Grant Agreement number: 325172
Project acronym: ENGAGED
Project title: Community building on active and healthy ageing
Funding scheme: Thematic Network (TN)
Call identifier: CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6
Challenge: 3 – ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance
Objective: CIP-ICT-PSP.2012.3.7: Community building on active and healthy ageing
Project website address:
Mapping matrix
Due date of deliverable: [31/07/2013]
Actual submission date: […/…/2013]
Start date of project: 01/02/2013Duration: 24 months
Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: KENTCO (KENT Region)
Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013)Dissemination Level
PU / Public / X
PP / Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Service)
RE / Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Service)
CO / Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Service)
Identified networks, regions, projects, experts / Topics mutual learning
Innovative procurement / User involvement / Interoperability / Evidence on impact of independent living, integrated care / Evidence on impact preventive solutions / Business strategy
Network consortium members (Quick scan WP2) / AGE platform Europe
ZN (Health care insurance companies NL)
Procurement guide eHealth testing group Informal care Region Noord-Brabant / AGE platform Europe
Region Noord-Brabant
Region Zealand / REAAL
AGE platform Europe
Region Zealand
NICTIZ/ NOVAY study smart care platforms: Region Noord-Brabant (NL)
Technology institute Finland / ServicioAndaluz de Salud
Region Zealand / InstitutoGerontológicoMatia (ES)
Region of Southern Denmark
OFFIS (Germany)
South Karelia
Social and Health Care District (Finland)
Tunstall (UK) / Swisscom Participations Ltd (UK)
University of St. Gallen (UK)
ROI business models Smart care platforms Noord-Brabant (NL)
Digital marketplace AHA / Finland: City of Oulou
France: Région Pays de la Loire: Centre D’Expertise National des Technolo- gies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Autonomie (CENTICH)
Action groups AHA / C2
B3 / C2
B3 / C2
B3 / C2 / A2 / C2
Reference sites AHA (for detailed description of the cites please follow the hyperlink) / Noord-Brabant / Scotland
Ireland: Collaboration on Ageing (COLLAGE)
Italy: Regione Liguria
Italy: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia IstitutoRegionaleRittmeyer per iCiechi
Spain: Basque Country
The Netherlands: Province of South Holland: Medical Delta
The Netherlands:
Northern Netherlands Provinces Alliance (SamenwerkingsverbandNoord-Nederland)
UK: The Ageing Well in Wales Programme
UK: Yorkshire and the Humber Digital Health Community / Spain: Departamento de Salud Valencia-La Fe
Sweden: Region Skåne
UK: Liverpool: Mersey Care NHS Trust on behalf of More Independent (Mi) partnership / Scotland, HS24, Acting on behalf of the Scottish Government / NHSScotland
France: The Lower-Rhine Council
Germany: Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
RegionePiemonte: ARess(Regional Agency for Healthcare services)
Spain: TicSalut/InnohealthHubCatalunya
Spain: Galicia
Spain: Region de Madrid-Consejeria de Sanidad-Hospital Universitario de Getafe
Spain: Departamento de Salud Valencia-La Fe
Sweden: Region Skåne
The Netherlands: Nijmegen: Health Valley
The Netherlands:
Region Twente: Municipality of Enschede
UK: Yorkshire and the Humber Digital Health Community
UK: Liverpool: Mersey Care NHS Trust on behalf of More Independent (Mi) partnership
UK: Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland / Czech Republic: University Hospital Olomouc (with its unit Czech National eHealthCenter - NTMC)
Ireland: Collaboration on Ageing (COLLAGE)
Italy: Regione Campania Health Care Authority
Italy: Regione Emilia Romagna: Agenzia Sanitaria e SocialeRegionaledell’Emilia-Romagna (ASSR)
Portugal: University of Coimbra (Ageing@Coimbra, consortium)
Spain: TicSalut/InnohealthHubCatalunya
Northern Netherlands Provinces Alliance (SamenwerkingsverbandNoord-Nederland) / Région Ile de France: Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP)
Thematic networks (CIP) (please find the description of networks by following the hyperlink) / AGEINGWELL, AALIANCE2, ACCOMPANY, BRAID, CARER+, COMMONWELL, COMPANIABLE, DOREMI, DALI, DREAMING, FLORENCE, GIRAFF+, INDEPENDENT, SRS, UCEFIL,WISEL
S3 regions and ROK projects (Smart specialisation) / The REEADI-FOR-HEALTH project / S3 knowledge platform
INTERREG projects / CASA
Innovage / CASA
T-Cares / CASA / CASA
eHealth network AER / AER Contribution
“Draft Recommendation on Ehealth Interoperability”
ESA / ESA experts Lessons learned system
EU projects / Silver project
The MasterMind Consortium / Renewing Health Project
Innovate Dementia
The CareWell-primary care program / Universaal
epSOS project
The MasterMind Consortium / Smart Care project
DREAMING project
United4Health project consortium
LongLastingMemories (LLM)
SOCIABLE project
Clear project
JADE project
The CareWell-primary care program / The MasterMind Consortium
Please indicate in colour the type of partner
Active ones
Interested stakeholders
Missing stakeholders