yorkshire Dales Branch Meeting - Otley Social Club 2nd August 2011
(1) Present: Wendy Oldham (Chairman), Don Bradley, John Bradshaw, Richard Kitchen, John King, Crawford Smith, Bill Davis, Andrew Keane, John Heslegrave, Keith Willis, Martyn Smith, Tracey Blackwell, Keith Sturdy, Colin Alexander, John McLeod, Trevor Womack, Stephanie Burton, John Butler, Joanne Haines, Mick Pearson, Mark Kelmanson, Wendy Hartley, Brian Hartley, Stephen Dicken, Terry Bollen, Alan Smith, Patrick Wallace, Debbie Williamson, Bill Horner, Tanya Gregson, Nic Alderson, David Barrass, Michael Wilson, John Hulbert, Sue Sutcliffe, Jonathon Lester.
Apologies: John Oldfield, David Griffith, John Downie, Nick Ferguson, Derek Henderson, David Hicks, Stephanie Rowan. Guests/Visitors: Monika Butler, Diane Bollen, Richard McCann.
(2) Previous Minutes (5th July 2011): Accepted as a true record – proposed by John King & seconded by Terry Bollen.
(3) Matters arising from previous minutes: None.
(4) Chairman’s remarks (Wendy Oldham)
4.1 Congratulations to John Oates, (works with “The Nigel Goody Team”) on passing his Initial Exam last week.
4.2 Wendy has organised two Workshops (Leyburn Saturday 1.10.11, Otley Chevin Saturday 15.10.11)
4 modules of 1 hour each. Names to Wendy asap. Volunteers also required.
4.3 Two Sandwich Boards to publicise Branch activities proved very costly to buy. Mick Pearson to design posters. Brian Hartley volunteered to make said Sandwich Boards. (Wendy suggested using timber from recent tree obliteration from Brian’s garden). (Volunteers may be sought to walk the streets carrying said boards).
(5) Treasurer’s report (John Bradshaw): A balance of £6217.90 was reported after allowing £715 for anticipated expenses.
John reminded everyone of year-end in August. Any outstanding expenses required immediately.
(6) Secretary’s report (Richard Kitchen):
6.1 SW Scotland Branch (Gatehouse of Fleet) Walling Competition 24th September)
6.2 National Management Committee 3.9.11 – contact Richard should you wish him to raise any issue.
(7) Branch Activity Reports:
7.1 Brimham Rocks – John King reported two visits this month with 4 wallers (including new member, Sue Sutcliffe) at the first and 3 wallers (including new member, Peter Thompson) at the later one. John Oldfield has sent photos to JMcL for inclusion on website
7.2 Leyburn – (a) John Heselgrave reported an impressive 24 Members attending an evening of reminiscing on 19th July, including, ROSA, DFDF, The Bridge. A very interesting, enlightening slide show and presentation in usual JH style. (b) Wensleydale stone for walling panel gone to Shipden. (c) Third Stone Mine visit planned (d) Stone Mason visit – TBA. (e) DFDF 2012 – request made by JH for a Committee to co-ordinate event as he has a more pressing engagement, but will be available with Landrover and assistance beforehand (such a martyr to the Show that he is) (f) Rosa, Richmond – next visit, 3rd Sept, likely to be the last. (g)Training Weekend – 6/7 August – 21 Trainees expected. Also, a variety of practice walling features to tackle including cheek ends, Camping and Saturday night BBQ also planned to coincide with walling. (h) Hampstwaite - 8’ retaining wall being tackled by Bill and Steve. All volunteers welcome, contact Bill to confirm (01845 597679) (i) A visit on 26.7.11 from Assistant Producer and Cameraman for ITV to view possible filming locations at Arkleside and Bellerby. JH since been informed that we will not appear in the next series of “The Dales” (j) Elaine Wood produced a wonderful creation of chocolate in the shape of the exhibit from this year’s DFDF and as a belated Birthday celebration for some “very senior waller up North”. (k) Wensleydale Show Walling Competition 27 August - Entries from the Show organisers - check their web site. Steve Bostock is looking for a Walling Steward to make things happen on the day (but not be a judge). If you'd like to have a crack at this (either on your own or with others) let him know -
7.3 Shipden Phase II - Colin Alexander reported in David’s absence. Two visits - 23.7.11 - 7 wallers – tidying Site and finishing slab panel. 30.7.11 - Work on boulder wall, providing very interesting and challenging walling. 7 wallers. Next meet 20/21 August.
7.4 GYS – JMcL reported 18/day average attendance from Branch. Good weather experienced. Photos of finished project now on Website. A letter of thanks for our contribution has been received from Discovery Zone. Terry commented on the excellent response and interest from the public, with no rude remarks, especially from the Beer Tent Dwellers! He also thanked everyone and David for making his job easier (much appreciated now he’s also reached a milestone age). Unfortunately, the Branch Laptop was stolen from the tent. It is believed that our DSWA Insurance will cover this.
7.5 Weeton Show – 5½ wallers involved. Andy Keane and John Bradshaw organised the event. Show Committee plans for us to build a more permanent feature over a number of Shows, perhaps a curved sheepfold. This will also give us a better position for publicity at future Shows. Treasurer of Weeton Show offered the Branch a £70 donation.
7.6 Thursday Group – Have been working at Steph’s. Contact Bill for future site.
(8) Short-term programme:
5/19 August, 2 Sept Practice day – Brimham Rocks
6/7 August Leyburn – Training course, Practice days, Bellerby, BBQ on Sat night
13/14 August Brimham Rocks – National Trust Open Day
20/21 August Shibden – On a slope – boulder wall followed by assorted limestone.
19/20/21 August Weekend in Wales with North Wales Branch of DSWA.
27 August Wensleydale Show.
3 September DSWA Management Meeting, Crooklands
3 September Practice day – Richmond, possibly the last visit to this site. Dave Griffiths will be there!
10 September Branch competition & BBQ, Lineham Farm. Contact John Hulbert for entry form.
Most Thursdays Practice day – a moving site at present - contact Bill Davis to confirm site.
(9) A.O.B.
9.1 There was a lengthy discussion arising from JMcL request last month for an open discussion regarding volunteers at Training Courses. These discussions centred mainly on getting a wider range of members involved with actual walling, though it was pointed out that some members are quite happy just to belong to the Charity. Amongst suggestions were: a) make mentors more pro-active, b) have a list of people who would be willing to be called-up at short-notice if a number shortage is expected, c) we give many opportunities for weekday practice. Not all of our members are retired. Can we provide more opportunities at weekends? For instance, could the Brimham Rocks event be moved from a Friday?
9.2 Brooklands School, Skipton – A request has been received, from a visitor to the GYS, on the possibility of a walling feature being built at their School. There could be pupil participation and their own funding for materials. The previous event we were involved in proved to be very satisfying. JMcL and Don Bradley (Minute Taker Emeritus) to liaise with School.
9.3 Branch Competition – 10 September - Teams/names urgently needed to make this event successful. John Hulbert announced this event way back in March. BBQ free to Competitors, £2 non-participants. Fancy Dress if you fancy.
9.4 Clothing order to be placed shortly. See Bill if you require any Branch clothing.
The formal meeting having closed, we were given an excellent presentation by John Butler on walls in Embsay (not forgetting Eastby). Monika (long suffering wife of John) was slide show operator. We learned the terminology of highways department & had glimpses of John & a number of other wallers from an earlier time, who have since risen to prominent positions in society. Also on display, John’s famous miniature walls, stone types (including the red gritstone that appears at random in Embsay (and Eastby of course). Many thanks, John (& Monika) for providing us with a very entertaining end to our evening.
Next meeting: Tuesday 6th September. A chance to hear someone who has been where no one else has been on this planet! Matt Kirby will be talking about the Mulu Caves in Sarawak. He has spoken on this subject to our friends at Leyburn, but has been back to the caves again since giving that talk. These caves are ones that even a Yorkshire man could be proud of, stretching hundreds of kilometres, with colossal caverns.
Reminder: If you have not given your email address to Martyn Smith (or have recently changed it) please contact him at . E-mail helps the branch to reduce the cost of sending out minutes, etc.