Newsletter No7 –8th December2014

Dear Parents,

Well the build up to Christmas has begun! It was amazing to see so many of you at Saturday’s Christmas Fair. Thank you to everyone who was able to support the day. It was lovely to hear the choir perform in the afternoon – they did a fantastic job of entertaining us. Thank you also to all the children who came and actually ran a stall – this was a tremendous success and everyone had lots of fun.

It was a lot of hard work and we are extremely grateful to all those parents who gave up so much of their own time to make it such a brilliant day – over £3000 was raised in total! Well done to everyone!

There are a lot of other exciting events over the next few weeks and we have listed them below as a reminder.

Yours sincerely

Miss Butcher


Christmas Activities

Tuesday 9thDecember / 9.15am Year three performance (pre-school children permitted)
2pm Year three performance (no pre-school children permitted)
Thursday 11thDecember / 9.30am Reception performance (pre-school children permitted)
Friday 12thDecember / Christmas Jumper Day! Children may pay £2 to wear their own Christmas jumper/outfit – proceeds go to Save The Children
9.30am Reception performance (no pre-school children permitted)
Christmas dinner day – last day for ordering will be Wednesday 10thDecember.
Monday 15thDecember / 7pm Year six Carol Service at the Church of the Annunciation and the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday 16thDecember / 9am Key Stage 1 pantomime
10.30am Year three/four pantomime
Thursday 18thDecember / Christmas parties
Father Christmas visiting!
Friday 19thDecember / 10am Year five/six pantomime
1.30 finish!

Extreme Weather

Winter is definitely here and it has obviously got a lot colder over the past few weeks. Please can we ask you to ensure your child has a warm coat and ideally hat and gloves to keep them warm on the playground. We are doing our best to train all the children to look after their possessions – I’m sure you can imagine nearly 700 children’s coats, hats and scarves are a challenge! Please help us to help them by ensuring all items are named so that children do not take home the wrong coat by mistake leaving another child without one!

We will always endeavour to keep the school open in the event of snow. As well as keeping our site safe, it obviously relies on staff being able to make it into school to maintain safe operating levels. If it does become necessary to close the school, we will inform you via the school website, London Borough of Bromley website and send a text message to parents. Please contact the office if you are unsure whether we have an up to date telephone number for you.

French Club

Bonjour! Red Hill has managed to start up a new French Club for the New Year. This was a success last time and children enjoyed having this additional knowledge of another language. We will be sending out details in the New Year, so watch this space!

Important Notice

We have received a report which we would like to make you aware of. At 3.15pm on 27thNovember, one of our parents was entering their car which was parked outside the now closed Lounge Bar when two men opened the passenger door and removed his bag. The two men were wearing hoodies and made their escape in a silver coloured BMW 3 series. Please be extra vigilant when entering your vehicle at the beginning and end of the day.


Well done to classes 1R, 2A, 3B, 4S and 6M who all achieved over 98% attendance for the week ending 21stNovember. For the week ending 27thNovember, our star classes were RB, 1R, 2O and 4L. Let’s see if any classes achieve 100% next week!