EOJH School Council
MINUTES of the MEETING for February 28, 2017
Ecole Okotoks Junior High School Council & EOJHS Ocelots Fundraising Society
In Attendance:
Shawna Z, ChairLeah Kingston, Administration
Colleen H, Co-ChairLee Kennedy, Teacher Rep
Tami M, TreasurerLiam S, Student Council
Naydene L, SecretaryJohn Bailey, FSD 38
Sharyda H, Member at LargeMichael Pollard, FSD 38
Lisa P, Member at Large
Catina D, Member at Large
Shauna S, Member at Large
Welcome & Introductions
Acceptance of Minutes from Previous MeetingMotion by Colleen 2nd by Shauna.PASSED
Approval without Additions to Agenda: Motion by Colleen 2nd by Shauna.PASSED
Chair Report/Announcements:
-Remindedparents that School Council has evolved into two separate meetings. First is Council meeting. Second meeting is for the Fundraising Society.
-Wellness Conference & Potluck turned out well. Teachers appreciated and enjoyed everything.
Old Business
-AGM will be in May. Chair, Secretary and Casino Lead will not be running for another term. We can invite Grade 6 parents of future OJ students to join us for a couple of meetings to encourage involvement in the School Council for the 2017-2018 year.
-Spoke to Wendy at ASCA about updating Bylaws and Policy & Procedures. Wendy is our School Council Liaison out of the Alberta School Council Association in Edmonton. Colleen & Lisa will use templates to write new bylaws for the members to vote on at AGM.
-Shauna S, sent letter to Chair regarding funding from FSD for the ASCA AGM/Conference but Chair did not receive due to virus on computer. Letter will not be resent as funding is not available. *see School Trustee comment.
New Business
-Shauna S is an Executive member of the Fundraising Committee for the Alberta School of Fine Arts at Foothills High School. OJ parents of grade 9 students are welcome to attend meetings. The next meeting is March 16th at 6pm at FHS. Location at school to be determined.
Administration Report
-Thank you for the Food for Wellness Conference & Teachers Potluck.
-Teacher Convention includes networking and sessions.
-Student Attendance: School tracks patterns of absent students. 10% or more absents by student result in phone call to parents. Patterns emerge by end of September.
-Speaker at Convention included Temple Grandin. She is in her late 60’s, diagnosed with severe autism and as a child was recommended to be institutionalized. Her mother refused and instead Temple in turn became a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. She is an advocate for Autism Rights and a true inspiration.
-Tell Them from Me survey is complete and will be presented to the School Board March 1 and then to School Council at the next meeting.
-Robb Nash Project presented to Grade 9’s about overcoming obstacles. He is an Entertainer.
(“Our Mission” The award-winning Robb Nash Project is an initiative that engages young people through the power of music and storytelling to inspire hope and encourage positive life choices.”—from the website)
-Speeches and Speech competition taking place at all grade levels.
-Drama is hosting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory March 23,24,25th. Tickets are $10 adults $5 students/children
-Internet Safety meeting
-March 23 will be a meeting for parents of grade 9’s who are going to FHS in September.
Teacher Report
-Sports tournaments taking place.
-Cheerleader Competition took place in January. Our team came in second.
-Quebec trip included 2 teachers 37 students. Visited Montreal and Quebec City. All had a great time.
-Staff/Student Hockey game fundraiser for Kidsport was successful.
-March 6 is the Franco Connection/French Immersion Day with workshops at Highwood Memorial Centre.
-Week of March 20th is Report Cards out.
Student Council
-Wellness Conference went well with the outside activities being a favourite.
-Anti bullying week. Grade 8’s would like to have participated in the Tad Milmine presentation. Tad Milmine is an author and speaker for Bullying Stops Here.
-March plans are still to be determined.
School Board
Superintendent John Bailey noted that the 2017-2018 School Calendar has been approved. Students will begin school after Labour Day weekend. PD Days are basically the same.
School Trustee Michael Pollard spoke about the Board Boundary Process and that a Second Trustee will be added if approved by Minister. The request was sent in around the middle of February.
-He apologized for providing bad information to the School Council regarding funding availability for the ASCA AGM & Conference. The school board will not fund these events as they already pay approx. $30,000 to ASCA for all schools in the district to use the ASCA services.
-Plans for a new school are moving ahead and include playing fields.
-School Board is working on better ways to communicate with Trustees and know what Trustees do. Specifically using a newsletter format. He believes that local governance is important and doesn’t want to see Trustees eliminated as they have been in Saskatchewan and Quebec.
Hot Lunch
Patty was not in attendance but has passed on to the Chair that she was having trouble with the school computer and would like assistance.
Volunteers are still required for the Hot Lunch Program.
Cheques were issued Wellness Conference costs.
Chair Closing
Please stay for a short meeting of the Okotoks Junior High School Ocelots Fundraising Society and our next meeting is March 28th 2017 at 7pm
Motion to adjourn at 745pm Motion by Tami 2nd by Lisapassed
______March 28, 2017
Shawna Z, ChairNaydene L, Secretary
Okotoks Junior High School Ocelots Fundraising Society
Minutes of the Meeting
February 28, 2017 7:50pm
Has Bonnie followed up with Telus regarding technology funding?
Casino Lead Lisa P says to watch for Casino Application to show up in the mail at some point and reiterated that she will not seek another term as Casino Lead.
There is currently $8038.80 in the Fundraising account but waiting for receipts regarding microwaves etc.
Next meeting March 28th immediately following School Council meeting.
Motion to adjournby Colleen 2nd by Lisapassed
______March 28, 2017
Shawna Z, ChairNaydene L, Secretary