Sketchbook Homework Assignment- Surreal Hand Study(50 pts.)
During the first part of this course, you learned important skills and techniques for observational drawing, how to incorporate design techniques to create a composition, and how to take inspiration from other artists and artistic styles throughout history to create your own artwork. For this assignment, you will demonstrate an understanding of these concepts.
Project Goal:
Create a drawing composition of a realistic hand rendered in grayscale with drawing pencils. There must be a creative or surreal component to the artwork. Your composition must include as much of one hand as possible.
- After you’ve thought of an idea for the subject matter, create multiple thumbnail sketches. Consider how best to arrange the Elements of Art with the Principles of Design. Choose your favorite composition idea.
Elements of Art: Line, Shape, Space, Value, Form, Texture, Color
Principles of Design: Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Movement, Repetition/Rhythm, Unity
- Sketch the contour outlines ofyour subject matteron the page with proportional accuracy using observational drawing techniques. Suggestion: Use either a 2H or 4H pencil to sketch lightly (will erase easier).
- Render the drawing using a light source (a desk lamp), applying values as needed. Suggestion: Shine the light source on your hand and turn off all other lights in the room. This will create the strongest possible value contrast. ELIMINATE CONTOUR OUTLINES around your hand/fingers/wrist.
- Apply visual texture to the drawing once you have a value base. Add any wrinkles, veins, knuckle shadows, etc. to the hand.
- Clean up the background. Adding anything additional in the background is optional. Unless you have a clear vision that must involve specific background elements, leave the space white and erase all pencil smudges. Craftsmanship is key!
Surrealism-A 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind
Surreal- bizarre; unreal; having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream
Sketchbook HW Assignment – Surreal Hand Study
Grading Rubric (50 pts.)
Name: ______Due: ______
- A human hand was drawn with accurate scale and proportions, and is somewhat recognizable
Rendering Technique
- The drawing is of high value contrast and has depth and dimension
- Contour lines were eliminated
- Finger-smudging was NOT used
- The drawing has sufficient detail
Originality / Creativity
- There is a surreal or creative component to the artwork
- Composition techniques were considered to add visual interest
Craftsmanship / Effort
- Project looks professional, and is free of extra smudges or marks
- Materials were used effectively
- Evidence of time spent on assignment
- Subtract 5% of grade for each class period the project is late
Total Points / 50