Washington Intermediate School PTA
Meeting minutes
October 24, 2016 (6pm)
Parents: Val Springborn (President), Gina Booth (Vice-President), Lisa Poole (Treasurer), Carrie Nehmelman (Secretary), Sara Riggenbach (Committee), Erica Brooks(Facebook Promotion), Jenny Shultz, Tina Teague, Haley Woods, Donna Forbis, Mindy McBride, Kara Yntema
Staff: Jason Fowler (Principal)
I. Welcome
II. Treasurer’s Report
The current financial report was discussed. It will be filed for audit.
III. Old Business
- PTA Membership dues. We are in need of four more memberships in order to be in good standing and keep our tax exempt number. The dues are $4.25 for the year. Please contact Val Springborn if you would like to join!
- Spiritwear- We have had positive feedback on the design of the t-shirts this year. We have collected order forms for t-shirts and hoodies,and they will be sent home this month. 134 t-shirts and 96 hoodies were sold!
- McDonald’s was a huge success! We made $300 for Washington School PTA!
- Box Tops- The first submission will be November 1. The top class in each grade will win a reward(still to be determined).
- Teacher Grants- This year we are awarding teacher grants using money earned from PTA events throughout the year. The Grant committee has designed a Grant Application which will be given to all teachers. We will give teachers the opportunity to submit the application to the PTA, and then the committee will vote on which to accept.
IV. New Business.
- Family Reading Night- This will be held October 27th(5:30-7). The students are allowed to wear their costumes! PTA will be providing apple cider and 120 books for the Bookwalk.
- Teacher Appreciation during Conferences- We will have a “make your own trail mix” station and coffee donated by Starbucks on Monday for staff members during the conferences.
- Fundraising- We will be having a “Great American” fundraiser to help offset the cost of a Chromebook Lab. Fundraiser- Volunteers are needed the morning of November 10(organizing orders) and the afternoon of December 8(passing out goodies). Please contact Val Springborn if you are able to help.
- Committee signups- If you are interested in helping on a committee please contact Val Springborn.
V. Principal’s Notes
- Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held November 21 and 22.
- We discussed the 6th Grade pilot program where two classes switch between two teachers during the school day to help prepare them for Jr. High School. The two classes, Timbrook and Wendling, will be having a combined open house style conference to get feedback from the students and parents.
VI. Upcoming Events
Bob Evans Community Night-October 26th(all day)Jimbo’s Jumbos Community Night – November 17
Fundraiser Kick-off-October 26thConferences-November 21st and 22nd
Family Reading Night-October 27thPTA Meeting-November 28th, 3:30 (please note the new time)
Popcorn/Pencil Day- November 9th
Meeting Adjournment
Minutes submitted by Carrie Nehmelman, Secretary