2017-18 Year End Checklist for Practices
Camden CCG Enhanced Services
Universal Offer
End of Life Care & Homelessness – Mandatory attendance at the Camden Education Event on 15/03/18. Please register here.
Planned Care – Some searches have a rolling 12-month achievement date, run searches with a relative run date of 01/04/18 to view ‘true’ current achievement – please liaise with your neighbourhood QIST Leads around Neighbourhood clinical outcome targets & achievements.
Planned Care – Submit ABPM readings for Q4, email to by 10/04/18 so Q4 payment can reach the practice by 10/05/18.
End of Life Care – Complete ADA WorkbookAction Plan, email to y 10/04/18.
Childhood Imms – Vaccine fridge temperature logs & vaccine errors, email to by 10/04/18.
Asthma Case Finding – CompleteAsthma Care Finding template, email to by 10/04/18.
Manually complete the following surveys on Citizen Space:
Asthma for Children & Young People – Review meeting & actions summary
High-Risk Drug Monitoring (Methotrexate) – Annual Quality Monitoring
IUCD/IUS – Annual Quality Monitoring
Homelessness – Action Plan
Post-Operative Wound Care – Audit Workbook – Number of coded activities recorded in the past 6 months (Q3 & Q4).
The deadline for submitting these is the 10/04/18*
*The survey links will be emailed to each practice by our Primary Care Team & will be open for submission from 01/03/18– with the exception of the Homelessness Action Plan Survey which will open on 15/03/18 following the Education Event).
Medicines Management (MMT)
Manually complete & submit the following surveys as part of Camden’s Prescribing Quality Scheme (PQS) 2017/18 on Citizen Space by 30/04/18 (click here to access or email for the links):
Medicines Reconciliation
Polypharmacy and Multimorbidity
Risk Reduction Review
High dose inhaled corticosteroids in Asthma
Public Health Enhanced Services
NHS Health Checks – please refer to Appendix 2 of the service specification for practice-level targets.
Practice target met for the number of health check invites.
Practice target met for the number of health check completed.
Smoking Cessation
Run & extract Q4data reports, submit by 18/05/18, email .
Core GP Contract
For all patients diagnosed as living with severe frailty:
Deliver a clinical review providing an annual medication review.
Discuss whether the patient has fallen in the last 12 months (where clinically appropriate) & provide any other clinically relevant interventions.
Seek explicit informed patient consent to activate the enriched Summary Care Record (SCR), if the patient does not already have an enriched SCR.
NHS England Directed Enhanced Services
Learning Disabilities
Complete LD annual health checks – £140 paid per health check.
Actively follow-up with LD register patients – please refer to the EMIS Library searches (Enhanced Services 17-18 -> Learning Disabilities 17/18).
Minor Surgery
Manually submit quarterly Minor Surgery DES Claim Form – please contact your Local Area Team at NHS England for submission deadline confirmation.
Extended Access
Manually submit bi-annual Extended Access Survey by 30/03/18.
Check & ‘declare’ automated CQRS submissions.
Manual CQRS submissions – please refer to the GP Collections Timetable 17-18 for a list of the vaccinations that require manual data entry & submission -> to manually submit data within CQRS, click the ‘Data Submissions’ tab.
Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF)
Check your practice’s 2017/18 QOF performance on your clinical system & if necessary, take actions to improve before submitting i.e. add patient notes to appts, check coding – each QOF point is worth £171.20.
Make sure your practice has agreed to participate in QOF 2017/18 on CQRS.
Make sure your practice has agreed to participate in QOF 2018/19 on CQRS.
Manually enter the following indicators for QOFon CQRS – ‘Data Submission’ tab -> ‘Record Achievement’:
PC002 – Regular (at least 3 monthly) multidisciplinary case review meetings where all patients on the palliative care register are discussed
SMOK003 – Support patients who smoke in stopping smoking by a strategy which includes providing literature and offering appropriate therapy.
CS001 – Protocol that is in line with national guidance agreed with the NHS CB for the management of cervical screening, which includes staff training, management of patient call/recall, exception reporting the regular monitoring of inadequate sample rates.
CS004 – Audit of inadequate cervical screening tests or smears in relation to individual sample takers at least every 2 years.
Check your achievement information on CQRS review this against your clinical system QOF information with a 31/03/18 achievement date.
Once you’re satisfied your achievement is correct, declare your achievement on CQRS for approval & payment.
Keep your clinical system audit reports from the final QOF submission – this helps with any future verification reconciliation.
Information Governance (IG)
Complete NHS Digital IG Toolkit to Level 2 or higher by 31/03/18.
Other Contractual Requirements
Please be aware of the automated CQRS data collections that your practice has agreed to within CQRS, these are documented within the GP Collections Timetable 17-18)
CQRS Mandatory Data Collections – ensure you opt in & agree to the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) 2017-18 & GP Appointments Data Collection in Support of Winter Pressures data collections -> log in to CQRS click the ‘Participation Management’ tab.
Friends & Family Test – manual entry within CQRS -> click the ‘Participation Management’ tab.
Workforce Minimum Data Set (WMDS) – ensure your quarterly WMDS is being automatically extracted through thePrimary Care Web Tool (PCWT) -> click ‘Medical’ -> ‘Workforce Census User’.
Named GP – ensure all new patients are being routinely allocated a named GP within 21 days of registration.
Alcohol Related Risk Reduction – ensure all newly registered patients aged 16 or over are asked about their drinking habits through the AUDIT-C/AUDIT questionnaire offered interventions as appropriate.
Registration of Overseas Visitors – ensure the practice is providing the revised GMS1 form to all new patients registering with them.
PPG – ensure that you have got records of your PPG meetings, with details of any suggestions made evidence that you have acted on these.
Publication of earnings – update details of GP earnings on your website to reflect earnings for 2016/2017.
Good Practice
Information Governance (IG)
Practice compliance with the 10 new data security standards in the National Data Guardian Security Review (NDGSR).
Follow the 12 steps organisations should take to prepare for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in preparation of the 25/05/18 GDPR application date – please refer to the following ICO document.
National Projects – Patient Online, Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS), e-Referral (e-RS), GP2GP
Ensure you are achieving the practice-level aspiration targets for each project – please refer to Annex 1 of NHS England’s 2017/18 General Medical Services Digital guidance for detailed practice guidance & requirements for each.