Flex2Fit® by Advanced Formliners, LLC

September 20, 2009

Specifications Guide for: Flex2Fit® Single&Multi –Use Formliner for Casting Thin Brick Veneer, Thin Block or Tile for Concrete Section 04215

Section ______Concrete Formwork: Formwork requirements

Section ______Cast in Place Concrete: General Requirements

Section ______Architectural Concrete

Section ______Plant Precast Architectural Concrete

Section ______Tilt-up Precast Concrete

Part 1 Form Liner Description

1.1 Description

1.2 Flex2Fit® _____(product number) Single-use or Multi-use form liner used for concrete wall contruction by means of precast or tilt-up.

The form liner is to form the following: (check one)

Flush joint_____ (single-use)

Grapevine joint____(multi-use)

Tru-Joint - 1/8” deep semi-circular cove joint _____(multi-use)

If Tru-Joint is checked, the formliner forms grout joints that are all: (check one)

uniform vertical grout joint widths_____

variable vertical grout joint widths_____

The form liner is to form the following: (check one)

½ Running Bond_____1/3 Running Bond_____Stacked Bond_____Flemish Bond_____

Common Bond_____ English Bond_____Herringbone______Basket Weave______

Custom Pattern_____specify:______

1.3 References

Part 2 Building Codes

2.2 The latest applicable building code: UBC, SBCCI, BOCA, NBC Canada, ICBO, GBCA, TCA.

Part 3 Testing

3.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

a. C-1088 Standard Specification For Thin Veneer Brick Units Made From Clay or Shale.

b. C 150 Specification for Portland Cement

c. C-31 Methods of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field.

d. C 94 Specifications for Ready Mixed Concrete

e. C 33 Specification For Concrete Aggregates

f. C 39 Test Methods For Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens

3.2 American Concrete Institute (ACI), latest Annual Edition

a. 117 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials.

b. 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings

c. 305 Hot Weather Concreting

d. 306 Cold Weather Concreting

e. 315 Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Concrete Structures

3.3 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI)

a. Manual of Standard Practice and Specification for Placing Reinforcement.

Part 4 Submittals

4.1 Shop Drawings

a. Submit shop drawings and panel elevations detailing the location of veneer brick including the brick coursing, joint width, joint locations, panel sizes, brick coursing alignment details, expansion joints.

4.2 Product Data from Manufacturers

a. Form liner samples representing all form liners which will be used.

b. Printed installation guides of the form liner.

c. Brick chips representing size and color of each brick type to be used.

4.3 Quality Assurance

a. Manufacturers Qualifications: Minimum 3 years documented experience producing specified products.

b. Mock Up Panel: 4 feet by 4 feet Minimum. Include the details shown on shop drawing such as brick coursings, edge rustication, reveals. Use the full range of brick sizes, colors, textures and any other variences. The panel is to be acid washed to expose the granuals in the grout joint. The mock up panel shall be saved for comparison to the finished job.

Part 5. Product Manufacturers

5.1 Acceptable Liner Manufacturers

a. Advanced Formliners, LLC


501 Eagle Court

Onalaska, WI 54650

Phone:608-397-4450 Fax:608-4M-Liner


No substitutions allowed.

5.2 Acceptable Thin Brick, Block or Tile Manufacturers

a. Type: ASTM Type TBX, Conforming to ASTM C-1088 by ______(brick, block or tile manufacturer).

b. Size: ______(width, length, depth)

i. If using Tru-Joint the Brick, Block or Tile Tolerance: +0”, - 1/16” in length and width .

ii.If using Flush joint or Grapevine joint the Brick, Block or Tile Tolerance: +3/32”, -3/32” in length and width.

c. Name or Color: ______

d. Brick Blending Requirements:______

e. Texture: ______