Dr. sci. Sam Semir Osmanagich
Founder of the “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation,
Foreign Member of the RussianAcademy of Natural Sciences
I’ve seen and investigated thousands of pyramids all over the world: from Peru and Bolivia, Guatemala and El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico and Belize, Canary Islands and Mauritius, China and Egypt. Ancient people were aware of the concept of the pyramid construction everywhere. In most cases triangular pyramid faces match the cardinal points or summer solstice. In some cases inner passageways and chambers exist within these structures. Sometimes, sacral geometry and careful planning is obvious at the pyramid sites. Occasionally, underground tunnels connect the pyramids.
All these elements are present in the case of the BosnianValley of the Pyramids in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina. At the same time, this pyramidal complex in Bosnia is most mysterious and most exciting archaeological project in the world.
After I discovered the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon in spring of 2005, I visited, together with the local children, what they called a “Ravne cave”, couple of km away. Narrow entrance was followed by hundred meters passageway which wasonly one meterhigh. When I saw regular semi-circled ceilings I knew that it wasn’t of natural origin.
Soon after, in 2006 our teams started the cleaning process in the underground tunnels. Four archaeological seasons later (2006-2009) over 500 tons of the material (dirt, sand, pebbles, stones) is taken out from the underground tunnels. We still have a lot of questions, but some answers can be produced as well.
These are the facts so far:
-Approximately 350 meters of existing underground tunnels have been cleared and secured by the wooden support;
-Choice was made to follow the tunnel that lead in the direction of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (South East-North West direction);
-Total of 53 side tunnels to the right and 45 side tunnels to the left are discovered in reference to the “main” tunnel; that’s the reason why we call this underground complex a “labyrinth”;
-All side tunnels are sealed off with the fill in material and drywalls that are made from the rounded stones from the river beds;
-Tunnel labyrinth was made in conglomerate; huge quantities of material (pebbles different granulation, sand) were taken out and most probably used to produce the concrete blocks needed to coat the sides of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun;
-Number of sandstone blocks, different in size, have been discovered. Some of them have a peculiar shape and surface that looked shaped. They are all located on the top of clay and marl (natural floor) and all of them were covered by the conglomerate. Their weight is in the range from 1 – 8 tons. Conclusion: they were brought or made at this location before the conglomerate was formed.
-According to the dowsers from several countries, sandstone megaliths are located over the underground water flows.
-Some of the megaliths have the carved symbols on the surface.
-Five radiocarbon dating have been performed in a period 2007-2009. (1) Piece of wood was discovered 50 cm deep in the conglomerate wall and 80 cm above the megalith. According to the Lab from the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany and Sylesian University of Technology from Gliwice, Poland the age of the organic material is over 32.000 years. (2) Stalagmite was formed between ceiling and one collapsed section in side tunnel. According to the Gliwice Lab age is 5.080 years. (3) Age for the stalactite, also found in one side tunnel, as per the same Lab, is 3.560 years. (4) One piece of burned organic material is 3.090 years old, according to the University of Upsala (Sweden). (5) Another piece of discovered burned organic material is 4.610 years old as per Gliwice Lab.
So far, the following possible conclusions could be drawn about the cultural layers:
- “Megalithic culture” - Multi-ton sandstone blocks were brought to the open area more than 32.000 years ago by some unknown megalithic culture. Purpose of the megaliths is unknown, but there is a possibility that they were located the underground water flows (potent energy spots). That could subscribe them a ceremonial properties.
- “Tunnel builders” are most probably pyramid builders as well. They extracted hundred of thousands of stone material in order to make a huge underground labyrinth. But, there was no waste. Material was used as a component for the concrete blocks (clay was used as a binding material). Age of the tunnel builders: more than 5.080 years – less than 32.000 years (actually, much less than 32.000 years, because time was needed for conglomerate to form from the floods and conglomerate sedimentation)
- “Secret holders” – culture who knew for the tunnels and pyramids and who wanted to hide them for some reason. They carefully cleaned the tunnels from the artifacts, tools, bones and sealed all of them off bringing enormous quantities of the fill in material from the rivers. Age: more than 3.090 years – much less than 32.000 years.
- “Innocent users” – human societies older than advanced cultures that we know (Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman) but less than the pyramid builders. They were using some sections of the tunnel close to the entrance. Age: 3.090 years – 4.610 years.
Main questions still remain open:
-Who built the most-extensive underground tunnel network in pre-historical times?
-What was the purpose of the labyrinth?
-Why was the labyrinth sealed off?
-Who and why brought the megaliths in the area?
-When the symbols were carved on the megaliths?
The beauty of the new discoveries and magic of the archaeology is what we have in Bosnia. For the decades to come.
Photo 1: Unique pre-historical underground tunnel complex in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovinawas discovered and systematically researched by the non-profit NGO “ArchaeologicalPark: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation. The entrance to the Ravne tunnels complex is 2.9 km Southeast from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The goal is to reach under the Pyramid, discover the underground chambers and archaeological artifacts that belong to the original builders. The underground complex consists of the labyrinth tens of kilometers in length.The scientific investigation has been conducted during the time period of 2005-2010 and is still ongoing.
Photo 2: One of the leading Lab for radiocarbon dating in Europe, the Institute for Physics from Sylesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland) tested sample of stalagmite which was formed in collapsed section of the ceilings. It means that the tunnels are older than the stalagmites because they were built, used, abandoned and than sections started collapsing.
Photo 3: Professor Dr. Anna Pazdur signed the Report which confirm the stalagmite age of 5.080 years (+/- 75 years). It represents the minimum age of the tunnel. This engineering complex is therefore built by the oldest advanced culture on Bosnian soil. It surpasses the traces of Medieval culture (600-800 years), the Roman era (2.000 years), the ancient Greeks (2.500 years), the Ilyrian culture (2.800 years) and the Butmir culture (4.600 years).
Photo 4: Stone megalith K-1 is 260cm long, 170 cm wide and 40cm thick. The weight is 4 tons. It was discovered and secured in 2007. Before discovery it was covered by conglomeratic material. The hardness of 100 MPs is superior to modern cemented concrete (10-40 MPs).
Photo 5: Carved symbols were found on the surface of megalith K-1. These are potentially one of the first traces of the literacy in Europe.
Photo 6: Megalith K-2 was discovered and secured in 2008. The weight of the megalith is over 8 tons. It used to be covered by conglomeratic material. The surface looks modeled and might represent the topography of the Valley. Megalith K-2 is sitting on a plate support (bedding) and they are connected by an adhesive material. Twenty-two meters under the megalith is a crossing of the two underground water streams. Megalith K-2 is potentially one of the oldest ceremonial altars on the Planet.
Photo 7: Section of the drywall that block off the side tunnel. Drywall is built from the rounded stones from the river bed. There is no binding material between them.
Photo 8: Dr. Osmanagich and representative of Roma Sotterranea,
Speleologia per Archeologica, deep in the underground tunnels