Department of Earth Science
University of Northern Iowa
Earth Science Summer Undergraduate Research Program Fellowship
Students in the Earth Sciences have the opportunity to work with a faculty mentor during the summer, and receive a $3000 stipend for two credit hours of undergraduate research. This is a competitive program and students must submit a research proposal and supporting documents as outlined below. The STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT should only be completed if you are awarded a fellowship.
At the end of the summer, students will take part in the poster paper presentation outlining their research to that point. In addition to the work during the summer, students are expected to continue and finish the research project during the fall semester. Ultimately they will provide a research paper of their results and make a presentation of their research at an appropriate venue.
Application for 2011
This application should be submitted to the Earth Science Department Office no later than March 11, 2011. The faculty mentor should also send a letter of support by e-mail, directly to the Department Head. Awards will be announced by the end of March. The applicant must be able to devote approximately 40 hours per week for a period of 10 weeks as a part of this research program.
Name of Applicant ______UNI ID# ______
Local Address ______
Phone ______E-mail ______
If you are awarded a fellowship, what date could you start working? ______
Title: ______
Faculty Mentor: ______
Summary of proposed project should be provided in a separate attached sheet.
Department of Earth Science
University of Northern Iowa
Responsibilities of the Summer Undergraduate Student and Mentor:
- The student will enroll in 870:18R during the summer semester. This course will not cost the student any tuition.
- The student will participate in summer research for a period of 10 weeks with an average workload of 40 hours per week. A work schedule will be arranged between mentor and student. The mentor will make arrangements to meet with the student on the average of once per week to discuss the summer research project during the summer semester.
- The student will attend the weekly SURP group meetings.
- At the end of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, the student will present their research results as a poster paper at the SURP Poster Session.
- The following fall semester, the student will register for Undergraduate Research (EARTHSCI 4400) for 2 credits. They will both prepare a final research paper and present the results of their work at an appropriate venue in the fall or spring semester.
- The student will receive a stipend of $3000 for the 10 weeks during the summer (approximately 8hr/day, 5 day/wk work schedule).
- Should the student fail to complete participation in the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, the summer stipend will be returned in full to the Dean of the College of Natural Sciences.
Student Signature ______Date______
Printed Name ______Student # ______
Local Address ______
E-Mail Address ______Phone______
Home Town ______Home Town Newspaper______
Emergency Contact ______
UNI Mentor Signature ______Date______
Printed Name ______
Head, Earth Science Department ______Date______
[Note: Supply copies to Student, Mentor and Earth Science Department Head.]