Mother’s Day 14 – 1 Thess 2:7-8
-First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers! For many, Mother’s Day is a time of
reflection and reminiscing.
-example of the Honda Shop – unimpressive bldg. now; much smaller than it used to seem
-radio playing – Where I first grew fond of Rhinestone Cowboy – still a favorite of mine, not
necessarily because of the song itself but because where that song takes me
when I hear it – a specific spot in the Honda shop; sights, smells, sounds
-I believe it may have been on that radio that I was first introduced to Paul Harvey.
-Paul Harvey’s excerpt – “Mothers: Important Tasks Await Your Babies”
-This reminds us of the important role of motherhood and the importance of setting kids
on a right course early. That early beginning can be so beneficial in the long road of life!
-1 Thessalonians 2 – Context
-At the risk of being redundant, I want to turn your attention to 1 Thessalonians 2.
-Sunday a.m. class – Plug for Bible class program – Jeremiah study, Wed & Tues studies,
kids classes.
-It certainly seems appropriate for me to appeal to you on Mother’s Day to get your kids
(and yourselves) into the Bible class program.
-While Paul undoubtedly had those who thought highly of him and appreciated his efforts, he
also had his critics. [He also had his persecutors (v 2).]
- So, here, Paul defends his ministry amongst the Thessalonians.
-Paul reminds them he had come to them with the truth and pure motives (vv 4-6).
-v 6b – “though we could have made demands as apostles”
-Paul could have approached others from an authoritative vantage point.
-He could have “laid down the law.” Yes, he was firm with truth and bold in its defense.
-Yet, Paul chose to be gentle.
-v 7 – When illustrating that gentle approach, he chose “a nursing mother taking care of her
own children.”
-“nursing mother” – trophos – nurse or nourisher (Strong’s); The context, “own children,”
makes it clear Paul is talking about a mother. Also, “the word, epio, ‘gentle’ was commonly
used of the kindness of parents toward children” (Vine’s).
-The Role of a Mother to be Respected and Honored
-Yes, there were times when Paul utilized the role of a father to describe his efforts.
-1 Thess 2:11; 1 Cor 4:14-17 (vv 18-21, Paul’s willingness to be forceful when necessary)
-Yet, when illustrating his gentle approach, he chose a mother nursing her children.
-It amazes me how some say Paul was a male chauvinist and degraded women!
-This comes because he taught the proper roles in the church as designed & dictated by God.
-This passage proves otherwise. In truth, Paul was upholding and valuing the role of
a mother…and we should, too.
-Delevan’s info regarding the various roles of a mom – (Don’t tell his teachers I emailed him the
other day while he was in school to get this from him.) “alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress,
teacher, nurse, referee, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event
planner, hairdresser, personal assistant, ATM & one who scares away the boogie man”
-Kayla’s comments when she was helping with several things: “Mom, I got to thinking
about all you do and realized you do a bunch!”
-I’m afraid that our society – at least a portion of it – is downgrading the multi-faceted roles
involved with being a mother. That’s an absolute shame. They should be held in high honor.
-What an important role!
-Back to 1 Thess 2:7 and Paul’s reference to a nursing mother – In Earl Edwards’ commentary
(1 & 2 Thessalonians, Truth for Today, 56), it says, “He used as tender an image as one could
1 Thess 2:8 –Affectionate Care and Sacrifice
-“So” – Connects with the thoughts (illustration) of v 7.
-Because they were like that nursing mother caring for children, they were: 1. affectionately
desirous of the Thessalonians; 2. ready to share their own selves.
-“affectionately desirous” – Gr. word occurs only here - strong affection, yearning for
-“share…own selves” – “The meaning is not simply ‘we were willing to give (lay down) our
lives for you’ but ‘we were willing to give ourselves to you, to put ourselves at your
disposal, without reservation’” (ibid).
-Strong affection and self-sacrifice for the benefit of others…Doesn’t that fit the role of a
-Conclusion & Invitation
-A statement that I really love when it comes to the topic of mothers (and fathers) is this:
Biology is the least of what makes a mother/father. It’s the type of characteristics we’ve
addressed this morning.
-And, it’s these types of characteristics that we need to have in our lives as Christians –
affectionate care and concern toward the lost and toward our brothers-and-sisters-in-Christ and
an approach of self sacrifice.
-It’s these types of characteristics that we see in the life and death of Jesus.
-So, have you responded to his care for you?