The Plymouth Airport Commission held a Workshop Meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 1:30 P.M. in the Airport Conference Room. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Thomas W. Hurley, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present was Airport Manager Thomas Maher.

Disclosure: These minutes are not verbatim – they are the secretary’s interpretation of what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A§22.

Communication Planning Workshop – Commissioner Worcester advised the Commission that hehad takenthe liberty of throwing a draft together as a starting point. He thought the concept should be simple and have the ability to be followed in perpetuity by future commissions. The purpose of the plan is to communicate as early as possible any events that have the potential to impact either the public or the airport. The overriding reason for the plan is to prevent the perception of non-communication.Commissioner Worcester feels the airports’ website is the best place to pull information from. How to push information out is what needs to be identified.The plan should address getting the maximum information out efficiently to the most people. The Commission discussed ways to identify people that should be included for updates, how to solicit new people that want to be kept informed and how to separate the groups for information specific updates. Commissioner Worcester noted that the plan should not replace the day to day best practices already in place at the airport nor should it impact the airports budget. Other topics discussed included soliciting participants by email, facebook, twitter, the Towns website and the Old Colony newspaper. They also discussed ways to minimize loss of interest and determined that they would only send relevant updates. Manager Maher suggested that the first update blast could spotlight the airports’ proactive approach for pilot cooperation with the Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) training that he will be conducting in the spring to get noise abatement procedures in the forefront of the pilot’s minds. Other topics to consider included Cape Cod Community College, Noise Abatement and the Boy Scout Jamboree.

Old Business

Re-designation of stop way to displaced threshold –Chairman Fosdick suggested the Commission discuss the displaced threshold. The Commission discussed different aspects of the re-designation change that could be considered by the committee for inclusion in the draft message.Chairman Fosdick recommended that the Committee, Commissioners Hurley, Laytin and Worcester,prepare a draft message and get it out to the Commission prior to the next Commission meeting.

Manager Maher discussed the process with the Assistant Town Manager, Derek Brindisi, and he recommended that the Commission informally update the Board of Selectmen on their decision and when the Commission solidifies their position then they can formally update the Board of Selectmen.

Commissioner Worcester advised that he would continue developing the Communication Plan and would send out a draft to the Commission for review and input prior to approval.

The Commission suggested that Attorney Galvin attend a meeting to discuss the Open Meeting Law and answer questions/concerns regarding compliance and whether the Commission can communicate electronically or otherwise regarding sharing ideas when working/developing airport related plans and documents when a decision won’t be made prior to formally presenting the plan or document to the Commission for approval.

As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 2:40 PM.


Kenneth E. Fosdick
