Sponsorship Commitment Form
Yes! Sign me up as a 2014/2015MEEC Sponsoring Partner at the following level:
Diamond Level - $6,000 or above Shirt Size______
I am interested in sponsoring an essay contest this year.
Please specify 3 months (in order of preference) when you would be interestedin running your
essaycontest.______,______,______(subject to availability)
I am interested in presenting/hosting a teacher workshop this year.
Please specify 3 months (in order of preference) when you would be interested in having a
teacher workshop,______,______.______(subject to availability)
I am interested in hosting an EnviroBus Bucks Field Trip at my facility.
Multi-Platinum Level - $5,000
I am interested in sponsoring an essay contest this year.
Please specify 3 months (in order of preference) when you would be interestedin running your
essaycontest.______,______,______(subject to availability)
I am interested in presenting/hosting a teacher workshop this year.
Please specify 3 months (in order of preference) when you would be interested in having a
teacher workshop,______,______.______(subject to availability)
I am interested in hosting an EnviroBus Bucks Field Trip at my facility.
Platinum Level - $2,500
I am interested in presenting/hosting a teacher workshop this year.
Please specify 3 months (in order of preference) when you would be interested in having a
teacher workshop,______,______,______(subject to availability)
I am interested in hosting an EnviroBus Bucks Field Trip at my facility.
Gold Level - $1,250
I am interested in hosting an EnviroBus Bucks Field Trip at my facility.
Silver Level - $600
Bronze Level - $300
*See Benefit Levels on Reverse Side
Phone Number (____)______E-Mail______
Billing Options: (check one) Check Enclosed ______Bill Me______
Limited space is available for Workshops and Contests.
Workshop and Contests are reserved on a first-come basis.
Respond Today To: MEEC, 14306 Park Ave, Victorville, CA92392
Fax: (760) 241-6271
Thank You For Your Support!
2014/2015 Sponsorship Benefits by Level
BENEFIT / DIAMOND / MULTI-PLATINUM / PLATINUM / GOLD / SILVER / BRONZESponsorship Level: / $6,000 or above / $5,000 / $2,500 / $1,250 / $600 / $300
Denim Sponsor Shirt, includes Sponsor Level embroidered on custom shirt /
Option for sole sponsorship of an Essay Contest, Poster Contest or Video Contest on environmental topic of your company’s choice / /
Larger Logo on all printed materials, sponsor project, “Thank You Ad”, MEEC home website /
Option of presenting a Teacher Workshop on environmental topic of your company’s choice / / /
Logo included on annual SponsorProject / / / /
Facility participation in EnviroBus Bucks Grant Program / / / /
Inclusion in display banner of 14-15 MEEC sponsors / / / /
Plaque of Appreciation / / / / / /
Logo inclusion in annual half-page “Thank You” Ad in two newspapers / / / /
Logo/link on home page of MEEC website / / / /
Business link on sponsor page of MEEC website / / / / / /
Logo recognition in MEEC related publications & newsletters / / / / /
Recognition in MEEC- related publications / / / / / /
Invitation to Annual MEEC “Teacher of the Year” & Sponsor Recognition Awards Banquet / / / / / /