Chemistry Interactive Notebook Information
A Chemistry Interactive Notebook (CIN) is a system to organize your notes, your class work, some of your homework and handouts all in one place. It is a way to show off what you learn. This may be something new to you but we will work through this together and soon you will get the hang of your CIN.
Materials provided by YOU:
§ A Standard three subject spiral notebook.
§ Loose-leaf Notebook paper
§ Writing Utensils
§ Pen or pencil Scissors Tape
§ Eraser Ruler Highlighter if needed
§ Glue stick Post-it notes Colored pencils
Set-up The Notebook:
§ The cover – put the following on your cover – remember you will be using this for the entire Year.
o “Chemistry Interactive Notebook”
o Your Name
o Your Period
o The Teachers Name (Mrs. Dwaram)
§ Numbering your pages
o Starting with the first page, number at least the first 50 pages.
o Numbering should be on the outside corner of each page.
o Odd numbers are on the right and even numbers are on the left.
o Page 1 starts on the first paper.
o See the sample in class for details
§ Table of Contents
o Starting with page 3, write “Table of Contents” at the top of pages 3, 4, & 5
o Note that you skipped pages 1 & 2.
o On each Table of Contents page, make columns for Date, Description, and Page. The Date and Page columns will be thin and the Description column will be most of the width of the page. See Example on over head.
The Left Side Information = Input
§ All of the even numbered pages will be “Input” pages.
§ The left page of your notebook is for writing down information you are given in class.
§ Each page will have a title. This will be written on the board for you to copy at the top of the page
§ Always use the left side pages (even numbers) for –
o Exciting lecture notesJ
o Book and Video notes
o Lab sheets and write ups
o Graphic organizers for class notes
o Vocabulary words
o Study guides
o Any relevant input from class - don’t worry, you will know what to put there.
The Right Side Information = Output
§ All of the odd numbered pages will be used for your “Output.”
§ This is the place to show your understanding of the information on your “Input” page.
§ You work with input from the left side but present it in your own way. Be Creative!!
§ Some ways this will be filled –
o Brainstorming
o Concept maps
o Pictures and Diagrams
o Warm-ups
o Articles
o Cartoons, Caricatures, & Doodles
o Songs & Poetry
o Riddles
o Your questions
o Venn diagrams
o Flow charts, Timelines
o Reflections
o . . . and much more
§ Don’t worry; you will have help with this to start with. You will be given specific “Output” assignments at first.
§ Use lots of COLOR it helps the brain learn!
Other Stuff You Need to Know
§ You will tape handouts in your notebook in a way that allows you to see both sides.
§ You will need to make sure you get all that you miss when you are absent.
§ You can refer to the Master Book and your peers in the class to find out what you are missing.
§ There will be “warm-ups” posted on the board at least twice a week. You will be expected to sit down and begin the warm-ups once you get to class. You are still responsible for warm-ups that you missed while you are absent. The question & your answer will be written on the left side of your CIN.
§ Grading will vary and there will be several grades involved with your CIN.
§ The next three or four textbook/notebook checks will include your CIN
§ Your notebook may be checked for specific assignments, the presence of certain things, or just that you are doing what is asked.
§ You may be doing self assessments of your own notebook.
§ Some grading will provide opportunity to obtain some “easy” points.
§ Grading dates may be announced or unannounced.
This may all seem strange right now but we will work on it together and soon you will see how this will all come together. If you are unclear as to what is expected, please let me know.
Questions to ask yourself for the RIGHT SIDE:
What’s my purpose for reading this?
What do I already know about this topic?
What’s the BIG picture here?
What’s the author going to say next?
What are the “expert” questions?
What questions does this information raise for me?
What information is important here?
How can I paraphrase and summarize this information?
How can I organize this information?
What’s my “hook” for remembering this information?
How does this information fit in with what I already know?
What more do I need to know?
Chemistry Interactive Notebook General Scoring Rubric
Grading Categories / 6 points / 5 points / 4 points / 3 points / 2 points / 1 point#1 Requirements / ALL of the requirements are evident
A lot of imagination and flare is used in presentation of ideas / ALL of the requirements are evident, Extra effort is apparent / The requirements are evident with 0-2 requirements incomplete or missing / The requirements are evident with 3-4 requirements incomplete or missing / The requirements are not real clear with 5 requirements incomplete or missing / More that 6 assignments incomplete or missing
Neatness / The product is VERY neatly done / Neatly done / Somewhat
neatly done / Somewhat sloppy / Sloppy / Very Sloppy
#3 Organization / EXTREMELY WELL organized / WELL Organized / Organized / Somewhat organized / Poorly organized / Unorganized
Cin General cHECK / aBOVE category sCORE / gRADE
#1 Requirements / #2 Neatness / #3 Organization
Chemistry Interactive Notebook specific assignment Scoring Rubric
§ Print the BIN instruction sheet single sided only – this will be glued to the front and back of the last page in the spiral notebook.
§ The “Questions to ask yourself for the left side:” sheet will be glued to the inside front cover.
o Have students add a minimum of 2 more questions they think may be addressed on this side of their BIN
§ The BIN grading rubric will be glued to the inside of the back cover
o Grading can take place as often as you deem necessary. Set the rubric up to accommodate the number and type of anticipated grading opportunities.
§ Each input page should have a title that includes the date, the assignment title (if there is one) and the concept or chapter of the book that is being covered.
o This should be written on the board for them to copy
§ Each out page should have a title that includes the date and the concept or chapter of the book being covered. The student should create their own “title”.
§ Have a designated place for students to leave their BIN. It should be the rare occasion that they will need to take them home. They may never make it back to schoolJ
§ Create a “Master Book” as you go along the first time – you can use this for demo in the future and it makes for a good resource for the students to check to make sure they are on track.