Student: ______Teacher: ______Date: ______
L Driver / P Plater / Licensed Driver / Formula 1 Driver / TOTALSTopic Outline
(Graphic Organiser)
(Thinking about Thinking) /
- Limited clarity and thought
- Few Headings
- Limited use of outline as a planning tool
- Some clarity and thought
- Basic headings
- Some use of outline as planning tool obvious
- Quite well developed
- Thoughtful headings
- Obvious questions
- Obvious usage of outline as a planning tool.
- Clear, thoughtful outline
- Headings, subheadings
- Questions and solutions posed
- Excellent usage of outline as a planning tool.
Learning Journals
(Thinking about Thinking and Persisting) /
- Not consistently completed
- Little thought to comments
- Poorly presented
- No “Habits’ mentioned
- Some consistency to complete
- Comments varied
- Some effort with presentation
- Habits mentioned
- Entries mostly consistent
- Good variety of comments
- Good presentation
- Outstanding presentation
- Habits listed and examples of how they were used.
- Consistent use of habits and good examples of HOW they were used.
- Consistently completed
- Excellent variety of comments reflecting on own learning
- Outstanding presentation
Use of Computers
(Questioning and Posing Problems)
(Managing Impulsivity) /
- Little evidence of computer usage
- Poor use of computer time.
- Some evidence of computer usage
- Satisfactory use of computer time
- Several examples of computer usage
- Good use of computer time.
- Many examples of computer usage - eg
-Word Art
-Clip Art
-Power point
-Excellent use of computer time
Written Information
(Communicating with Clarity and Precision)
(Striving for Accuracy & Precision)
(gathering Data) /
- No Bibliography
- No ‘New’ knowledge evident
- Poor editing
- Minimal attempt at written presentation
- Basic Bibliography
- Minimal ‘New knowledge evident
- Some editing
- Satisfactory written presentation
- Good Bibliography
- Some “New” knowledge evident
- Good editing
- Well presented written work
- Extensive bibliography included
- New knowledge obvious
- Perfectly edited
- Uniquely presented written work
Technology Model/3D Display/Backing Board
(Creating & Innovating) /
- Little attempt made for this criteria
- Basic display/model/backing board
- Briefly referred to as part of oral presentation
- Little connection made to the topic.
- Good display / model / backing board
- Connections made to the chosen topic.
- Excellent display / model / backing board
- Clearly included as part of the oral presentation
- Excellent connections made to the topic.
Oral Presentation
(Communicating with Clarity and Precision) /
- No or few cue cards used
- Eye contact minimal
- No obvious enthusiasm
- Unclear speaking voice and direction of presentation
- No interaction with audience
- Little obvious practice of oral presentation
- Cue cards attempted but not used well
- Some eye contact
- Little enthusiasm or confidence
- Spoken words lack clarity and volume
- Little interactionwith audience
- Some obvious practice of oral presentation
- Cue Cards organised and used
- Eye contact
- Patches of enthusiasm and confidence
- Mostly clear and correct speaking voice
- Good interaction with audience
- Good obvious practice of oral presentation.
- Cue Cards excellently organised and used
- Excellent eye contact
- Consistently enthusiastic and confident
- Clear and correct speaking voice
- Well paced delivery and excellent interaction with audience
- Excellent practice of oral presentation