A Student's Guide to

MyLiteratureLab + Grade Tracker

Table of Contents

Upgrading MyLiteratureLab—Getting Grade Tracker2

Joining a Class5

Sending Your Grades to Grade Tracker8

Viewing Your Grades 11
Upgrading MyLiteratureLab—Getting Grade Tracker

If you registered for MyLiteratureLab after August 1st, 2005: You automatically have access to Grade Tracker, so there is no need to update your subscription. You may ignore the upgrade sections of this guide, as well as any links leading to the upgrade site. Go to page five of this document.

If you registered for MyLiteratureLab prior to August 1st, 2005: You must complete this upgrade process before you can access Grade Tracker. You will be prompted to upgrade on the MyLiteratureLab login screen. Click on the upgrade link, and you can update your subscription by following these three simple steps:

1. Provide your Access Information. This includes your login name, your password, as well as the zip code and country in which your school is located. All fields are required. Once you have entered all of your Access information, click Next.

2. MyLiteratureLab will recognize you as an established user, and ask for your account information. Enter information for all of the required fields (marked by *). Be sure to read the License Agreement and Privacy Policy before clicking Next.

  1. The Confirmation and Summary page will recap the first two steps, and provide you with two options: "Log In Now" to the MyLiteratureLab animated demo page, or "Join a Class."

Note: You do not have to join a class in order to use MyLiteratureLab + Grade Tracker. If you do not obtain a Class ID and join a class, however, you will not appear on your instructor's class roster, and your results will not be available to your instructor. You can join a class at any time, so it is not necessary to go directly to this option upon registering for MyLiteratureLab. If you join a class after accessing the site and completing activities, your instructor will be able to view the results of all your completed activities.

Joining a Class

Although you can use MyLiteratureLab + Grade Tracker without joining a class, you will not be included on your instructor's class roster, nor will your instructor be able to see your results until you join the class. You may join a class as late as one day prior to the class end date, which is controlled by your instructor. The results of any activities you have completed at the time you join a class will be made available to your instructor.

  1. Before you can join a class, you must obtain the unique Class ID from your instructor. A sample Class ID looks like: cm458726.
  2. Upon completing your registration for MyLiteratureLab, one of your options will be Join a Class. If you have already obtained the unique Class ID from your instructor at the time of your MyLiteratureLab registration, you can join the class immediately by clicking on this button.

You can also join a class at a later date by returning to MyLiteratureLab and clicking Join a Class, a tab in the upper right-hand corner of your display.

Note: Only if you have already joined a class will you see the third tab called Class Info.

3. You will be asked to provide the Class ID that you received from your instructor. Type it into the box and click Next.

4. The site will provide the instructor's name and the name of the course. Review this information to ensure correct enrollment. Confirm your class by clicking Next.

5. The final stage is a Class Confirmation page. From this confirmation and summary page, you may click Enter Class Now to immediately access the class you have joined.

Note: After joining a class, you can access it by logging into MyLiteratureLab. If you are only enrolled in one MyLiteratureLab class, entering your login name and password will take you directly to the class homepage. If you are enrolled in more than one MyLiteratureLab class, you will be prompted to choose which class you would like to access upon entering your login name and password. When you log into a particular class and complete an activity, your results will be sent only to the instructor for that particular class.

Sending Your Grades to Grade Tracker

Below is a sample writing activity. At the top of the page, two links are available to assist you in completing the quiz. They are:

  • About the Grade Tracker: In the event that you have additional questions while you are completing the quiz, this link will lead you to an online guide to viewing your grades in Grade Tracker.
  • Extend Your Session: In the event that you anticipate the current activity taking you longer than one hour, you may click this link. A Grade Tracker session automatically times out after one hour of inactivity, or after one hour during which a new page is not visited. Clicking this link will extend your session for an extra hour, so that you can spend up to two hours on the current activity without timing out.

Note: If your session expires while an activity is displayed, you can complete the current activity and submit your results for grading. However, answers for additional activities will not be submitted for grading until you renew your session by logging out and logging back in.

At the bottom of the page, there are two buttons: Clear Answers/Start Over and Submit Answers for Grading, either of which can be clicked at any time.

Note: At any time while you are completing the activity, you may click the Clear Answers/Start Over button to erase what you have already completed. Once you have clicked Submit Answers for Grading, however, your scores have been recorded, and any second attempt you make at the exercise will be recorded as such.

4. A results page will confirm that you have completed the activity, and give you the opportunity to go directly to Grade Tracker to view your results in that format (for more information on viewing your grades in Grade Tracker, see the next section). The results page will also display the question again, with your answers.

Viewing Your Grades

Click Grade Tracker, a tab in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. It will produce a screen which you can navigate as described below.

To see a more detailed breakdown of certain results, click on the percentage or check mark shown in the "Score" column.

Note: Although all attempts are recorded by Grade Tracker, the score from your most recent attempt will always be displayed in the "Score" column of your gradebook.

Notes on using student Grade Tracker:

  • Access to the student gradebook continues for the duration of your subscription to the website. After the class end date, however, you will no longer have access to your grades for activities you completed while enrolled in the class. Your instructor will have access to these grades for 90 days after the class end date. The class end date is controlled by your instructor. You will receive advance notice of an impending class end date via email.
  • To check the current status of a class end date: Click Class Info, then find the expiration date in the upper right-hand corner of the table.


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