York School of Ministry
Application Form 2017-18
1.Personal Details.
Title: …......
First Name(s): ......
Middle Name(s)………………………………………………………………………
Surname: ......
Name to be known by: ......
Home Address: ......
Postcode: ……………….....
Tel (Landline):......
Tel (Mobile):......
Email address: ......
Date of birth: ………………………………….…
Nationality: …………………………………....
(You will be asked to provide evidence of nationality)
Country of Birth:……………………………..……..
2.Church membership.
Name of Church currently attending: ......
Address of church:...... ………......
3.Please indicate which one of the following programmes you wish to take:
a) Single module without assessment or credit
b) Single module with assessment (20 credits)
c) YSOM Certificate in Theology, Mission and Ministry (60 Credits)
d) HE Certificate in Theology, Mission and Ministry (120 Credits)
e) HE Certificate in Christian, Mission and Ministry (180 Credits)
f) Diploma in Theology, Mission and Ministry (240 Credits).
Please circle your preferred venue for study.
4. Qualifications.
Do you have one ‘A’ level or equivalent? YES/NO
Do you have two ‘A’ levels or equivalent? YES/NO
Please state your highest current academic qualification (for example: GCSE/A level/first degree). Please include the level of qualification where applicable.
Please state your highest current English Language qualification including grade.
(You will be asked to provide evidence of the above qualifications)
5.Reason for applying for this course.
a)Are you in training as a Reader? YES/NO
(If you have answered yes to this question you do not need to supply a personal statement or references with this application).
b)Are you a Recognised Parish Assistant? YES/NO
c)Are you in training for ordination or IME Phase 1 or 2? YES/NO
d)Are you exploring a call to Lay or Ordained ministry? YES/NO
If you have not answered yes to option a) please enclose a personal statement with your application giving your reasons for wishing to undertake this course.
Please supply details below of two referees. Your referees should be able to comment on your academic and personal suitability for this course. If you have answered yes to question 4b or 4c then it is expected that one of your references will be from your parish priest.
It is not acceptable to include the names of family, spouse, partners or ex-partners.
One or both referees will be contacted prior to an offer of a place.
a)Name of referee:………….…………..………………………………………………….
Post or occupation: ……….………….……………………………………………………..
Address: …………………………………………………………………………
Postcode: …………………………………………………………………………
Telephone number: …………………………………………………………………………
Email address: …………………………………………………………………………
How long have you known your referee? ………………………………..……………….
b)Name of referee:………….…………..………………………………………………….
Post or occupation: ……….………….……………………………………………………..
Address: …………………………………………………………………………
Postcode: …………………………………………………………………………
Telephone number: …………………………………………………………………………
Email address: …………………………………………………………………………
How long have you known your referee? ………………………………..……………….
7.Applicants declaration and signature:
I certify that all of the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and I undertake, if offered a place, to observe the policies and regulations of York School of Ministry.
Signature: ......
Name (Printed): ......
Date of Application: ...... /...... /......
What happens next?
Your application will be processed and references taken up.
If there is any information missing or further details are required we will contact you by email to request it.
When your references have been received you will be invited to meet the Director of York School of Ministry for a short interview.
Following your interview we will contact you by email with a decision on your application.
If you are offered a place on the course this will be conditional until your supporting documentation has been checked.
The following original documentation must be either brought to the induction session for the course or brought or sent to the YSOM administrator at the above address.
Evidence of:
Highest Academic qualification
Highest English Language Qualification