Jesse Ricciuti[ES1]Lab #1[ES2][ES3]

QUESTION 1: Where will you find the data for the labs? (Tell the full path.)

Either in J:\isis\html\courses\2010spring\geog\370\006\data or M:\data

QUESTION 2: Paste a print screen of Set AFS ACL window. Resize if necessary to be sure instructor can read the text of the box.


QUESTION 3: What is the drive letter of your home directory (i.e., your ATN home directory, not your GEOG 370 class directory)? Where do you save your lab reports?

H:\ drive.M:\students\yourONYEN is where I would save lab reports.

QUESTION 4: If you were working on a computer in an ATN lab and wanted to save your work to a location where only you and no one else could see it, where should you save it? (Excluding flash drives.)

I would save it to my private folder. [ES5]

QUESTION 5: If you had a webpage at UNC, what would be the URL for your web page?

QUESTION 6: Paste the print screen requested in the trip to San Diego exercise.

QUESTION 7: What is a layer?

A layer is a collection of features that represent real-world objects.[ES6]

QUESTION 8: What is a feature?

Features have a location, shape, and a symbol. Features in a layer have the same shape and characteristics and are located within the same geographic extent[ES7]

QUESTION 9: Describe the different between large scale and small scale, including the level of detail and example ratios?
Large scale maps are of city streets or a building plan, they cover a small area in more detail. The opposite is true of small scale maps, which show a country or the world and have a large area in less detail. An example of a large scale ratio is 1:50000 while a small scale map is a ratio such as 1:2000000.

QUESTION 10: What are the two views in ArcMap, and what can you do within each one?

The two views are data view and layout view. Layout view is used to design and author a map to print it, while data view allows one to focus in on the data and alter or analyze the data without the scale and other labels.[ES8]

Question11: List the buttons in the Data Frame Properties Coordinate System window. Give a short description of the function of each button.

Clear- this will clear [ES9]the projection being used

Transformations[ES10]- this will allow one to change the GCS transformation[ES11]

Modify – this is a way to change the datum or degrees of the data

Import [ES12]– to import [ES13]a new data source

New- can add [ES14]a new [ES15]GCS or Projected Coordinate System

Add to Favorites- add a setting of map to favorites

Remove from Favorites- delete a favorite

Question12: Has the shape and appearance of the United States changed? If so, how?

Yes the shape and appearance of the U.S. has changed. Alaska and other states became smaller and other areas shifted relative direction on the map itself. The continental U.S. also looks less stretched out.[ES16]
Question13: List the names and values of the parameters that appear in the Coordinate System tab in Data Frame Properties window for this coordinate system.


Projection: Albers

False_Easting: 0.000000

False_Northing: 0.000000

Central_Meridian: -96.000000

Standard_Parallel_1: 29.500000

Standard_Parallel_2: 45.500000

Latitude_Of_Origin: 37.500000

Linear Unit: Meter


Datum: D_North_American_1983

Question14: Given the appearance of the data now, do you feel that the Albers Equal Area Projection is appropriate for viewing the entire world? Attach and describe the current view.

I don’t think it is appropriate to view the entire world because it obscures lands in the southern hemisphere and also bisects Asia. It is very difficult to see nations further to the south. The current view is one that looks down onto the Earth onto the North Pole. It is hard to see points south because of the curvature of the Earth.[ES17]

Question15: Describe and attach the current ArcMap window.

This is a map view looking from above the Earth down onto the North Pole. It is conical in shape and it is hard to see the southern hemisphere, however, this layout view is good for comparing maps side by side.

Question16: Describe the difference between the four Data Frames: three projected and one unprojected.

The three projected differ from the one unprojected in that the three projected give a way to see the relation with other countries and tries to account for the Earth’s shape, while the unprojected[ES18]just places it flat on a map.[ES19]


Question 7: Choose one layout out of four layouts to make your final map. Putyour final map including text, legend, north arrow, scale bar, etc. on your lab report.


[ES2]Please include email at the top of the page with name!


[ES4]Administrator privileges were not given to ricciuti. (-0.5)

[ES5]Of what drive? H:\ (-1)


[ES7]But what ARE features? Features may be better understood as representations of real-world objects. (-1)

[ES8]It’s also important to note that you can only view one frame in data view, but you can view multiple frames in layout view. (-1)

[ES9]Please do not use the term to define the term!

[ES10]Transformations allow the user to convert from one coordinate system to another. (-1)

[ES11]Please do NOT use the term to define the term!

[ES12]Import allows the user to bring in coordinate system information from another data set.

[ES13]Using the term to define the term does not explain these buttons’ functions!

[ES14]Begin or create. (-0.5)

[ES15]Once again, using the term to define the term shows no comprehension of what these buttons perform in ArcMap. (-2)

[ES16]This is because it’s a conic projection.

[ES17]Right, this projection is not appropriate for viewing the entire world, but is for viewing one particular country; because it is an equivalent area map, it only maintains the correct land area, not the shape.

[ES18]Which frame is unprojected? (-0.5)

[ES19]Need a description of each of the four frames specifically. (-4)


Thanks for including the print screen, even though it wasn’t requested.

[ES21]This is not an exported map. (-3)

[ES22]Need to include date and data source. (-1)

[ES23]Need to remove other data frames and enlarge the current data frame to fit the page before adding cartographic elements. (-1)